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Posts posted by Di_in_AZ

  1. I did a show this weekend as well (two day) and got wiped out. Loads of people and they didn't seem to have a problem pulling out their wallets :) Last year the shows didn't seem to do so good, but if that was any indication, people are definitely ready to spend this year.

    I sold alot of tarts, air fresheners, potpourri as well as candles. Orange Cranberry Spice, Apple Jack, Antahala Vanilla and Olive Blossom went well for me.

    It was actually pouring of rain on the second day and I still had just as much business, they just had their umbrellas (outdoor show). I have three more shows, I hope they go just as well :)

  2. Well I questioned UPS about the surcharge increase and this is their response:

    Thank you for your inquiry. The current fuel surcharge rate for UPS

    Ground, UPS Ground Hundredweight, and UPS Standard to Canada shipments is

    5.25%. UPS will use an index-based surcharge that is adjusted monthly.

    Changes to the surcharge will be effective the first Monday of each month,

    and posted approximately two weeks prior to the effective date. The

    surcharge for UPS Ground, UPS Ground Hundredweight, and UPS Standard to

    Canada shipments is based on the National U.S. Average On-Highway Diesel

    Fuel Prices reported by the U.S. Department of Energy.

    The fuel surcharge rate for all remaining services currently is 16.5%.

    UPS will continue to use an index-based surcharge that is adjusted

    monthly. Changes to the surcharge will be effective the first Monday of

    each month, and posted approximately two weeks prior to the effective

    date. The surcharge for UPS Air Services, UPS 3 Day Select, and UPS

    International will be based on the U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC) prices for

    kerosene-type jet fuel reported by the U.S. Department of Energy for the

    month that is two months prior to the adjustment. For example, the

    surcharge for January 2006 will be based on the November 2005 U.S. Gulf

    Coast (USGC) Jet Fuel Price.


    I, of course, went to the US Department of Energy and pulled up the report to which they refer. It shows a DECLINE in diesel prices. So I have now responded to them with this:

    In your email you clearly state that your surcharges are based on the US

    Average On Highway Diesel Fuel Prices. I checked that very report and it

    shows that there has been a decline in fuel prices; however, your surcharge

    has increased. Can you explain this? According to the Department of

    Energy, in the same report you have claimed to use, diesel prices have been

    in decline since August of this year.

    Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices

    Dollars per gallon, including all taxes

    U.S. 2.713 2.595 2.546 -0.049 -0.598

    East Coast 2.699 2.600 2.567 -0.033 -0.631

    New England 2.832 2.730 2.678 -0.052 -0.334

    Central Atlantic 2.844 2.746 2.694 -0.052 -0.346

    Lower Atlantic 2.625 2.526 2.503 -0.023 -0.780

    Midwest 2.624 2.506 2.467 -0.039 -0.616

    Gulf Coast 2.636 2.526 2.490 -0.036 -0.695

    Rocky Mountain 3.052 2.827 2.679 -0.148 -0.400

    West Coast 3.014 2.892 2.789 -0.103 -0.385

    California 3.002 2.910 2.835 -0.075 -0.427


    I will post their response when I get it. What a crock, I don't see how they are going to explain the increase when that table is what they are basing it one.

    Edit to say the table didn't copy over correctly, the change in prices over the time period is the second to the last column, all negative figures indicating a decline. That was the change over the last week, the last figure is the change over the last year.

  3. This has been mentioned on other boards. It really annoys me that when the gas prices skyrocketed, wax prices went up as well as shipping rates. Now that gas prices have dropped, has anyone seen any of these companies drop their prices? All we got was that they had to raise their prices because of the gasoline so I guess now they are taking everyone for a ride? This is an excerpt off of the UPS site--notice that their fuel surcharge is now going up again--what for?????? This is such a ripoff it is a shame.

    Fuel Surcharge1.gifCurrent Fuel Surcharge Rate:


    Through October 1, 2006: 4.75%

    Effective October 2, 2006: 5.25%

  4. I have never heard of craft shows taking new people before they offer vendors from the previous year a spot.

    The big show I have done for the past two years and this year does exactly that. Every show is juried and they remove any identification from the products before they pick. They like a variety and last year I know that 40 vendors were rejected, 25 who had been repeats in the show. They also take applications in May and let everyone know in mid-June if you have been accepted OR rejected, the show is this month. Every year I have been I have considered myself lucky and don't take it for granted that I will be in next year.

  5. I ditto the thoughts already expressed here but I cannot believe they would wait till this late to notify you that you weren't in. That is outrageous. You need to start making stock around this time and you need to have already ordered supplies to do that show. I would most definitely let her know that. The shows I do we get much more notice than that.

    I am sorry and hope something gets done or you can get in on another show.

  6. Got a two day show next weekend. Finishing up making sachets and candles for that. Also test burning six new scents for later shows--Bay Rum (which is the only one NOT burning good right now), Vanilla Bean Noel, Amish Quilt, Olive Blossom, Southwest Sage, Indonesian Teak, and Antahlah (sp?) Vanilla.

    I only ever sell out of the same two scents (apple jack and orange cranberry spice) at this show every year so this year I am taking less scents, just more of the ones that I sell out of. Not a very adventurous bunch down here on the border!!

