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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. Still waiting PATIENTLY:waiting: ,,,,LALALALALALA,,,,, :laugh2: :whistle:
  2. Patiently waiting in Illinois for my sample!!! LALALALA:waiting:
  3. Hello there!!! I use the Pryme Color system by Barnloft candles.com and it is GREAT in Soy. Frosting does not bother me either , When I recieved my order from Barnloft they sent a free package of Frostop to help with frosting. you use 1-2% in natural waxes. you may want to check them out,,It is good stuff...JMO
  4. Hi there Jason!!! How ya been??? Ive been a busy Lass lately,,,Good to see ya!!!!!!!!!:whoohoo:
  5. Hi,,I am waiting on some wick setters from them for pillars and they sent me an email stating he could send the older ones or wait till the new ones get done,,,I opted for the new ones;) ,,,,I love those guys,,they have great customer service and are always trying to help the Chandlers with easier products,,They are wonderful!!!!
  6. This is why I bought 2,,1 to use and 1 for back up:D
  7. I do Pillars also and i get GREAT hot/cold throws!!!! I agree about the hobby shop oils,,I didnt find them very appealing either. I use IGI-4625 wax,,,and get my oils from www.peakcandles.com , www.justscent.com , www.bittercreek.com They have some great Scents!!! JMHO:D
  8. When I did Ebay many years ago,,I bought supplies on there,,like the peanuts, bubble wrap and stuff like that and the boxes I got from USPS,,HTH
  9. I bought one of those once and right in the middle it decided to blow out!!! I had wax everywhere!!! never bought another one,,Be Careful!!!!
  10. Mizbizzyb DONT LEAVE!!! I have to admit,,the first thing i do when I go to CT is look in the classifieds!!!! I am a FO and wax junkie!!! We love ya girl!!!!
  11. WOOHOO congrats, Candlesprite!!!!!!!!!!! they look GREAT!!!!!!!
  12. WOW those look GREAT!!! I love the label!!!! I like the rectangle shape of the container!!!!
  13. I love Just Scent Fo's they are very good!!!! its just about all I use anymore!!! Well except I love Vanilla Passion by Peaks
  14. We have had this discussion before. Before I got my scale I was using 2 tablespoons PP of wax and it DOES measure out the same on my Digital scale. I have bought a shot glass looking thing that has ounces on it,,you will see it at Wal-mart by the pyrex measuring cups (oh and the pyrex makes good pour pots) So if you do not have a scale yet, 2 tablespoons works nicely. Here is the link to the dicussion we had on FO's http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7725&page=2&highlight=measuring+FOs
  15. www.thejarstore.com has the metro jars too.
  16. I use the spigots and I love them,,,I do not keep my wax in my presto pot,,the wax I dont use I put in empty and washed butter containers ONLY if there is a 5 in the triangle on the bottom of the Butter container. NOW if I have a Huge order I will keep the wax there. Never had a problem with clogging as the spigot is Brass and will heat up with the pot!! HTH:D
  17. I use the wide mouth Kerr Jars and the half pint wide mouth Kerrs and I sell those like crazy!!! They are in housewares in the canning section,,you can also go to your grocery stores as they carry them all year round!! HTH:D
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