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Everything posted by babyrn

  1. I used 1# EZSOY and 1 ounce of fo just like I normally do, with a fo I've used numerous times and made some votives. It is seeping out big time. Can I remelt and add more wax and repour? How much wax should I add?
  2. Well then I would definately try Bittercreek North. They are in Ashland, Wisconsin. Don't know if that is driving distance for you, but it should still save you on shipping. I order from them all the time and use their EZSOY wax for candles. Their addy is www.bittercreek.com.
  3. Where do you live? I ask this because if you live close to a supplier and can save on shipping in the future when you are totally addicted to candlemaking, I would try there. If not, Bittercreek North has a starter soy container kit. I'm not sure of any other suppliers for soy starters. Good luck!
  4. Math was never my best subject so any help will be appreciated. I'm using 1# wax and 1.5 ounces of fo. I'm wanting to add 3% beeswax, so how many ounces of beeswax would I add?
  5. I'm using 1# of wax. I'm thinking it may just be that I got a bad bottle of dye, it does look like blue in the bottle, but it's way darker than my other bottle of blue dye.
  6. Using IGI 4794 making votives and trying to color them black using liquid dye. No matter how much black I use, it is still blue. Any hints you can recommend?
  7. I haven't tried their oils, but I did get WVS from www.thecandlesource.com and I loved it. It had a great strong throw in EZSOY. I believe the price is the same and their shipping is really cheap.
  8. Don't know if these are anywhere similar but the following places carry a scent called Serenity: A Garden Eastward Taylored Concepts The Fragrance Factory
  9. Taylored Concept's has one called Starbucks. I haven't poured it yet but it smells great oob.
  10. Scented, can I come live with you when my dh boots me out of the house!:smiley2:
  11. I have used several of their scents in the ultra and extreme concentrate and they have worked great. Their regular sos lines seemed a little on the weak side for candles but worked great in bath and body items. The results I got with the sos line could have just been a lighter scent and that is why it didn't throw good for me. I definately think they are worth a try. I still order from them for some of my scents.
  12. I'm getting in on the Peak's coop and have only used a few of their fo's. Could you give me some suggestions on ones I should try?
  13. Why don't you like the one with the spigot? I've been contemplating doing mine and was just wondering.
  14. Ouch! I never noticed that on their website. I wonder if that is what they really meant to say. I use alot of the fo's and I usually have to cut back on alot of their scents. I generally only use 6% with their oils and get a strong throw on most.
  15. Well I don't know if this is what ya'll are talking about, but a few years ago I got this lamp for Christmas that looks like a large pillar, but it has a cavity that you fill with parrafin lamp oil and it has a small wick. You can add a few drops of fo or eo, and it will scent while it is burning. I believe it was purchased at a Hallmark Gift store.
  16. Here is something I find pretty handy when I'm looking for hard to find fragrances. http://www.geocities.com/lwoollen_25/FragranceFinder/index.html I found about 6 places that carried what you are looking for!
  17. I have some organic virgin coconut oil that I bought this summer and I noticed it has turned to a very soft solid and it was liquid when I bought it. It smells good, doesn't smell funky. Is this stuff still good?
  18. I posted on that thread, don't remember when it was though. I have tried refilling these with no luck. I have tried DPG & fo, straight fo, and perfumers alcohol and fo. Could not get a scent throw to last longer than a day or two. So I gave up!!!!!
  19. I use the regular EZsoy for the tarts and it works great. They usually pop right out but if they don't I just give it a little whack on the bottom with a knife and they fall right out!
  20. I'm pretty new to this also but I will give you my 2 cents worth. I use the J223 and love it. It is a one pour wax, my candles are always nice and smooth, and scent throw seems to be good with this one. Very easy to use IMO. I also use EZsoy. I get an awesome cold/hot throw with almost all of my fo's with this one. I would say the throw almost doubles compared to the J223. This is a one pour for me too. The only downfall with this one is that I cannot get a good looking top, which I know this is characteristic of soy. And sometimes after the candle burns, it is so scaaary looking! Looks like a bowl of colored cauliflower. I also let the soy cure for 1 week and the J223 just one day. HTH!
  21. I was just wondering if I could reuse my jars that I use as testers. It seems like such a waste to throw them away, but I didn't know if the glass weakens after each use. Anyone do this?
  22. The recipe for the lamp oil is: 16 ounce bottle of 91% alcohol 1/8-1/2 ounce of fragrance oil (just depends on how strong you want it) Add fo to the alcohol bottle, shake and you are ready to use!
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