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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. Thanks, I did not use any water or witch hazel since after i added the melted shea butter oil and FO it felt like wet sand to me.

    It was a small batch, so it only made 4 bombs :smiley2: Did not want to make too large of a batch just for it to "bomb" out on me.

    I will cut down on the oil and see if that makes a difference. I'll try another batch tomorrow.

    Is there anything that I can do with this batch or is it trash?

  2. I made my first batch of bombs last night. They smell great and look great. Look smooth like all the other bombs that I have seen before. I can't wait to test them out!!!

    Have a question about the results though. They are staying in a nice shape so far, but I tried making balls and the 2 halves just wouldn't stay together. Stuck good while I put them in the mold, but after letting them sit for about an hour and then tried to demold them they broke at the "seam". Does that mean that I did not have it quite moist enough?


  3. Just wondering what some of your opinions are on selling tarts wholesale? I have stuck with retail for now, but would like to expand customer base. Should I just wait and let it expand naturally or try to jump into wholesale? I lean away from wholesale. I've been thinking of ways to get the tarts out to a new customer base. Been to a few craft fairs, not thinking that will be my route. Maybe 1 or 2 select local fairs.

    My question is, is it worth it? The $$ on tarts is so minimal, but wholesale is volume. Does anyone sell tarts wholesale that wants to share? You can pm to keep it private if you like.

    I pour a 1 oz tart, and by my calculations, I belive they cost me around 33 cents each. I buy my wax in 50 lbs boxes, but I still buy FO in small 8-16oz bottles because I just don't have that much volume yet. I sell my tarts for .90 to the public for retail. I would suspect .66 to resellers for wholesale would be about right, if they would even buy it. It sounds high to me, for wholesale.

    We have a few local shops that I think would be interested in my tarts, if they do not have to be 'loyal' by contract with other tart suppliers. Other local tarts of equal size sell at the shops for 1.25.

    I have not read all the posts, so maybe this is mentioned already.

    If I am understanding you correctly, you sell packages of 1 tart.

    Could you revamp your packaging so more you have multiple tarts in a package for wholesale? I would think (don't really know since I'm still in tart testing stage) that packaging in multiples would save you time on wrapping and may be more appealing to a prospective wholesale account.

  4. Thanks for all of the helpful information. I baught my last 2 things needed today and I am going to try my first batch tonight when the hubby gets home!!! I'm really excited.

    Just some last few questions (I hope :smiley2:). I use glycerin dispursed dyes from TBK for my soap, will that work for bombs too or should I get a more liquidy die?

    I have seen some recipies that use food coloring for their bombs. Is that even safe for bombs that you plan to sell someday?

    Thanks everybody!!!

  5. As far as I know, citric should be fine as long as its kept dry and in a sealed container. If it looks chunky it might not be good anymore.

    I use cocoa butter, you could use shea for sure. I've made some with shea and its very nice! I prefer the cocoa butter because I think it makes a more solid, hard bomb but thats just my personal taste :)

    Personally, I dont use any water in my recipe.. just oils. So my advice is to make up a batch (of your dry mix), add in your fragrance first... then add in your melted shea butter, and then whatever other oils you choose to use.. I use apricot kernel. I cant give exact amounts, but you'll learn to get a feel for your mix and you will figure out how much of each you need and how much is too much/too little.

    To make 24-26, 2.5oz bombs I use about 2oz cocoa butter and 2oz apricot kernel, if that helps.

    Thank you

    My citric acid is still a nice texture (looks exactly the same as when I baught it) so it sounds like that is still ok.

    Your estimations are helpful. I have the recipie written down from the class given a couple of months ago and I also plan on doing a search looking for other recipies as well.

    I thought of another question. How long should you let it cure before testing?

  6. Ok... now that my soap recipe is how I want it (however, now that pa posted her recepie that sounds just yummy... I may start working on that one too) I am going to try bath bombs.

    I purchased some citric acid in March 2009. I use it to make my own dishwasher soap, but I have enough to try a batch of bombs. Is this too old for the bombs or is it still ok. Does citric acid go bad?

    Also, I want to add shea butter to my bombs. I have seen on etsy people who have shea butter listed in their bomb ingrediants. What would be the best way to add this? Is there a good amount to start with? (sorry if this is posted somewhere already, I was supposed to be walking out the door to get to my in-laws about 10 mins ago so couldn't finish my searching)

    Thanks in advance everybody.

  7. For scents I use mostly Peak, but I think that is because they were the first place I started getting my supplies from.

