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Dana Mae

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Everything posted by Dana Mae

  1. Yea Vio I am going through the same thing....!!! I got my box from CS and I've got all I need to get started, I can't wait!!! So I definitely share your excitement and enthusiasm over getting your first box of supplies dana
  2. Thanks everyone for your input. :DI appreciate it! Dana
  3. Hi I'm new to candle tech and have posted a little on the candle making forum. I'm getting ready to order supplies and need some suggestions. I have some ideas, of course, but am interested in hearing your experiences and opinions as well. I'll be using 4627 for my candles. I'm looking basically for clean, fresh scents (cotton, linen and the like). I also like some of the ocean/water type smells. Since I expect to do a lot of testing and mess-ups lol I figure I would get my favorite scents. I'm ordering the bulk of my supplies from CS so any input on their FO is appreciated. I am also open to ordering elsewhere, of course shipping is a concern and I'm in Northwest Florida, panhandle. I also make CP soap so any FO that could work in both would be a double bonus. Thanks for reading and I look forward to learning from you! Dana
  4. I hope everyone is not too tired of my newbie questions yet. I have one more question before I place my order. Ok. From what I have read, I make just one candle to begin, and test it. Correct? I'm ordering from CS, and using their wick guide since I don't know where else to start (and from searching the forum there are as many recommended wicks with my wax as there are types of wicks). So with 4627 and a 2.5-3" container they recommend an ECO2 which is only a 3" wick. Too short. For a 3-3.5" container they recommend an ECO 8. So with the smaller diameter jar should I try an ECO4 or ECO 6 that are in between in size and 6" long? Is my thought process correct? But here is REALLY my question: It seems weird no matter what wick I start with to buy 100 if I don't know if it will work. Is it a better idea to order a few of the wick kits of different brands that have several sizes of each wick? Or stick with one brand and buy a few sizes? Or a few 100ct bags of different brands of wicks? And I'm only ordering one FO so that once I have success with that candle I can move on to other FO or other jars.. Do I have the right idea? Ok, off to look at wicks some more. For the 4627 I've gathered that in addition to the ECO that CS recommends others are using zinc and HTP. Right now the letters and numbers mean nothing to me, lol. I just want to order some supplies so I can start the learning process. OHH!!! I almost forgot. Glue gun, silicone, or sticky things to set the wick? If silicone, I need to know what to buy. I used to have a glue gun somewhere but I'd need to buy another. Sticky things, I heard not all are created equal and I can't remember which were good. Thank you so much Dana:D
  5. yes I tend to ask a LOT of questions......glad you are benefiting as well What is the Madison jar you are going to use? I was hoping to find something about 10-12 oz that isn't too tricky. I've not found a jar yet that size that is less than 3" in diameter.... Thanks Dana
  6. What are some suggestions for an easier but still good wax other than 4627? As far as the smaller diameter jar, say 2.75, is the straight side still the easiest to work with? I appreciate everyone's input here And I am glad no one is open this weekend because I keep changing my order lol!!! Again many thanks Dana
  7. I think that is why I get so confused......everyone has had such different experiences. I'm just going to buy some stuff and see what happens....! Thanks everyone, you all are a great help! dana
  8. Do you think that the 4627 is not the best choice for a first timer? The kit I was going to buy had the 4630 in it. I'm certainly open to suggestions for other waxes (and trying to hide my unexplainable aversion to jelly jars lol)...but will use them for learning purposes if I must thanks so much dana
  9. Makes sense.....I guess I need to just count these as practice and not try to pick out jars and shapes that are too advanced (which I like the most of course!) I appreciate your input Dana
  10. Thanks for the input Top, does the shape of the jar make a difference as well? I will look for something a bit smaller.....and will check back to see what you say about shape, etc. (tall thin, short squatty, straight sides, curved etc.) Thanks! Dana
  11. I'm trying 4627 for my first container candles. The jar I would like to use is 12oz, 3" in diameter and 4.5" in high. Is that too big or ambitious for a first candle? Can I re-use the jars when the candles don't turn out? I've searched the forum on 4627 and of course since everyone's experiences are different I've found just as many different choices for wicks. How do I even know where to start with my first wick? There are so many different brands and types. I don't know what sizes mean what. I've seen some kits too that have various sizes of each brand. I'm totally overwhelmed. I'll be buying from Candle Science because they are closest. They recommend ECO 8 as the first choice, followed by RRD 47, then HTP 83, LX-20, 44-32-18z. I realize I will have to do testing etc. but honestly I don't even know where to start... :embarasse Thanks, Dana
  12. Thanks everyone for responding Yes, Jane, I was going to make a kit to start, but decided to try to make what I wanted as some of the colors/scents included in the kits aren't to my taste. I'm trying to use the kits as a guide though to the supplies I will need. JB that is it, the various wicks/waxes are a bit confusing! It all sounds like great fun though and I am eager to start. As with my CP soaping, I don't expect much from the start but hope for the best Thanks Dana
  13. Is there any must-read books or other recommended reading (other than this forum ) ? Although eager to begin, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the types of wax, wicks, testing, etc. and almost scared to begin! That said, I hope to order my supplies this weekend or Monday. For those who haven't had the boring experience of reading any of my other noob posts, I'm wanting to make container (glass) candles...and am considering 4630 or 4627 wax to start. Thank you in advance for your input and advice. Dana
  14. Redneck Riviera too true......:rolleyes2 I take a bit of pride in NOT being a local... Anyhow after reading so much on the forums here I've about paralyzed myself with doubts and fears and am afraid even to start an order anywhere.... That said, on the flip side, I want to order 6 of everything I see.... I don't think you even have to make your first batch to become addicted... Dana
  15. Since I've decided to buy my supplies instead of a kit, I really like the look of an 8oz jar instead of the metal tins that the kit I was going to buy came with. Is there a reason that tins would be in a kit? Less expensive or easier? I'd really prefer a jar container. Thanks again for the advice, Dana
  16. Oddly enough, the kits from Peak do not give any type of savings (I added up all the components separately)...so I guess I can just order whatever I need from who ever is closest, unless the directions Peak includes are different than on the website or anywhere else I can find. That said, I guess the quality of the FO would be my next biggest factor in deciding where to buy. Thank you all for your continuing help! Dana
  17. The regular container kit comes with IGI 4630. The soy container kit comes with Ecosoya. I can't say I have a preference since I'm just starting... :)I live in FL, in the panhandle area. The shipping from peaks is over 1/2 the cost of the whole kit... So sure, I'm open to suggestions.Thank you for taking the time to reply!Dana
  18. Even though shipping is cost prohibitive I am going to order from Peak as I cannot really find a more local shipper. This will be my first candle making experience...I am interested in containers and pillars but am going to start with container. I have no preference over soy or other wax, they offer a kit of either. If I order both kits there would be duplicate in equipment so that would be a waste. Would either type be easier to attempt for a beginner? Any other tips or recommendations? Thank you Dana
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