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Everything posted by Anna

  1. I would bet Blend 2 is J50,I have never used J300. Anna
  2. I used Cucumber Cantaloupe,McApple.I know lard is animal,and palm is a plant LOL.I bet you thought you dumba$$.I really don't know what I was trying to ask.I have read that if you don't have palm,you can use lard.I like using lard,But down the road I don't know what people would think about animal fat in their soap.what does most people preferr(SP?)? Anna
  3. turning a yuck brown color.When I first take it out of the mold it is a pretty cream color,then it turns a dark tan color.Is it because I use lard?The soap I have made using veg shorting stays white. Is palm and lard the same? Thanks,Anna
  4. I would love for someone to test my candles,and have some feed back on them. Anna
  5. They moved to Kilgore.I bought a few FO from them when they were in Shreveport.Their Gran's Scratch Cake is good,I haven't been able to find it any where else.Firehouse where are you from in Louisiana? Anna
  6. LOL,Marisa. I have become so addicted to soap making.I have been using the common oils,and lard from the local store,so I wanted to branch out and use some of the better oils,but wanted to make sure how to use them. Thanks everyone! Anna
  7. you how new I am,I ordered pko flakes,sweet almond oil,avocada oil,and don't know what the hell to do with it. I believe the pko flakes can be used same as coconut oil.Can I use these other oils instead of olive oil?I know what you are saying right now,what a dummie. Anna
  8. Thank You Kerry.I'm sure you can tell I'm new at this. Anna
  9. I bought some coconut oil from the co-op that Carmen was hosting.Was wondering if anyone knows what kind of coconut oil this is.I was using the soapcalc,and it has three differant coconut oils. Thanks,Anna
  10. I have been using J50 for over a year now,and still love this wax.It has changed,but still works good for me. Anna
  11. They are beautiful.Maybe one day mine will look that good. Anna
  12. I walk in a friend house and she was burning one of my candles,the jar was solid black.I was in total shock, that jar and scent,and wicks had been thoroughly tested.I ask her do you ever trim the wick?Hell can't people see the soot coming out the top of the jar? Anna
  13. Sometimes I think the 44-32 burns hotter than the 51-32.There has been discussions on the old board about this. Anna
  14. I have two of them,and love them.I put thrity lbs in each one.The first time I remelted the wax I didn't know to poke holes in the wax,and wax shot out all over the place.Also poke you holes before the wax gets to hot on bottom,it will shoot out on you(ask me how I know). Anna
  15. Thanks guys,I think I like covering and let it sit over night the best.I am new at this,so I got to read more about the water discounts. Anna
  16. I thought I would try the cpop,they say it doesn't have to cure as long. Anna
  17. if your soap went thru a gell stage?I made a batch of cpop Saturday,after the two hrs with the oven on 180 degrees,I had to leave home until the next day.In the two hours with the oven on, it had not gone thru the gell stage.The next day when I return home,I took it out of the oven,and unmolded it,it felt kinda rubbery,and dry looking on top.This was my frist cpop.Also when the oven was on the soap look like it had yeast in it.It rose up under the saran wrap.Sorry this is so long,I can't explain anything very good. Thanks,Anna
  18. Thanks everyone for your answers.I don't what I would have done without this board.Since I found this board a Year ago,there has been very few days I haven't spent time reading this board,very informative. Anna
  19. I need some help,if the recipe said 18.48 ozs of coconut oil,or any oil,wouldn't it be 1 lb 2.48 ozs?The soapcalc said 1.155,I know this is a dumb question,but how much is that?I'm total confused.Hope I didn't confused you. Thanks,Anna
  20. This may be crazy but I don't wash mine.I just wipe with a paper towel,and use again,with no problem. Anna
  21. Did you just get this case of J50?I have always use J50,and the last three cases of it is differant than any I have ever used.I called my supplier,and they said it is differant.I get no wet spots.It looks differant. Anna
  22. Like a cigarette,UGH.My dh was home today,and he sits in his chair and watches TV,and smokes.I walk in from work,and the smell hit me.I started lighting candles every where. Anna
  23. Prime pressed Golden Cocoa butter,I want to order some cocoa butter from the co-op,and this is the only one left.Would this be a good cocoa butter to use in cp soap? Thanks,Anna
  24. I use the glue dots behind pictures on the wall,to keep them straight.Glue dots sucks when it comes to wicking jars. Anna
  25. Thanks guys,It did absorb back in.I took it out of the mold and it turned out very pretty.I would take a picture if I had a camera,and I wouldn't know how to post it if I had one. It is scented with Peaks honeysuckle,and it did good.The scent stayed true . Anna
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