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  • Makes
    bath & body
  • Location
    Nashville, TN
  • Occupation
    skin care formulator
  • About You
    I love music, dancing, gardening, reading, writing, yoga, ballet, traveling, family and friends
  • Likes / Dislikes
    bath and body products; I use natural and organic ingredients; I don't make soap (hardly use it either)

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  1. I'd have to disagree. You can get rid of the grains. You might have to reheat it, but you can get rid of them.
  2. Irena, I don't know why, but my first thought was "sexy". Very nice.
  3. Of those choices, # 3 stands out the best. I do agree that your name needs to be either larger or bolder.
  4. I heat then quickly cool in the freezer for about 15 minutes, then whip, chill, then whip, chill then whip.
  5. I echo the quality of Tammy's vanilla beans. Her coops are excellent! I infused my beans in jojoba oils for about 4 weeks. Lovely scented oil.
  6. I don't use soy in anything, including food consumption. (That's just a personal preference because most soy is not on the GRAS list -- it's a non-food unless fermented.) I'm sure it would be okay to use soy lecithin in your recipe though, since 3% is the max used in any formulation. Sorry, I can't give you my formula for the eye cream, but you can make one up by starting with the basics of how some body butters are made (no wax) and make your adjustments to get the consistency you desire. Select non-clogging butters and oils with anti-aging properties. If you decide to try it, I'd be happy to give you some tips if you run into trouble or have questions.
  7. Yes, but it may get grainy. Also, some folks are allergic to the latex in shea.
  8. It's tricky, but you can do it. It does offer a nice feel to the product. I don't use soy in anything. I'd recommend sunflower lecithin. You could just make an anhydrous moisturizer with butters and oils. I make a light eye cream without water or wax and it's one of my better formulations.
  9. I could be wrong, but doesn't olive ewax have hydrogenated oils in it?I use lecithin as my emulsifier.
  10. lol -- I told Samantha the same thing on the dish. And there are EOs that can be added for the warming effect.
  11. You're most welcome. I just hope the balm works for your DD. I also think you'll find the soap nuts to really help.Be sure and check out the link I PM'd you, too!
  12. Does your microwave have a power/heat control? When I've used glass in the micro, I always set it on a low power and do it for short bursts. No problem breaking glass.
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