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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. HI there,,,Go and get yourself a small can of grounded french roast folgers coffee,,NOT the beans and you can not sniff your coffee either,,I tried that,,,:rolleyes2 I keep a can handy,,works very well,,,or I have heard of "smelling the inside of your elbow":shocked2: I dont know about anyone else but I would not want to do this in front of customers,,although I do smell devine with the Raspberry Vanilla Shea Butter my secret buddy sent me;) Sorry sillyness started in,,,,HTH:highfive:
  2. HI Can not help with the vybar But as for FO, Actually there is a a way to measure,,go to www.candlecauldron.com and they have it all broke down,, 1Oz = 2 Tablespoons per pound of wax,,,,I have been using this method for some time now,,,If you have a heavy scented FO such as Hot Cocoa you would only use 1/2 Oz = 1 Tablespoon of FO. This is a topic that has been ongoing forever it seems and we all have our little different ways that work for us. Now I tested this myself when I looked @ Candle Cauldron because I wanted to be sure,,,And if I think a FO may be to heavy I weigh it,,,HTH MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jason just phoned and samples are on the way!!!!! I cant wait to get them!!!!!!!
  4. Presto pot with spigot: 1. No Hassle @ all 2. I would rather have the manual spigot. What is a electric spigot???
  5. Wow I really like that,,,Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I have the 4 sided 6.5x4.5 pyramid and I use the 24 and the 30 flat Braid wick( not at the same time, one or the other just to clarify) and it worked very good all the way to the end,,,I love it!!! And Peaks are very good about testing their products and can be trusted for their input,,,,HTH,,,
  7. I have the "Encyclopedia of candle making techniques" By sandi Lea copyright 1999 by Running Press Book Publishers 125 South Twenty-second street Philadelphia, pennsylvannia 19103-4399 Hope this helps
  8. I use the 4625 and unfortunatley it is to opaque to use as an over dip,,,you need the straight paraffin. HTH
  9. Hi Tess,,I have used it with the J223 with no fuel smell @ all but it was horrible in the 4786,,,HTH:highfive:
  10. LOL thats the best part of making candles,,Breaking the wax,,,relieves stress,,,,anyway Peaks has a pre-blend pillar MP 145 wax that is good,,,,HTH
  11. My daughter and I went to walgreens today and looked @ them,,,they have a switch on them so the colors can change,,,,I wouldnt give a dollar for one,,,,,JMO
  12. I want to say "Hello" to the newbies I missed,,,,You are all in for a treat on this Board,,,,we have so many people that will help you and be Honest with you too,,,,AND as for TOP and Tucker,,,They are the BEST!!!!
  13. I just got the same thing as Robin did,,,,,
  14. Oh Candle Man you are the best!!!! I have been looking for a signet ring with my clans crest,,Born in Scotland and a MacLachlan!!!!! hey that rymes,,,,LOL Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hi Dixylight,,I want to welcome you to the Board also!!!!
  16. your soap looks awesome!!!!!! Congrat's!!!!
  17. There are 2 waxes I love IGI-4625 or Peaks Pre-Blend Pillar MP145,,,,I can make my pillars, Votives and Tarts all with one wax,,,,I tried using 25% container and 75% pillar but I didnt like the out come so now I just use Pillar wax,,,,HTH
  18. Personally I use a right angle level tool and a cast iron skillet with aluminum foil in it,,,Works very well,,,,,,JMO
  19. I have almost 120 FO scents but will be weeding them out and adding new ones soon,,,What can I say,,I am Addicted to FO, candles and this Board!!!! Now I am going to try my hand with Soap,,,,Oh BOY!!!!!
  20. HI Ben,,,you look like a very creative guy!!!! Welcome to CT and I hope to get to know you!! You will like the people here and there are loads of information too,,,,,Oh and sometimes we can be a wee bit goofy but we are harmless,,,, :laugh2:
  21. I first used the kerr wide mouth canning jars and they wicked really nice,,,
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