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Karen M

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Everything posted by Karen M

  1. MW sugar cookie royale is my fav, use it in paraffin melts, and para soy containers!! But I have used BCS sissie's sugar cookie in the past, and it is very good too!!
  2. Baked Apples from ICS is a very good apple/cinnamon scent, works very well in soy too!
  3. Are you looking for a straight blueberry? If not, ICS blueberry cheesecake is so strong it will knock your socks off!! If you want a sample, let me know!
  4. I just bought a bar of straight patchouli from a local soapmaker, mmmmmmmmmm good!!
  5. I saw that sale, but only wanted one fragrance, and it was low stock, so I couldn't get in on the sale. Fata Morgana, this scent is sooooooooooooooooooooooo good IMO!
  6. Yes hot orange danish is awesome, cinnamon stick was great too!! I have not used a lot from there.
  7. Yay, Babs is soaping!! Looks good to me!!!, How is the scent?
  8. Yes I agree with Carole Other than that I used to get a lot of candle supplies from WSP, now just one oil from there which I have found a replacement fro, cheaper too!! Their oils were expensive!!
  9. I love TSW green irish tweed, it is the best IMO
  10. I have gotten some from ICS and never had a problem with stinky smell, but they did stick together and were hard to get apart!! However I ordered a larger amount from Fillmore Container, and they seem like the same ones as ICS, but they were much cheaper in price and they save me $$$, I like them. They say made in USA http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/Clamshell-Tart-Packaging-Small-6-Cavity-Mold-P5816C25.aspx
  11. thanks, I have the driftwood from CS, its not fresh cut woody enough, but I do like it. I will try the MC cozy cabin first, and go from there. Have to check out SOS fro their novelties to.
  12. I have heard of KY lumberjack at AH/RE, but what other wood scents are out there, I am looking for a wood scent that smells like fresh sawed wood, sawdust type, you know what I mean? Which ones have you tried that remind you of a wood shop?? TIA
  13. LS sleighbells is gumdrops scent, and its great!!
  14. It is a pretty neat candle, but since I make my own I don't feel the need to splurge on a candle, I will however splurge and buy Fiestaware dishes!! That"s my addiction/collection!!
  15. I am having Heartfelt's rocky mountain pine duped , so it may be an option, it is the only true tree scent I ever used, I love it.
  16. LOL, I call mine treats for santa!!
  17. I agree LS sleighbells is an awesome gumdrop scent!!! I have saw some one had a ribbon candly scent, that too would be nice I think! ETA, and yes I use sleighbells in 6006, at Xmas it sells as sleighbells, the rest of the year it is gumdrops!!
  18. Just tested this one in 6006 at 6%, very strong hot throw, smells like a Christmas bakery, so yummy and delicious!! WINNER!!
  19. Thank, I poured another tester today 6006, 6.5 %, will test it in a few days!! Previously had used 6%.
  20. Anyone use this fo, I just tested it, love it OOB, but hot throw seems weak, if you use it what % and what wax?? TIA
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