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Everything posted by samandkennasmom

  1. Does anyone know if this has went up? I don't remember it being that much but it's been a while since I ordered it! Also, anyone have reviews on her Sugar Milk? TIA!
  2. Thank you all so much! I soooooo appreciate all your knowledge you share!
  3. Hi all! I'm just curious if anyone does this! I love the look of material tied around my candle jars. I bought some small rusty stars and drilled a hole in each one, got some rusty wire to go thru the star and then tie it into the material and wrap around my jars. Does anyone else do this? Any thoughts? Ya like it or not so much? Thanks! Michele
  4. Hi! Are all liquid dyes created equally? I am going to buy some and am placing orders with BCN and NG. Does anyone preference between those places? Any suggesttions would be great! Thanks so much! Michele
  5. Hi All! I just got 48 samples from AH/RE! I am so amazed at how fast I got my order. I live in WI and they are in SC. I had my order on the second day, and early morning delivery. I am only 4 hours from BCN and it takes them longer! Had all my oils in wax by the end of the day! I'll do a review soon! A couple I remember that I am loving is the ones mentioned..Cinnamon & Spruce, I love it kinda reminds me of ICS Sugared Spruce but think I like it even better. Salty Sea Air Is definitely awesome! When I close my eyes this for sure puts me layin on a beach sippin a fruity drink! Red Maple Leaf outta the bottle I couldn't decide but in wax is so good! Screams Fall to me!
  6. Hi! Thanks for helping me out! I called Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joanne Fabrics..nobody has them. I have never heard of ACmoore or CWC, I'll try a google search! I need at least 100 to start out! Thanks again!
  7. Has anyone tried Sage Sweetgrass & Cedar from BCN? Just wondering their thoughts! TIA
  8. Thank you all so much! Is this the best site ever or what! I'd be so very lost without it! I have met some of the nicest people here and am so Blessed! Michele
  9. Hi! Would anyone know where I could buy these wholesale? I would like them to be about an 1 1/4" with a hole. I found some on factory direct but they obviously aren't wholesale. Thanks so much for any help! Michele
  10. Oh...what's the post? I'd like to read it too! Thanks!
  11. Everyone loves the Sugared Spruce! Even I like it and I'm kinda funky when it comes to tree smells! Don't know how you could go wrong on that one! I would send you a qtip of it if you'd like!
  12. Hi! I live in WI so I'm a long way from Fillmore! But it sure was a nice thought! Thanks!
  13. I went through the same agent that I have my house and car insurance with. They offer business insurance! :0) HTH!
  14. Hi! I was just wondering how long you have been making candles? You had just mentioned a few weeks ago that you were new to candle making. It took me quite a while before I started doing fundraisers. Nothing I would of been able to jump into quickly! Make sure you have insurance too!
  15. Oh my gosh, I thought I put this under the wrong thread but looked again and it's right! I think I need to just go back to bed today! Sorry all!
  16. Not wanting to be totally stupid here, but does anyone know where I could look at some pics of the tarts with charms ya all are talking about? Never seen anything like that and the bathing garden etsy placed is closed for a while! Sounds like they would be really cute though! Oh, and I agree big time with ChandlerWicks, TallTayls post and advice is always so awesome and helpful! Thanks much! Ugh! I put this on the wrong thread! Is there a way to repost it where I meant to?
  17. Yep, it has 6 cavities. Just quite a bit bigger than my normal sized ones! They are so nicer than the little ones! I really wish I could buy them somewhere!
  18. I love the look of it too! I would love to use the square mason jars too but the shipping always scare me!
  19. Hi I ordered this oil about a year ago and it was sooo good! Had great hot and cold throw. Nothing at all perfume-y! I was always gonna reorder it but never did though. HTH!
  20. Yep, that is them. Their pics don't do them justice though and I wish you could see the clam shell itself better! They are just the neatest! I want them really bad! Way nicer than my little clams IMO!
  21. I have never tried that Christmas Craving scent! Does it sell well for you? I love that name, Farmhouse Spice! I never like the Country Bumpkin name either and I tried the oil too but was something I just didn't like..I should just sell! The description sounds so yummy!
  22. Wouldn't you of thought that wholesale suppliesplus would of lost just a ton of business by doing that with their shipping? Just the way things are today with our economy, we have to do everything possible to keep our customers..not charge outrageous free shpping prices! I just don't get it! How the heck do they even stay in business? I personally want people to be able to afford to buy my products and enjoy them! I'm happy just being able to make a little. It's not about the money for me anyway, I'm not expecting to get rich! I get way way more satisfaction just knowing that folks love my candles! It just the best feeling! :0) have a great weekend!
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