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Everything posted by barncat

  1. New one!!!! Its by best seller! All my customers love it!!
  2. Candle Barn is famous for their tapers. I buy my tapers from them. If you go in, it diesnt have much of a smell to me. I dont think their things are very fragrant, but they do a good business. I go to the tour everytime I go there...in fact going there tomorrow! They are always dipping 95% of the time. I think their store is amazing...such wonderful displays!
  3. These delivery places make me laugh. DHL came with just a plain beat up old van one time. If it wasnt me recosnized the guy i wouldnt have gave it to him. Then there was the time Fedex ran out of gas in pur parking lot! Course I had someone from fedex come pickup in their pickup truck! What ever works to get the packages delivered!!
  4. I got one of those a few months ago at a restaurant auction for $20, i love it!! DH wants another one. WE put a lot of finished goods in the production room on it, then roll it out to the other room to be packed.
  5. Uh...sorry, it already shipped..... I had someone do that to me...already waiting for UPS to p/u, it was a big one, i think $700 or so. I said sorry UPS alrady picked it up, ok, no problem she said. Whew... If it hasnt been packed or charged, then cancelling isnt a problem.
  6. i did one of those...course it was only $15. but even then, I they sent me a proof i had to sign off on. I say don't pay.
  7. I use leftover coffee...no waste and gets it a little bit darker. You can dilute for a lighter color.
  8. Here's a link with some info:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosher and http://www.chabad.org/kids/article_cdo/aid/442623/jewish/Visit-A-Kosher-Candle-Factory.htm maybe saying it handmade with kosher ingredients
  9. It must be the week for it...I got a $1500 bounced check. it was over the 10day waitin period so i used it...apparantly the 10 day doesnt hold true anymore. Then it took 2 days for the letter to get to me....now it was too late and now I bounced a few checks...ouch!
  10. I noticed little"pepper specks" in mine. you cant see them in the dark colors. But I have one jsut for white icing....Nothing gets scraped in there or nothing and it justs comes off. It will sink to the bottom, just have to make sure not to stir it up. every so often I clean it out, but nothing helps. Was wandering if i paint it with the grill paint that would help?
  11. Very cool...wouldlove to know where to get some? Any ideas?
  12. Usually burgundy or a mix of red/black should work. I know on some I add up to 18 drops per lb.
  13. If the show is within a 10min drive, I'm happy with $500. Anything over that I need to have at least a $1000 show, of which the fee needs to be under $75/booth, Any thing over $75 I calcualte different, based on location and quality of buyers. i dont do any churches, fire co, only larger festivals. I only do about 5 shows now, i used to be 25-35 shows a year, but over time I was able to weed out the nuisance shows and do the ones that make me $
  14. heat gun when its cool outside, sit them on top a kerosene heater in a metal basket in the cold winter.
  15. wholesale prices: $4 for bag of 10 $8 for a basket of 20 $33 bulk 100
  16. I picked some up at wegmans tonight, wandering if anyone has any recipes??
  17. I would imagine that you just take some netting from the fabric store, usually in the wedding section, and fold back and forth, then tie a rope aroing really tight, then pouf out.
  18. I have the water soluble paper and i did some designs embeded into the sioap. But I seen ones where they were creamy and on top of the soap and they supposably did not rub off. Is this usung the same concept, but on top?
  19. They are still reselling it, just in a defferent way, think of it like a gift basket, all included. I would give them the wholesale price for sure.
  20. I did that a few years ago, before candlemaking. One thing to invest in is some good long doll making needles. You also need to be aware of naps in fur. This is very important and can effect the outcome of the bear. There are some bear making books out there at local craft stores. Good luck!
  21. I charge wholeslale, pack of 4 $1.50, pack of 12 $4.00
  22. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk says...I smell cotton candy...well it was mulberry,i think, but anyway it got me thinking. She asked me lots of questions and all, yet how do I get her to buy? So I thought....I'm going to make a few 1oz sample jar candles with my name website and phone and give to anyone who mentions that I "smell". Think i'll throw a few in the car, since the weather has cooled and maybe 2-3 in my purse. Cost for these is under .25 so I dont have too much to loose...but a lot to gain! I think this a better business card than anything else!
  23. what about soy tealights? They are easy to clean up with soap and water.
  24. 50-10K that's a broad range of supplies. And most are little bits of stuff here and there. I took inventory a few months ago. And we have 8,000 ft of storage(pretty full) and only had 100k. My guess just by looking at the pics, its probably more like 5K. I'd like to see how much it really does go for! Proabably would be a good deal for 1K.
  25. http://www.keystonecandlesupply.com/catalog.php?item=193&catid=8&ret=catalog.php%3Fcategory%3D8 http://www.nationalartcraft.com/subcategory.asp?gid=1&cid=1&scid=16
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