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Everything posted by samandkennasmom

  1. Hi, I posted this question in two other topics but no one seems to be answering me...I hope everyone isn't mad at me, I really am a good person! Does anyone know if you have to have a different kind of insurance than your candles if you make m&p soap? Any thoughts or help would be sooooooo appreciated! TIA Hugs Michele
  2. Hi again! I was hoping that someone who does b&b would help me out...do you all have separate insurance for candles and your b&b? TIA Hugs, Michele
  3. Hi Does anyone know if you have to have separate insurance if you would like to add m&p soaps? TIA Hugs Michele
  4. Hi, It seems like I read you have to purchase a different type of insurance than our candle insurance..is that correct? I did a search but can not find anything. Thanks so much to all you girls for such a fun and inspiring post and sharing all your recipes! Hugs Michele
  5. Hi, I was wondering about NG...I have so many wonderful oils from there but nobody had mentioned them so I'm glad to know that they have a good one also. TIA Hugs Michele
  6. Wow, it seems like I read somewhere that BCN didn't have a good carrot cake so I never tried it but I only live about 4 hours from there and I do need some other things from there..I will have to add that one to my order! Thanks so much! Hugs Michele
  7. Omg...I read the first post and thought, Oh my did she think I meant a good carrot cake...as in cake? I meant the oil as in good scented oil...can you say duh to me??? Thanks so much for the help, I'm gonna check them you's listed out!! Hugs Michele
  8. Hi, Was just wondering if anyone knew of good carrot cake, I tried several different ones but could not find a good one and it's been a while so I just thought I would ask ya all!! Thanks so much for any help!! Hugs Michele
  9. Thanks bunches! Iwill give those two a try for sure!! Hugs Michele
  10. Hi! Would anyone have an idea of what I could mix with this scent. I got it from NG and it's ok alone but nothing really that great. I thought maybe I could try mixing it with another scent but I'm just not to creative when it comes to that. TIA Hugs! Michele
  11. Wow, thankyou all so much. Them are all awesome ideas that I will check out for sure. I've ordered from NG for quite a while and didn't even know about a childhood section. I know I have the Baby Bee Buttermilk scent now that some one reminded me of that one, and I love the dipped critter idea, would of never thought of that one. Thankyou all so much for the help. It is so appreciated. God Bless!
  12. Hi! I have a friend that would like me to make a baby boy candle gift basket. I am going to buy some baby items to put in it but am at a loss on what candles or room sprays to put in it. The only one I can think of is baby powder. Does anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share? TIA Hugs!!
  13. Hi, Doesn't anyone use any of his oils?? Please just a couple ya like.. Hugs Michele
  14. Hi Was just gonna place an order from here, first time, and was wondering if there were any other really good oils...mostly bakery scents. I did a search but not much came up..thanks for any help. Have a God Blessed Day``` Hugs Michele
  15. Hi, Boy...does this mean no one uses these two scents??? They sounded kinda good to me but wanted other opinions..hhmmmm Hugs Michele
  16. Hi! I was just curious if anyone has tried these 2 scents from here? Was just wanting to know if they were good ht and ct? Any help or opinions would be great. TIA Hugs Michele
  17. Hi, I am finally starting to get back into candle making after losing my Brother and my hero, then 2 weeks later, my best friend in the whole world, my Mom. Sure hasn't been a good year for our family. So I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind helping me out with any must haves from a few places... BCN Natures Garden ICS AH I love Fall but Christmas is my favorite...any thoughts or help would be so welcomed. Thanks again so much Hugs Michele
  18. Hi, You are going to love it here. It is the neatest site. I wish I would of known about it when I started out, it could of saved alot of mistakes that I made. All the people are super awesome and know alot about candles. Welcome aboard!! Hugs Michele
  19. Thanks girls...I'll try and check those ones out!! Hugs Michele
  20. Hi all Wasn't sure where to post this so if I'm in the wrong place, please move me. Was wondering if anyone knew of a good supplier for these. I would like to make up some bath salts and put then in the cotton bags. Any help would be so appreciated. Hope ya all are having a good Sunday. Hugs Michele
  21. Well, I feel better now, I only ordered 22!! Let's see, 22 plus the other 723 oils I have...I should be really proud of myself...how sick!!!! Hugs Michele
  22. Hi Barbara, Wow, those all sound so good. I'm a pumpkin lover too so I'm gonna give them all a try too! I've had so many in and out of my cart that I'm not sure what I'm doin!! I love these sales!!! Just what I need is more oils!! UGH!!! Hugs Michele
  23. Hi, Am I the only one that wants one of every single new scent they have?? They all sound soooo yummy, lots of bakery scents and they are my favorite. I love the fall time and burnin candles!! Anyone else getting in on this sale and if yeah...what scents did ya order? Hugs Michele
  24. Thanks all! Wonder how come I can't find any that is newspaper printed tissue paper? I've seen it before. Please someone help me!! I want some really bad... Hugs Michele
  25. Hi, I did a search but didn't come up with much. I love their butterscotch pudding that I bought off the classies and wanted to order more and wondered if there were any other good ones...tia! Hugs Michele
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