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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Any comments on my labels for my pillars? I appreciate any comments. http://img313.imageshack.us/img313/4849/group18by.jpg
  2. Likewise on the blue. They all look good but I'm partial to square (being a guy I guess)
  3. Thanks again Satin. She's right girls, follow that post and it works really well. I did make one change however. I used a 3 x 3 inch piece of angle iron as opposed to the 4x4 in the article. It's just that the smaller one fits my sauce pan better and believe me it's plenty heavy enough altho I still hold my hand on the top and just rotate the candle very slowly. I had several candles waiting to be done and did them very quickly. I might also add. "I use an exacto knife to trim the wick off, even cut a little wax to make sure the wick doesn't impede the process. The hole will fill in of course as the wax melts" Good luck, I hope it works as well for you all as it does for me.
  4. I bought me a piece of 3 inch abgle iron 6 inches long and 1/4 inch thick. It cost me $5.00 and worth every penny. I brought that puppy home, filed off the rough spots where they cut it, wire brushed it, then WD40 and finally PAM, cleaned it all up. Stuck it in a pot and in about 30 or 40 seconds the first candle was dead level. I'm one happy camper right now, finally gonna be able to offer some pillars for sale. Wish me luck (I'll need it)
  5. Damn. Every time I see a great candle and sort of make one like it (almost that is) something nicer comes along and now I've got a new method to try. They are really spiffy, now all I gotta do is figure out how ya did it. GREAT CANDLES, KEEP SHARING
  6. Hey Satin, you get first prize. What a fantastic idea you passed along. I'm off tomorrow to find me a piece of angle iron. Only one thing worries me now, I gotta level the damn heavy electric stove (I think) Thanks to all that have responded to my plea.
  7. I'm having a heck of a time to get my pillars standing straight. I've tried heating a cookie sheet, even went and bought a new level to try and get 'em standing tall. Here's one for ya. What's the chances of cutting them on the table saw??????
  8. Man oh Man. All these compliments are makin my head so damn big, I gotta go and by myself a new hat. Waddya say, where can I get me a coon skin hat like Daniel Boone used to where, that would be cool up here in the Canadian wilderness. All Kidding aside, thank you all so much for the kind words. Now if I could only get the blanket candle straight on the bottom I'd be laughin. I've tried to heat and level to no avail. I WONDER IF I COULD CUT THEM ON THE TABLE SAW.
  9. so OK gals, I blew it again. LOONING LOOKING, it boils down to one thing. Them thar candles is dang nice. How's that for Canadian lingo (smile)
  10. THEY ROCK. You and I are so much alike. We gotta try everything. Great choice of colors. Keep it up I love looning at them
  11. I happen to think blondes are pretty spiffy (smile)
  12. Wowzer. Being a guy, I really love dark colors. they look real good to me. Keep 'em comming, I like lookin at all the pix.
  13. thank you all for the ideas and suggestions. I'm gonna try a couple of them. Donita mentioned a levelor she bought. I want to look into that as well. Thanks again
  14. Those are whoo pee do. Great colors super job. Keep 'em comming we love lookin at them
  15. Ditto. I do it a little different. I use the blunt end of my candy thermometer on the deep parts where I can't reach with my fingers and then, as the layers come up, I just jently push down the edges with my fingers. You can see my pix called "holy mackerel"
  16. Just when things seem so good, I realized my molds are not square (I mean level). I pour on an absolutely level surface but every candle comes out of the mold unlevel. In other words they are not flat on the bottom (they lean to one side). I've tried the hot cookie sheet but to no avail. Any Ideas?????
  17. Do you wigle like your candles? Your candles look real fine to me. Good work, I'm just trying the same thing.
  18. these were made with 4625 scented with mullberry. I call them "Autum Splendor. Thanks to Scented for the help.
  19. PAMW and all the rest of you gals. I twisted wick this morning but they're still in the molds. Won't get to burn for a few days. I also dipped them in hot wax before putting them in. If this fails me, then I'll get me some of those thingy's that MARGARITAMOMMA suggested.
  20. Margaritamamma. I've seen those but I really don't think that part is the problem. I really do think twisting will help me out. I dip my wick in wax and then use 2 popsickle sticks clamped together. I then measure with a ruler and damn, they are straight, but, as I said, they sort of go limp a bit after I pour the first layer. Gonna try one today.
  21. Double DAMN. I read about twisting the wick and forgot all about it. I get them tight at the start but they seem to sag after first layer. I'll be a twistin and a pullin from now on. THANK YOU GALS,you've both made my day.
  22. WHOOPEE. I know how you made them. Thanks Julie, they are absolutely gorgeous. From a man's point of view "THEY ROCK".
  23. I.m having so much fun (NOT). It's hard enough to make rustics but then to get them to burn straight is another problem. I know the wicks are perfectly centered. I even use a ruler to measure before I pour. Thing is when they get down to the second layer they burn off centre for some reason ANY IDEAS ANYONE?????
  24. They are EXCELLENT. Being a guy, "I like the dark colors" Keep 'em comming.
  25. WOW, sounds like a plan, I LOVE sex on the beach "only kidding" smile. Great stuff again.
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