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Everything posted by samandkennasmom

  1. Oh good, I'm with Jess05, I ordered all of them too, hope they are good as I'm a pumpkin freak................ HuGs Michele
  2. Hi, I thought that same thing Sara, if only I could send it to a few of you guys!! Great minds think alike. As far as the name, I kinda thought that but was just goin on what the description said was in, which like you said could be a total bust, she probably don't say every scent it it...think I'm kinda screwed but maybe I'll find something else that's close and save myself the $12 the candles cost...thanks for the thoughts!!! HuGs Michele
  3. Yeah, I just got a new bottle like 2 months ago so maybe I got lucky and didn't get the yucky ones. Some people will smell it and the look on there face is omg, this is so gross, the next guy can't get enough of it...I personally love it, to each there own but as long as someone wants it...i'm all over it!!!! Hugs Michele
  4. Hi I use bcn's campfire with straight soy and get a really good ct and ht....wonder why you didn't...that's kinda wierd. It is a really strong scent and seems like you either love it or hate it!! Hugs Michele
  5. oh shucks...i didn't know to add for the free samples...now i won't get any!!! i ordered 25 that i don't need either but i can't help myself, it's just sick, that's all there is to it!!!! Hugs Michele
  6. Hi, I ordered some samples from AH, gonna try to mix something up using vanilla, butterscotch, and some whipped creams...don't know if it will be anything like the one I love, but it sure is worth a try and how could that turn out yucky?? I'd like to try JS Vanilla buttercream crunch but don't want to order just that one....hhhmmmm Thanks for all the help, you guys are so awesome, I love this site!!!! Hugs Michele
  7. Hi I would like to try this wax, I live in Wisconsin and I don't see that BCN even sells it...does anyone know of good supplier for this wax? TIA Hugs Michele
  8. Has anyone tried this oil from JS? I use straight soy but would like any opinions. TIA HuGs Michele
  9. Not yet, but i'll buy ever pumpkin scent they have <edited> CAN'T WAIT!!!!! HUGS Michele
  10. Hi, I'd love to know too!!! HuGs Michele
  11. The jars are all grubbied up, I have seen any of the 1803 candles for a while now but they were pretty cool too, not as grubby as black crow but still ok.... Hugs Michele
  12. lonestar has the butternut pumpkin...it's pretty good, i tryed it last year...mixed it with something else too and done't member now but that was really good then..... HuGs Michele:yay:
  13. It smells so good that's all i know, i'm gonna check into that JS oil that was sugested....you guys are so awesome!! Maybe I won't be able to get exactly but I could live with close. I know I get a full melt pool really fast, within 30 minutes for sure, maybe even less. I've seen her candles everywhere at alot of stores that's for sure. They are neat looking. I don't think I've ever had a butterscotch, that's a new one for me!!:)Gonna place an order with AR, maybe they have a butterscotch and a cream I can try mixing.... Thanks so much all, your the best!! Hugs Michele:yay:
  14. Boy..how dumb am I not to even look at the site, it was a while ago and I went on there but never even thought to do that now...thanks for the description tho!!!! Her stuff is sure in alot of places!!!!! HUgs Michele
  15. Oh goodie!!!!! It's made by Black Crow, it don't say anywhere on but I know that it is, don't say weight or nothing, just a warning label on the bottom, it's got cinnamon all around the jar, with a piece of cheese cloth around it and the name of it...I see them in lots of stores and I think she has a website...if anyone knows the scent, I'd be forever grateful!!!!!! HuGs Michele
  16. Can I say on here who's candle it is...maybe someone will know..?? HuGs Michele
  17. candle!!! OMG, out of the 700 different oils I have, I don't have the one that I just can't get enough of. I went to a primitive store here in town the other day and bought one...I won't mention the name of the company, but it is called country cupboard, is obviously a mix or named something else. I had to go back yesterday and buy another one. What am I going to do, when I have a ton of oils but not this one. I am just sick, I want to go and buy another one today...ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ever happen to anyone else??? Hugs Michele
  18. Hi, I'm with you funkymonkey!! You took the words right out of my mouth...well, almost!!! HuGs Michele
  19. I love the Pumpkin Apple butter from NG too but I just can't seem to get a good hot throw, really great in tarts tho!!!! HuGs Michele
  20. Hi, I just bought a candle called country cupboard, it was from a store that sells primitive stuff, if I go in, I feel like I need to buy something so thought I'd try this candle. It smells really good and I'm sure it's a mix or she renamed it. Has anyone ever heard of this scent before, I can't place what it smells like but it sure is nice...gonna try out what you wrote Candlebuddy!! HUgs Michele
  21. OMG..I love pumpkin too!! Never ate a piece of pie in my life but I soooo love pumpkin...this is great thread cause I'm always trying to mix stuff together. Thanks so much for the ideas, you's are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUgs Michele
  22. Hi all!! Wow, they have alot of oils that sound realllllly gooooood. Does anyone know if they have a sample pack, I can't find one...alot said that the celtic moonspice was good, but I thought it said it's not for candles, is that right? Only bath & body??? I've narrowed down my list from 25 to 16 so far...And I so so so do not not not need anymore oils. What's a girl to do tho?? HUgs Michele
  23. Hi, I just found this scent, didn't even know I had it but I mixed it with red clover tea and I thought it was awsome! Also tryed it with a vanilla and that was pretty good too...hth Hugs Michele
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