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Karen M

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Everything posted by Karen M

  1. I am with the folks that chose KY!!! Its great!!
  2. I have ordered from this place. http://www.candlesbathandpotpourri.com/xcart/home.php?cat=271
  3. Yes keep some all year or change the name. Just add a few seasonals.
  4. Well I will have to sample herbal someday, and see if it is my garden of eden!! LOL
  5. Yep she got me stuck on the summer breeze!! (Thanks Barbara AL) I had the white cloud at one time, it was nice too, I just really prefer the summer breeze.
  6. I have never smelled this one but it sounds like it could be: Rain Forest Garden of Eden Spring Clean Country Breeze Meadow Breeze ???
  7. I don't know about Bounce outdoor fresh, but Ky summer breeze has got to be the freshest nicest scent ever!!
  8. Here is a neat link about color mixing and obtaining certain hues. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/Colormixing.shtml
  9. I had a sample years ago, to me it was spicy, and kind of had a sandalwood note to it. Very different. I liked it, but it was not what I expect for a holiday type scent. JMO
  10. I agree with small white dogs!! Heartfelts rocky mountain pine is the best!!!
  11. Sounds good, some one might want a ham scent in their house
  12. Maybe if you add some cinnamon and call it apple cider. It smells real good, but I don't feel it could be cider on it's own. HTH
  13. IDK but NG has a great Italian Biscotti.
  14. MC berry creme brulee is a kick butt scent, it rocks!!
  15. Thanks for the heads up, I love the honey gingerbread!!
  16. Thanks for the comments. I have a silicone pan I never use for cooking so I thought hey soap making goods!! Of course I would not cut it it the pan, duh!! LOL:cheesy2:
  17. Can you pour M and P soap into a silicone baking pan? Will that work, the when it is hard I can slice bars? TIA Karen
  18. I agree with Barbara, iCS cinnamon bun is my favorite, works great in soy!!
  19. Tennessee's is the one I love too, I cannot compare it to the ones you mentioned but it is close to BCN's.
  20. Very pretty!! cut, cut , cut, cut sniff-sniff
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