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Everything posted by Tereasa

  1. read this quickly, because this is off topic and will be deleted... What I dislike is the attitude of closed-mindedness, refusal to accept or respect other's hard-earned wisdom, refusal to try to learn instead of teach, rush to sell-ie putting the cart before the horse, demanding to be spoon-fed answers, etc. I view it as a teacher/student r'ship. I would never disrespect my teacher. Because I may have graduated grade school in the candle-making world only means that there are still college-level teachers above me. I don't come here spouting that I know a lot, but I've been doing this a while, and have tested a lot of things. But, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I realize that there are many people here who know a lot more than I know. I respect them, and expect others to do the same. Just as I deserve respect for what I've learned. I call 'bullshit' when I see it, and respect others who call me on mine. What I don't understand is why some think it's alright to say something inappropriate to me simply because they think I've said something inappropriate. You ask me to not respond, you say mean things to me... and justify it... how?
  2. and THIS is why we set ourselves apart as chandlers.... we take the extra time to perfect things...
  3. sugar, you can't get mad at anyone for assuming that you are female. When you say things like 'the hubby and I boughten', what's one to think? Most don't assume that it's two men.
  4. easy, now... people will begin to think that I have two sign in names... and yes, it's a he... for reference, see the 'about us' page
  5. I hate to repeat what someone else has said, but I agree with the amateur look of a dip in a candle. Or too lazy to do a repour. As far as the site, I thought it was a container selling site...
  6. I got my SS two days after ordering. Well, I would have had them if UPS hadn't messed up... again. Next time you want some, let me know, and I'll order us both some and then send it to you.
  7. All I'm going to say is that I wish that the new chandlers would really think about things. I mean, seriously, don't you think that if a corner could be effectively cut that SOMEONE on this board... this board full of people who have decades of experiece... that SOMEONE would be testing only a small amount of wax? The chandlers who make candles for a living, who have thrown their heart, soul and millions of dollars into testing and perfecting their craft all seem to think that testing a small amount of wax isn't the proper way. Yet, when this is pointed out to a new chandler, they get offended because they are told that they are wrong. They get their feathers ruffled because of someone's "tone". Exactly how does one have a "tone" on a message board?
  8. no shortcuts here either... although I will reuse jars for testing only, if it's the same scent and I just want to tweak wax blend or different wicks, etc. I'd never sell a jar that's already been used.
  9. I just have 5. I guess I won't upgrade. What problems are you having?
  10. works fine with mine... so I'm no help, huh?
  11. I'm concerned about the very, very high pH. Reference: http://www.carefair.com/Beauty/Bar_Soap_to_use_or_not_to_use_776.html http://www.1stholistic.com/Beauty/skin/skin_cleaning-the-skin.htm
  12. are you saying intelligence is contagious?? Surely, you jest...
  13. if you want to buy on scent description, go to Daystar.
  14. Oxymoron defined: "I'm new to candlemaking, I'm ready to sell"
  15. soy wax slows down burn time, allows one to push the fact that they have a higher soy in their blend, helps cut down on sooting, can help with wicking (or make it worse), there are many reasons...
  16. questions about soy wax are better suited for the vegetable wax section. There is a very, very, very long thread about adding CO over there.
  17. I'm still resisting them because they won't let me pick up. It's 10 miles! Humph!
  18. finally busted, is how I see it. It's a TOS violation to have more than one account. It was only a matter of time before a mistake was made.
  19. that makes no sense. You do your mothers 'webbing' and sign her name? If you just forget which name you were using, then why wouldn't you sign your OWN name to her screenname?
  20. CandleKat CandleKat is offline Wax Drip Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: West Texas Posts: 24 Default Re: Can Anyone Help? I've heard about using stabilizers, but have never had to. I'll give it a whirl Thank You!! Paige Forget which name you were signed on with?
  21. 1. jakalex~Lisa 2. Marisa 3. Angel 4. Pinecreek 5. Judy, USMC 6. Angel's Sis 7. Andrea 8. Crafty1 9. Tereasa (tentative, work schedule dependent) 10
  22. it's just that.... the testing never ends, that's true. But, I think that the successful chandlers already have gone through the picking-my-wax testing BEFORE they start to sell. What you say contradicts itself. That's all. And, there are some around here that are pretty good at discernment.
  23. I've no idea where they get their stuff, but I reckon they throw millions into R & D. Making terrific candles takes time and money.
  24. All water discount does is change the amount of water in your recipe. You can change the percentage in soap calc. I don't get how you say superfatting has nothing to do with oils, when the last half of your sentence says that it relates to the oils left. BTW: I just made my first batch of soap, but I can repeat the first post as well.
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