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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. Try to get more to outside and not Directly on the wick,,,thats what I do,,someone will chime in,,,HTH;)
  2. Wow it looks Great!!!! Perfection!!!!!!!! :highfive:
  3. OMG how beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! it looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!!:highfive:
  4. I have the same one,,,wagner and I love it,,,I use a coffee can to put it in to cool off,,,,I love my heatgun,,,:highfive:
  5. I use Cello bags with metallic ties on them,,,they look great,,HTH
  6. Wow only $10 thats pretty good and ONLINE!!! I need this,,HAHAHA I love packages too,,I orderd from BCN and it came by ups and YEP they went to a different house!!!!!! Good thing I know her,,,her addy starts with 313 like mine only she is a street over!!! anyway wanted to share;)
  7. Angela is right,,,and I use the plastic containers (rectangle ones) to pour my left over wax into,,,,the (Triangle 5 on the bottom) can handle the heat very well,,,
  8. hmmm I must have missed alot here and dont know if I wanna say anything,,Just Kidding!!!!! I am a paraffin addict!!! I WAS going to ask about my liquid dye I bought from BCN,,Hot Pink/Pink and it smells like Cinnamon to me,,,OH MY,,,,my senses must be on the wacky side here. Anyway,,,it doesnt have how much to use so I was HOPING someone could give me an instruct please??? THANKS
  9. Well for me right now,,I have over 80 scents,,,,I want to narrow them down but it seems when I do someone will ask for the ones I took out so I keep pretty many on hand but thats just me,,,
  10. I think she needs ALOT MORE lessons,,,,:rolleyes2
  11. Here is another place to look also http://server.com/WebApps/db-view.cgi?id=71493
  12. hmmm I use this wax,,,I havent had that problem with the 4786,,,,I use 16oz wid mouth canning jars and depending on the FO,,,I use a 51zinc wick,,,,HTH
  13. I keep stocked up in the candly thermometers,,,,everytime I go to wal-mart I buy one,,,,I like em enough but sometimes I forget they are glass,,,LOL:D
  14. I use the dye chips BUT to get a true black I prefer Liquid,,,I have to admit it,,I bought liquid for my pinks and powder dye for my white,,Anyway,,I like both,,,,
  15. Wow that is a very good find,,,I love my spigot on my presto,,,,,
  16. I put mine in polyPROthylene Gussett bags,,dont put them in Polyethylene bags,,it suck the smell right out,,,So this is How I remember,,Pro=good, Ethe=BAD,,,HTH:D
  17. HI Will,,I use the J223 and it does not require additives and I do not believe J50 needs it either,,,HTH Just re-read your post and Trish is right there isnt a combination of these 2 waxes ,,you either have J223 or J50,,,,they are both blends.
  18. Hi Ron and Breanna, (quick off subject note) I have it too...14 years now. My hands hurt so bad right now, I may have to brace them...can't make candles in braces! I also have Chronic Fatigue with it...killer exhaustion. I just wonder why your mom hasn't been given some sort of relief from meds" I find that the Arthritis Tylenol is a wonder-drug. You can also take Advil with it. I'm sorry Bre. I'm sorry to hear whenever anyone is in pain, especially when they have no relief. Let me know if I can help, go private if you want. Fern-Marie Thank you Fern-Marie for sharing this with me,,Sometimes it can be very overwhelming,, I also get the Fatigue with it,,,I dont sleep well either,,,I take Meds and they had to start giving me Darvocet for my extreme pain,,you know when the Tylenol stops working..( I hate to take anything) I always wish it would go away,,but deep in my heart I know that will not happen, but I try to keep going,,I get depression with it,,Anyway,,Thanks so much,,you too Ron for sharing this with me. I will keep you in mind Fern-Marie and in my prayers. If you need anyone Im here,,,God Bless You!!!!!!!!!
  19. ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!! me too!! DH " leave the drill" oh and the "Hammer" :laugh2: ,,,,
  20. Oh my!!! LOL,,,well us Chandlers NEED all our stuff,,,
  21. Here ya go,,,http://www.candletech.com/links/Candle_Making_Supplies/
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