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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. a wick pin is a metal looking rod that you put in to make the hole for your wick instead of fighting getting the wick in straight,,Which I do but I am going to invest in wick pins,,,,,
  2. First Welcome to the Board,,you will need to either get wick pins Or get the metal tabs and put them on yourself,,,if you have raw wick which sounds like you have you need to put into some wax to prime it,,Im sure others will chime in,,,what type of wax do you have? Hope This Helped a little
  3. yep me too,,I like the ball jars,,Congradulations on your find and if you ever want to get rid of a case or 2 let us know,,, :laugh2: :laugh2:
  4. HI,,my very first kit was a pillar,,I ordered it from www.peakcandles.com and they have specific directions,,,I love to do pillars,,,they now have the magnets you can put on the molds,,,HTH WELCOME to your new addiction!!! LOL
  5. HI Maryann,,,I have seen a lot of these @ wal-mart for around 44 cents,,I just recently bought all the Heart Shaped containers for Valentines day, I do not know however online,,but I am sure someone will chime right in,,HTH
  6. I know I keep getting this one email from,,I think its called "Candle Wealth" and I have asked them repeatdly to stop sending them,,,They sell Soy and they knock the paraffin users to death,,I use paraffin!!! Anyway there will always be people making it hard for others,,,
  7. I do not believe you are wrong. If we would store our candles in the freezer its gonna break them,,,I store my candles in a dark cool place But not freezing,, :laugh2: HTH
  8. Hey Bunny,,I went to the grocery store lastnight to buy some canning Jars and I saw a box that said "Genwax" I dont do canning but it says it is for wax on for Jelly's and preserves.. Can we use this wax for candles too if we ahve the additives>> or is it different? TIA,,,
  9. Well for me..I look around and ask for shipping quotes...I just can not give candlemaking up,,it is too important to me,,,I am a stay at home mom and have Fibromyalgia and rhumetoid arthritis,,,And without this Hobby I would go nuts,,,If I were you I would find the closest place for shipping to you. When I sell my Candles, all my money goes right back in for supplies,,,You just need to weigh it out,,Do you love candle making enough to stick with it or not?? I decided that the shipping is NOT going to keep me from what I love,,,Everything is going up. you just need to weigh it out in your mind...I didnt mean to type out a full page report and I do apologize,,,
  10. Ahhh yes I love Pourette,,they make great molds for a great price!!!!!
  11. I am hooked on Peaks FO,,they are good and strong,,some I use 1/2 oz ppw and some I use 1oz ppw,,,Now I look in the classifieds here on this Board and so far I have gotten some really GOOD FOs,,,I have some from Tristate (Lavendar) smells Great,,,You can get big bottles for a small price,,,,try that too,,,HTH:D sorry didnt see Bittercreek,,They have nice strong scents also,,
  12. Wow I love the flowers,,,Very Beautiful hurricane!!! Good JOB!!!!!!!
  13. HI,,,,what is the website addy???? TIA
  14. I was always told 25% container wax to 75% pillar wax,,HTH
  15. If you have Word, or paint shop pro you could make them yourself so they say what you want them too,,HTH:D
  16. I agree with you,,,putting on my thinking cap,, :laugh2:
  17. Thats what my DH put on mine and it has worked for a longtime,,,
  18. Hi Tess,,Just happen to looking @ pourette and they have booties bottles and several others @ good prices http://www.pourette.com/product.asp?Product_id=27660&d_id=6944&l2=6944&l1=6936
  19. Right now I do not do Pallet ordering. I do cases and from what I see the shipping is not to bad,,,,HTH.
  20. It is Beautiful!!! I bet it smells sooooooo good!!! Nice Job!!!!
  21. Hi CraftieJean, I requested Jars from the www.jarstore.com I emailed them and then I was phoned and they asked me which jars I would like to try and the sizes,,,you can pick from 4 styles of Jars,,,,I also went to www.fairwayglass.us and e-mailed Ron,,,They phoned to ask which jars I wanted to sample,,I got a apothocary 10oz and I got a cute little Balmoral Jar 4.5,,,,They will ask if you are residential or commercial,,since I work out of my home it was resident,,I hope this helps,,,,Breanna:D
  22. Hi Robin,,everything looks sooooooo good!!! I am so happy for you on the wholesale account!!! Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I Just received a small 4.5oz balmoral sample jar from Fairway glass and its soo cute!!!
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