  7. The sooting has a lot to do with the FO. If you search under EPA, I posted a study they conducted (or had a company conduct for them)--the fragrance is what contributes to the sooting, and they said that a properly wicked candle, burned under the appropriate conditions, would soot little to none. The amount of toxins released by candles are LESS than one cigarette. You get more toxins from your furnace, which also blows soot.

    We just renovated our house and after six years of living here burning candles, five of which I have been making candles, after we stripped everything, we did not have soot on our walls. I have been known on an occasion to accidentally let a candle burn longer than it should, resulting in soot:D and still--no sooty walls. I think you would have to do that constantly to get a buildup, and never trim your candles.

    I think most of this is a big hype since the discovery of the negative health risks of lead wicks and the introduction of soy. Between the two, people have tried to run down paraffin and it is a shame. It is not the bottom of the barrel as some people claim, it is the same paraffin they use for food grade wax, the same kind that is put on your fruits--and used in a multitude of food applications. Hasn't stopped people from eating :)

  8. Just a thought, I just joined the Chamber of Commerce in my town and I am going to be doing their Annual Expo in a few weeks. As a member and participant in the Expo, I get TV, radio and newspaper exposure; as well as a spot on a commercial they do on Expo vendors they use on our local channels for a couple of months.

    They also have networking meetings and twilight business dinners to meet other business owners and get your product out there. They provide a website tied into the chamber's site and your company is included in the mailer they send out in welcome packets to new members of the community, as well as a local magazine on things to do in our town that is placed at the chamber, in local businesses and in the tourism office. I am going to give it a shot, you may try contacting your chamber.

    If anyone else participates in a chamber, I would love to hear your experiences.

  9. Actually the wax itself can be irritating--read the MSDS sheet for soy wax, this is for Ecosoya Wax (taken from there site http://www.ngiwax.com/ProductInformation/MSDS.php):

    Section 6: Health Hazard Information

    Health Hazards (Acute & Chronic):None known.

    Threshold Limit Value:As liquid or solid: None.

    Oil Mists: 15 mg/m3 total particles.

    Health effects:Excessive inhalation of oil mist may affect the respiratory system. Hot oil mist is classified as a nuisance particle by ACGIH. Sensitive individuals may experience dermatitis after prolonged exposure to the skin.

    Emergency First Aid Procedures:Accidental contact with eyes requires flushing with copious amounts of clean temperate water. Wash skin exposure with soap and warm water. Call a physician if symptoms persist.

    NOTE: Hot melted wax can cause serious burns. Treat burns with normal first aid procedures and call for emergency medical treatment immediately.

  10. I have a problem with chandlers listing soy candles as "natural" in general. Seldom do you see soy candles that are unscented and not colored. The minute you add FO and dyes, you are adding chemicals to the candle. That renders them unnatural.

    This is a HUGE problem to people with breathing ailments. I have had enough people come to my stall who honestly believe they can burn "natural" soy candles when they or someone in their family has asthma or some other breathing ailment. I always tell them to not burn any scented candles and that they have been deceived by someone who believes that it is ok to market their products with untruths in order to get a sale.

    I do not understand why the FDA does not monitor this as it is a health issue; and I don't understand why the FTC doesn't stop this as it is false advertising. Unless you are using EO's--in which case most times you have to add more chemicals to make it blend with the wax.

  11. Paraffin is known to throw better, you have to add more FO (usually 1.5 oz FO to soy; 1 oz FO to paraffin) so you should be able to accomplish a comparable throw with soy.

    If not CORRECTLY wicked, a paraffin candle will soot. A soy candle will also but it will not soot as easily as a paraffin will when incorrectly wicked or put in a draft. Soy produces white soot so it is less noticeable, soot all the same. The soy does burn longer than paraffin.

    The soy/paraffin blend is designed to get the best of both and eliminate the worst of both. They aim to get rid of wet spots (traditional paraffin), stop the frosting and low pour temps (soy), less FO use and better throws, and less sooting.

    I am testing GL right now, but I just started so others could probably post their results regarding what works and what doesn't.

    Edit to say I am testing to switch to a blend; however, I entirely hate the idea of starting from scratch on the wicking with new wax. It is SO much easier when you already know which wick works and which wick doesn't.

  12. Post office just sucks anymore. Seems as though their "go private" to increase the service doesn't work at all, it just increased their prices.

    My post office continually sticks packages in my box that I cannot get out. The back of the box is a fraction larger than the end I open. They always push them in tight (so they don't have to stop at my house to deliver) and then when I call that the box is stuck, they say they will just get it on the route the next day. They did it again last week with a priority package and I told them that it was priority and in response I got, "well that doesn't mean it is guaranteed".

    I honestly hate their service and do what I can to avoid them. I have been through this with them six times and each time even though I have been told they have given the carrier a letter, they say they didn't know it was happening, so obviously they aren't doing anything.

  13. I have never heard of "holding" a space with no money. Just tell them quite simply that the money is what "holds" the space. No money, no space. That is not rude, that is just a good business practice and respectable business people will understand and respect that. Ask them if they give away their products to people and let them pay later--will probably put them in the right frame of mind. :grin2:

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