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Everything posted by barncat

  1. Everything you can think of is in this thread.... http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4789
  2. If you read my thing in the classroom list up top, truly in order to do wholesale (IMHO) you need to get your costs down, to be able to compete. Out of the items you have listed, I can do the same for $4.77. Don't forget, you don't have your labor included there. I have a freind in the wholsale biz that wholesales hers for $11.00.
  3. I rarely clean my pots! The little residue was that is left is not enough to make a differnce in the next pot as long as it is the same basic color. Any pots with red left can be used for orange, brown, navys, greens, etc. Now if we are making whites, then we take a cream color pot and heat with a gun and wipe clean with rags, and reuse rags until they can stand up. Been doing it this way for years and never a problem.
  4. Here's a cute link I found, maybe there are some name ideas in there for ya: http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/beekeeping.htm
  5. Ky Icy Peppermint is my first choice...super strong! then Makesscents Peppermint Patty
  6. http://www.keystonecandlesupply.com/catalog.php?category=12
  7. It sucked!! There were 2 candle makers behind me, I know one didn't sell a thing, I don't think the other did either. Wooden roses were next to me (handmade my a$$). All in all I sold $275.. All the vendors I talked to were there for the first time...WTH? Oh...and I travel all that way...for someone from my hometown to come and drop $100...hello? Biggest seller was...blueberry...who would have thought?? Well, i won't be doing that show again. you couldnt even read the sign on the road, they kept putting the dates on top of each other and looked about 20 yrs old. But, I just set-up at a co-op place in Lancaster...so hopefully it will go well, their big open house is tomorrow!
  8. It's been about 3 years since I did a spring craft show. I like sticking to fall & Winter. So I got into one last minute coming up this w/e. Decided to take 2 spaces. So now I'm busting my butt to get some spring stuff ready. Did some Cuc Melon, Blackberry, Strawberry, Lemon, Lavender and I cannot think what else to make. I'm not taking any jars, except some FPV. Maybe some nice spring combos...been wanting to experiment a little bit. Hope it goes well, its about 45 min from me, and I hearsd the winter show is REALLy good and hard to get into, so if its that good spring should be good right> Unfirtunately, they are calling for rain. Why couldnt it be like today? 50 and sunny!!!
  9. Some reason, thought about this on the way home. Watch out for soy. If you keep heating it, or let it prolonged at certain temps(not sure what they are), but it can cook it over time. I did this once and noticed my soy got really matte looking and started to turn color
  10. WE have our large melters on 24/7. WE also have a few smaller ones, like prestos and turkey roasters that we turn off and on as needed. I do not like leaving my presto on overnight, but I have left our turkey roasters on for 2 weeks at a time. I would say it depends on what you are using, your electrical setup, ventaliation, etc.
  11. Yes..that's what I need to do, but have no idea how or where. I tell ya, I took 4 classes of typing in h.s and still can't type worth crap!!!!
  12. link tio the website. i cought a banner, but how do I add the web addy? TIA!
  13. My first mission...design a candle to fit in their soap boxes for Pott*ry B*rn ohh...and it's parrafin , not soy...yeah! I hate soy!
  14. Go me! Go me! Last week I sent a little messsage to the guy I did custom work for since I havent heard from him in over a year. I have a ton of his molds here that are taking up space! I got a call today saying he was no longer with the company (yeah, cause he was a PIA) and they want new quotes on my candles and want to work with me. YEAH!!. Could mean a nice jump to my bottom line!!!
  15. The second one folds down to 4' instead of 5'. So much easier to manage.
  16. At least you have stuff worth stealing.....
  17. My last wholesale show I had over $300 (wholesale) stolen from a wrapped pallet. Of course, it was by best selling items and weren;t something I could have shipped to me. That wasn't my biggest, my largest was $2500 worth of product from a competing vendor and the police couldnt do anything (CRAP!) even though she admitted it.
  18. When I first did them I used LX, they just tunneled down and I could not get a decent melt pool and long burning time, I switched to zinc, and they work great.
  19. I use mine every day (probably 20X) to get the freaking wax out of the darn melter. Its cool in here, and it hardens up on me a tthe dispenser. No problenms in the summer, but boy its a PIA doing it all the time.
  20. I offer 4 sizes. One has 6-8 hours, another 20-25 hrs, another 12-15 hrs, and a fourth that burns for over 100hrs. I defeinately think you need ones that last at least 4-6 hours, otherwise they aren't worth it. I sell mainly the 20-25 hr ones, and ahve sold quite a few of the 100hr ones.
  21. I already did my once a month trip.. I hate WM, but its literally the only game in town. I get scared when I go there...thats where the freaky people hang out:shocked2: Wow! You get a vaccuum once a year? After about 10 blow up on me...NO MORE CARPETING!!!! We got hardwood in the house and cement in the shop!!
  22. IMO...in today's market a buck is a buck. Who cares...you are still making $.
  23. This is the second heat gun I killed in a year. I have another, and that's ones on it's last leg. It takes a while to heat up! Why is it the first one outlasted the 2 new ones??? Either way, i was the last to use it..so I'm quilty!!! Course, my coupon for Lowe's expired last week casue I didn't need anything!!!!!
  24. Yes, it just floats to the bottom. Actually, i get water in mine quite often with my equipment. When you pour a tart or pillar and it has water in it...it has a really good effect on the top.
  25. I just got a retail order shipping to the U.K. and I have honestly never shipped a package there(except to a penpal back in school) He ordered 14 Jars, guess he liked them cause he said he bought them at a shop somewhere. It says its around $65 to ship there..does that sound right? Is there another way? it was double that for UPS.. All my other int'l orders go to a broker, so new area here. Thanks!
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