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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Anna


    I got this fo from Wix-n-Wax,what is this fo supposed to smell like?I can't figure it out.It almost smells like a man's cologne. Thanks
  2. Thanks blazerina,I think for now I will be using the base,I never thought about it that way.
  3. Thank you so much Lindsey,I have been reading on alot of differant sites about making lotion,and the preservatives,how dangerous it can be.I work in food service,and I know how dangerous food can be if not handled right.If I decide to do this,I would test a long time before I would even give it away.You saying it is a science,I believe that! Anna
  4. I hope this is posted in the right place.I have been using a lotion base to make my own personal lotion.I only add fo to it.When I wear it I get so many comments on what perfume I have on.I just say it lotion that I make.To say that is so decieving to me,I feel like I am lying.I would like to make lotion from scatch,but I don't know where to begin.I don't know why I am scare to try this.I jumped right into candlemaking,and soap.As far as cost which one is more feasible,the base or from scatch.I read Snowdrift's site,but you would have to be a scientist to understand all there is to know. Does anyone have a simple reciepe,or some good advise,or should I just do it.:embarasse Thanks
  5. Sorry I haven't got back to the question,had to leave for work this morning.Every wick I have tried seems to be to big because it flickers,and the candle has a melt pool within an hour with every wick I have tried.I double wick my apoth jars.
  6. I pour a candle in a 16 oz apoth jar,with my own mix for Bird of Paradise scent.J50 wax,8% per lb.I have tried every size wick from 44-24z to 51z,and lx wicks.every wick I try flicker,there's a melt pool within a hour.I need help please.I have never had this to happen with every wick I try.I put chunks in the jar,with a overpour,same wax for both. Thanks
  7. I used the wax for wickless,and it has awesome throw.Thanks,everyone.
  8. I poured four wickless candles tonight for a teacher at school.I made a mistake,and added too much fo(3 1/2 ozs too much).I notice the wax when stirring was clouded,so I refigured the fo,and it was to much.Will these be allright to put on a burner? Thanks
  9. swamp_deb,never thought about that,Thanks.Now I got to search,and find out how to make confetti soap.
  10. Yesterday I made a 5 lb batch of soap,unmolded it today,and it has way to much color.I want to rebatch it,but I thinking I need to add something to it to soften the color.Can I add more oils,or do I need to use some soap that I have to it?I will never be able to use it the way it is.I wish I knew how to post a picture,if you could see it you would say "Holy Sh!$.LOL
  11. Bunny what kind of scales do you use?I just bought scales from Old Will Knots,don't know if I am happy with them. Anna
  12. Is there a way to check scales to see if they are wieghing right?I read one time about wieghing quarters.Today I got my new scales from Old Will Knots,and I don't think they are right.Thanks
  13. You guys stop it.My bank account not that big. The Raspberry Tomato Leaf looked very interesting.
  14. Thank's Guy's,your the best!
  15. creativecandles, you gave me to many choices (just joking). I think I will order from from kentucky,I hate to order just one fo ,any more good ones from there?
  16. I am sorry to start another thread about apple pie fo.I have tested peak's warm apple pie,JS hot apple pie,and cannot get a hot throw from either one. How does Kentucky candle supply apple pie compare to these?Sometimes I think it's my nose,but I can smell other fo's.I am burning Kumquat right now,and it's almost running me out of the house.I use J50 wax.Please help! Anna
  17. I preheat my pour pots when I transfer my wax from the turknsurf to the pour pot.If I didn't it would cool the wax down to much to mix the fo.
  18. I was visiting my GD the other night,and she had just put out a well known candle(They are known for the bird of paradise).It had a huge mushroom.I guess they are acceptable.I hate mushrooms,but I get them sometimes.
  19. I believe I will continue to make my candles the same way,my customers hasn't complained.Thanks for the replys.
  20. My candles does smell good,just thought maybe they would smell better.I always read on here that if you didn't add the fo at a hotter temp the fo wouldn't mix with the wax.
  21. I have been making container candles for three years,and have been doing it the same way,such as melting my wax to a certain temp(190),adding the fo at a certain temp(190),pouring at certain temp(150).Tonite I was reading on Nature Garden site,and they are saying not to add your Fo until you are ready to pour,which they recomend to pour at 150.They said if you add at to hot of temp,you Fo evaporates. I would like some feedback as to when you guys add the Fo? Thanks
  22. Starville's-Butterrum,It scented my whole house.Peak's-Home For the Holiday,I love this Fo.
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