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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. Thanks so much for both of your suggestions. I will give them a try and see how it goes.

    I agree that tealights are a pain. I only poured 4 to test and I already hate them. Why did I agree to make them for my friend :laugh2: Oh well.. maybe i will get these things perfected someday and they will sell and least make it worth it.

  2. I am not sure of the ml per lb thing.

    I typically use 1 tsp per lb. I do have some FO's that I use a little more and some FO that I use a little less. I also have it with my clear base that majority of my FO's I have to use less than the 1 tsp per lb.

    When I test a new FO, I typically start with 1 tsp per lb and than adjust from there.

    Hope that helps and have fun.

  3. My husband and I finally came up with an agreement on when I can work on my business!!! For the last 2 months, all I have been able to do is sit and do research on the forum. I have all these notes and supplies to test stuff, but have not had the chance to pour and test. I did not even have time to keep making the things I already had tested and good.

    So getting discouraged my husband and I sat down a few weeks ago and we came up with a "Work Schedule" I have 15 hours a week (Monday-Friday) that i get to concentrate on my business and not worry about house stuff!!! Not a whole lot, but at least it is a start.


  4. I am looking at making some pillar candles for my church for the advent season. They just do not burn them long enough to get a nice even burn and they waste a lot of money buying new candles over and over. I've been brainstorming the idea of making a pillar and putting a tealight or votive cup flush with the top so they can just buy votives or tealights instead.

    I have been doing a search here for a few weeks and just cannot find anything. Do/Did any of you ever make anything like that? If so, any hits or suggestions on how to do this?


  5. Thanks both of you. I will test this feather palm that I wanted to try for tarts and if I like it. I will get some container palm and start making and testing tealights.

    Now I just need to decide if I want to continue testing soy as well and offer that too, or just "discontinue" that idea all together. Hate to throw away all that testing I have done with it already though.

  6. A friend of mine wants me to make tarts and tealights for her. So after much research and reading I decided that I want to try making my tarts with Feather Palm Wax. Just got my wax last week and plan on starting testing them this week, however, I'm trying to decide what to make the tealights out of. I have been testing soy for a while, but been making them dye free and I would like my tealights and tarts to match in color.

    Would it work to make tealights out of feather palm or should I get a container palm for the tealights? I'm not sure I want to start playing with color with my soy wax again since I wasn't caring for it the last time I was using color.

  7. Too bad you didn’t get in on the swap...They had a bath bomb swap. That is a perfect way to try new things and ideas. The bath Fizzies are a personal preference. If you like more fizz, Oils or suds. And of course what scent is pleasing to your palette. You will know it’s good when you sigh in the bath... Ö¿Ö

    I saw that swap too, but at the time, bomb R&D was near the bottom of the list. With your tutoral, I decided to move it to my next item. Maybe another swap will come up soon, or maybe I would be able to host one myself. I would have to look to see what the requirements are or if I would be able to handle it without participtating in one before hand.

  8. I would like to de-clutter my workspace. Get rid of supplies that I no longer use. Look at the classifieds for some good deals :)

    De-clutter my workspace.. that is a good one. Add that one to my list too:yay:

    Best of luck to everyone on keeping your resolutions. One week into the year and I'm doing good so far. Only 51 more to go.

  9. What are your New Year Business Resolutions? For example, thngs you want to do better, or things you would like to add to your business.

    For me: I want my paperwork to get more organized. I felt really scattered in my paperwork last year. I also hope to get some new stuff tested and added to my line.

  10. I had to google what Bubble Bars are... Feel a little sheepish there:embarasse.. Now that I know what they are, they are REALLY cool and just got added to my testing agenda. That list keeps getting longer and longer and longer and longer. I may have to sell my house and buy a bigger one just to make room for all the products that I want to make. :laugh2:

    Great job on them, they look really cool

  11. Do you ever buy other peoples hand made items to see how they feel/look and stuff like that. I am thinking about making the bath bombs with the tutoral that is coming up, but have never used a bath bomb in my life. So, I wouldn't know the first clue on if it was a good one or not. So, I was thinking about buying some and give them a try.

    If you do, do you buy them from Artfire and etsy? How do you determine if it is going to be a good one or not?


  12. I have tried your idea but I always felt like I was going in circles and that testing method didn't work for me. Maybe you will have better luck. I now pour 3 candles. 1 that i think it will be then 1 wick higher and 1 wicked lower and do side by side compairsons. Once I get my wick figured out I do it again with the winning wick to see if i get the same results. I am hoping that once my learning curve is done I don't have to pour 3 testers for each intially. You need to find a way that works for you and do it. People are always going to have different opinions

  13. Wash cloth or no wash cloth (rubbing bar on body)...

    I was talking to a friend of mine and she was asking how my latest test on a goats milk soap was going. Told her that it appears that I have my bar lasting about 3 weeks (based on consumption calculations). She said that soulds really good since that is how long her husbands Dial lasts.

    We got talking about where her husband keeps his bar and stuff like that. The only difference we have found was that her husband uses a washcloth and I don't... So we were trying to figure out what would acutally use a bar of soap faster.

    Has anybody tested out this theory? Should that be something I should be testing for?

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