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Everything posted by rebeccajo99

  1. i was wondering the same thing.
  2. From my failed attempt at the round ones (see my thread on embeds won't let me reattach it)... I made these. I liked how they turned out.
  3. Thanks everybody for your comments. Jane... Right now I only have a white base. I just started a little over a month ago, so I only baught white to start. My next purchase I will be buying the clear as well. This is so much fun...
  4. Those are really nice. I really do think of the moon when I see those. Great job.
  5. I am starting to play around with making soaps that I may want to sell someday. I had an idea in my head... the embeds turned out cute, but the overall project failed.
  6. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26239265&ref=sr_list_9&&ga_search_query=soap&ga_search_type=&ga_page=2&order=price_desc&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title I baught some molds where I want to use different colors in it, simular to what this person did above. Any hints/suggestion on how would be an easy way to do that. I was thinking little squeeze bottles, but didn't know if the soap was thick enough to stay in the bottle when not being squeezed. Thanks in advance
  7. cool... how big are those??? They look huge
  8. Thanks... I want to make soap like that one day and was wondering how they do that. Thanks
  9. those are cool... do you use cookie cutters to make the cut outs?
  10. that made a lot of sense. I tried it this afternoon with opaque base, and I think it is cool. I only did 1 lb so it is flat bars, but the coloring turned out good. I will post pics after I cut and the batteries in my camera are all charged up!!!
  11. Those are very nice. Thanks for the technique. I will give that a try as well.
  12. I'm new as well, but I will chime in a little bit. I went to utube and g.oogle and typed it into a search. There is a bunch of articles and a few videos on how to swirl it and it seems like everybody has thier own technique on it. I am just starting to play around with it, but I am using opaque with one colored and one white. All I can say is... it is hard, but then I only have tried it twice so far. If you master to process, let me know. it seems like you will want to pour cooler to get it good. That is my plan today.
  13. I am just starting to play around adding additives so that could be. This was my recipe 1 lb white base 2 tsp palm stearic 2 T shea butter Was it maybe to much shea butter... that was the only difference between my batch in the morning and this one. My morning one was perfectly fine (which is why I decided to start adding some other stuff) I was going to try it again this afternoon.
  14. I was making a batch of soap yesterday and my friends called. I don't get to hear from them very often since they live in Romania. I was keeping an eye on my soap, but obviously not enough and it got to hot. (hindsight... should have just pulled from the heat until my conversation was finished, but I didn't) It did not set up good... the bottom of the bar is nice and firm, but the top has the gel on top. I ended up not putting a color or fo in this one knowing that it got to hot. Is this one a total loss where I should just toss it, or do you think I could still use this one as chunks someday?
  15. Those are adorable. Would make great mini soaps, embeds and if I ever get around to it Tarts. Thanks for the info:yay:
  16. I can be a smart a.. and say that mine is up by quite a bit... but then again, that won't be fair since I did not sell a thing last year and the only thing that I have been selling this year was some laundry soap to friends. so maybe that doesn't count I'm hoping that next year is a lot better for everybody.
  17. Thanks for the warning. I teach piano a couple days a week and post ads on craigslist when I have openings... I am constantly getting those spam e-mails from that. Good catch on your part.
  18. I understand your frustrations. I am in the testing phase as well. I keep having to push my goal date back. Maybe someone can help you out. Let us know what your trying to wick (jar/pillar size- dimensions), wax you use and how much fo/lb.
  19. Do you use a vanilla stablizer in your melt and pour soaps or do you just have a disclamer that they will turn brown due to the vanilla in the soaps. I'm debating on trying a stabilizer or not?? If you use a stablizer, where do you get yours from? I have been looking at the one on WSP. Thanks in advance
  20. Is it better to use TBS to measure out the FO... I have been weighing out a 1/2 oz? I am hoping to sit down and experiment some more once my stearic gets here (should be today) between that, bw and coconut oil, I hope to get my hard bar by the end of the month. (I have to set deadlines or else I don't get motivated and keep pushing things off) I have an unrealted question to beeswax for you... how long should I let a bar sit before I determine it marketable... (provided i did my testing on lather, scent, color, moisture... all that stuff) I don't know now long I should let it sit to make sure nothing goes wrong with it... kindof like a shelf-life test.- does that make sense:confused:
  21. that is really cool and I just found some tutorials on it. I always see it with CP, can it be done with M&P too?
  22. Just thought I would give you an update on what happened with just base and beeswax. I got a hard bar... not as hard as I would like, but at least t was hard. So now I am really confused... is there a reaction going on between the fo that I am using and the beesewax??? I was going to try a different fo and see what happened.
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