    Now that I have found this board and learning about other suppliers, I use:

    Candles & Supplies


    I have tried candlescience for 1 scent since it came free with an order of sample wicks I purchased. I liked the scent, but don't know if I will continue ordering it since it is only 1. Trying to keep my FO's list down :laugh2:

  8. I use Microsoft Money. I have the business and home edition, but I don't know a whole lot about the business part of it. I got it when I worked for a direct sales company and used it to keep track of my income from shows. Have not played around with it much now that I am doing my own business. So I don't know if it can do what you want it to, but it may be another option to look into.

    What I use on it, I find very simple and easy.

  9. I finally found a soap "formula" that I absolutely love. However, when I make soaps with vanilla stabilizer, they get all icky and slimy. I've tried making soaps so the vs and fo amounts would still be the same amount as if I use fo alone and I've tried lowering the amounts of fo and vs so its less than I use with fo alone. Same results.

    I don't think it is my stabilizer because if i use a basic recipe.. just base, fo and stabilizer, it is fine.

    I'm thinking about just going with the flow on the scents that need stabilizer and see what I get. Does anybody else do that and what type of feedback do you get from customers?

    Sorry if this has been posted before. I did a search and the only thing I found was people using them.

  10. I know you commented on the feedback, but I would still like to make a comment as well. I really like your labels. Simple and elegant.

    -The color matching the fragrance is a great idea. I would keep that.

    -I would be weary of putting the candle price on the label. Main reason is that if you decide to change your prices for some reason, you would have to go though and relabel them. That would seem like a pain in the butt to me.

    -on the first label where you have the hand poured... phrase. Part of me says take that off and put it on a business card, but part of me is saying to keep it on. So I keep going back and forth on that and not much help on that.

    - i liked the off center look the the home fragrance part of the name. I thought it flowed very nicely together.

    Overall, great label.

  11. Maybe i'm just confused, but wouldn't a testing service be a second opinion on how your candle burns? I would think they they would want it tested before they get it and they would give you feed back on how it burns. :confused:

    I wouldn't give a candle to anybody to test until I personally have tested it and satisfied with the results.

  12. As promised, here is my first tarts. The top crystallized really well (i think), but the bottom did not. I think it is because I forgot to heat my mold. I don't really care for the shape, so I am going to find a different mold. I also think they may be too big at 2 oz. What is a good size for a tart?

    Another quick question. The bottom of the tart looks cracked like it could break apart (but I can't get it to break apart). Is there a reason for that or is that just the nature of palm wax? I don't remember reading about that while I was doing my research.

    Thanks for looking


  13. As for the rest of your post...I have been in business for 10 years now and I have seen a lot of new candle makers come and go...so let's see how long you last...

    I plan on staying even if it takes me 10 years to get my first marketable candle. I am having too much fun to give up on it. People like you (being in business for so long) gives me hope that i will suceed someday.

  14. I made my first tart a few weeks ago. (I promise to post pics soon). I am still looking for an electric tart warmer to test them out. I found some at Bittercreek that I like, but don't want to buy 1 without having other stuff to order. I like to have a bulk of things to order when I have to pay for shipping.

    I was just wondering since I have one of those candle warmer plates and tins if I can start testing scent throw with that and then when I get my tart warmer test to see how they come out of the warmer, or do the 2 things totally melt differently and I would be wasting time and wax doing that?

    Also, do you know where I can find an electric tart warmer without paying shipping. I have looked at all the hobby stores and stores that sell home products in my area and I cannot find them. I am losing hope on finding one.:sad2:

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.

  15. I have been experimenting and have many greasy oily ones sitting in a container with a recipe post-it with it. (hoping that maybe once I figure out the good formula, I can save those batches)

    The ones I made Saturday are still sitting on my counter and still not greasy oily yet. All the other ones were greasy oily within 24 hours of being demolded. So I just threw that one in the shower to start testing.

    Just wondering if i'm out of the clear for the greasy oily problem and now just mainly testing for feel, lather and length.

  16. I've been experimenting with olive oil in my soap. I read that a lot of you have experienced sliminess when putting in your soap. Is that something you are experiencing with the finish product or as you are using it in the shower.

    My first batch the bar was oily, so I lowered the amount of OO. Now the bar feels great dry and while I tested it just washing my hands. I'm feeling optimistic and the shower testing, but just wondering about your results.

    Thanks in advance

  17. I'm looking at the Aloe Melt & Pour base from Peak. Thought that may be something that could sell in the summertime around my area. Has anybody tried it? Does it take FO well?

    I'm thinking about putting a sample in my cart with my next peak order, but would like some feedback before doing so.

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