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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Hey there SATIN. Another question for ya. Where did ya get those round ball molds. I've been trying with a baloon without much sucsess??
  2. Looks great. Betcha can't do it again (smile)
  3. Hey GLOWLITE, way to go, that's it exactly, thanks for getting me off the hook (smile)
  4. Looks darn good to me. Did you use silk or real flowers? I think I would have perhaps used a little less color so as to see the flowers more clearly.
  5. Very nicely done. I'm also foolin around with 'canes. What size mold are you using for the ones in the pix you are showing? They look really good to me. I'm currently making 'canes with pix of my family on them.
  6. OK I know how and why I screwed up. I'm making 22 oz. pillars (finished weight). I have to melt and measure almost 40 oz. (liquid wax) to have enough liquid wax to fill and repour the mold to achieve the 22 oz.
  7. Sorry I don't have a pic. Just go to a machinr shop, welding shop, something like that. get them to cut (with a saw) a piece of 3 inch by 3 inch by 6 inch long sanglr iron. If it's rusty (dirty) wire brush it clean before you use it. It must be cut perfectly square in order for it to work.
  8. OK. I'm making 12 votives. That's 24 oz. when finished, right? So I weigh out 24 oz. of wax. WRONG. I have to weigh out 30 oz. of wax so I have enough for re pour.HOW COME?????
  9. I have a white dye block. I'm reluctant to use it because I saw some where that too much of it will clog the wick. Any thoughts on this?
  10. You better call yer real estate agent and sell that house it's really leaning badly. And, oh, the candles look great. (just kidding about the house)
  11. Here ya go. Get yourself apiece of angle iron, 3 x 3 x 6 inches long. Take a pot or frypan, put a folded paper towel on the bottom (to soak up wax) put on burner on stove. Hold the angle iron steady and place the candle on the towel against the angle iron (sometimes I rotat it slowly) if your stove is relatively level, you can level a candle in seconds. Good luck, make sure your angle iron is cut square of course. I picked mine up at a welding shop (cost me $5.00)
  12. WOWEE WOWEE. Did I ever get lucky. Now I can have beautiful white candles as well. I searched and searched and finally found the makers of WHITE OUT and they are shipping me a whole gallon in liquid form. All I gotta do is add it to my parafin and I'm off and running with white candles.
  13. Like 'em both but the round one blows me away. EXCELLENT
  14. Look pretty spiffy to me as well. Dumb question, how do ya get them so white?
  15. They all look great but definitely the red is the best. I certainly wouldn't turn my nose up at any of them and they are presented quite nicely.
  16. EXCELLENT would be a good choice of words for those beauties. Tell me Donita, "do you ever make a BAD candle", just curious.......
  17. If ya don't like the way they burn. Send them up here to Canada, after all, "it's Christmas ya know". great stuff, I like 'em.
  18. "the richer you are, the richer you get" as in the Case of DONITA "the better you are, the GREATER you get" Lovely as usual Donita, thanks.
  19. Yeah Canada. Those look GR....E....A...T
  20. MY DIPPING DISASTER. Well, first off, I guess the decal paper I bought must have been ten years old. Instead of soaking for 30 or 45 seconds it took 7 minutes for it to release from the backing. When I dipped, I had runs all over the place, made one hell of a mess out of a good pillar. Tried the heat gun and then really messed it up. About ready to give up......No, I'm gonna keep trying. hell, "it's only wax"
  21. ROTFLMAO. I couldn't have said it any better myself. You are my kind of woman, soft spoken and always happy. I sure hope that particular tip you gave us, never happens to you. If in fact it ever does, just smile and quietly go about you're business (tip #2)
  22. Well, no picture for sure, I made a hellova mess out of my first try. Back to the drawing board I guess. Who said candle makin was easy??????
  23. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. Gonna give it a go today, if ot turns out I'll post, if ya don't see it, whooops.
  24. I'm stuck....I made a picture decal and put it on a pillar (4625 wax) question, do I over dip using the same wax??? Is it a case of in very quickly and out and into water right away??? Sure need some input on this one in the worst way. I'm making Christmas gifts for the family (if it works) One more for ya, when I over dip do I submerse the candle, top and all, or just up to the top????
  25. WOW. Wish I could make some CRAPPY ones like that. Are you kidding, those are excellent. Keep them pix comming I love 'em.
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