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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. I agree with Sharon,,,and if you mess up,,melt it down and try again,,LOL,,,,,When I first started I was a mess,,,but the people here will help if we can,,,Dont worry GO FOR IT!!!
  2. This is a paraffin blend,,,has all the additives in it already ,,,,Not soy,,,,,I like it,,,its a good wax,,,,
  3. WOW,,They have EVERYTHING!!!! and the price is not bad,,,I think I will go for this but I still want to get the wooden molds from www.southernbellesoaps.com Im still getting a book too,,LOL. Thanks Ladies!!!!:highfive:
  4. Hi Sharon,,,,I only put my scent names on my warning label and I dont put it anywhere else...seems to work pretty well,,,,,HTH Bre
  5. Thank you so much,,,I have been wanting to do this for some time now but have been a chicken,,LOL,,I will get some books as you suggest and then dive in head first!!! LOL,,,,,,
  6. WOW I really love those soaps!!!! Very pretty,,,,Good Job!!!!!!!!
  7. and was wondering where I could get a kit,,,I was looking @ www.southernbellesoaps.com I'm looking to try CP,,,,does anyone have another place I could look before I make my decision,,,I'm still going to buy the wood molds from southern Belle,,Any help would be appreciated,,,,I am researching right now But DH wants to buy a kit for me for Christmas,,,,,TIA,,,,
  8. Yep coffee cans are to short,,I bought my dipping vat on ebay,,,,,
  9. Yes I have mixed these together and let them cure for about 3 days,,,,It had an awesome cold/hot throw,,,HTH:)
  10. I do,,I get mine from Peaks with my name address phone # etc,,,But I write my scent name on it myself,,,,
  11. Yep,,Candle Man is right,,this is a good place to get them,,,,,Now me I personally like Gusseted Cello Polyprothelene bags and I Bubble wrap them,,I have never had one sent back damaged (knock on wood),,,
  12. I use the 16 and 26 ounce apothocary Jars,,,,I use the J223,,,I didnt like the J50 to much but it is a good wax, I just like the J223 better,,,,I have tested the new J225 and I LOVE it!!!! adheres to the glass VERY well and I have been testing LX wicks,,,,,,I cant wait till it is for sale,,,,You also get deeper richer colors than you do with the j223,,,,
  13. OMG I love your dolls!!!!!!!! they look so life like!!!! you are very talented!!!!! Oh and I liked your label!!!!
  14. WOW I use to live in Cahokia!!!!!!!!!! 15 minutes to dupo. Its a small world!!!! I just talked to Kris today and I will be picking up my wax. 45 minutes away and just now wanting to add soy to my line!!! What luck!!
  15. This is why I hand dip my tapers,,,takes patience but they look great,,seems like here lately as soon as I make them they are sold,,,,I will try to post a pic soon,,,,,,,,If I can be of some help to you for the hand dipping just send me a pm,,,,,HTH,,,,Oh and like Scrubzz says use Pam,,,or even the generic,,,I use canola spray oil in my other molds
  16. I buy my dye chips on ebay as they are wonderful and I love the Ivory I get with it,,,I also use Liquid,,but its hard to make the right shade of Ivory,,,at least to me it is,,,LOL,,,,Good Luck!!!!
  17. ROFLMBO!!!!!! Top you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. My best selling pillar molds are 3x6.5,,,3x4.5 and the 3x3 sizes,,,,I have larger but they do not sell as well around my area,,,,
  19. I ordered just recently from Pourette and I love their molds and the price is awesome,,,I ordered 2 and some other stuff and shipping was like 5.86 priority mail to Illinois,,I like the quality of their molds and they are very reasonable on their prices www.pourette.com
  20. Hi I use peaks container blend and the J223 and have never had to double wick. I use a 51zinc core or a 60 zinc core,,,either will work,,,
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