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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I felt the same way at first. I then took all my jars, FO, ideas and put them aside. I then chose 1 jar and 1 FO and worked on that. When I was done, did another FO. I have decided at this time to wait to pull out any new jars/idea until I have at least 10 scents sucessfully wicked in my current jar.

    Don't think you have to have all your scents wicked for that jar before you can do anything with that jar (sell or give away, whatever you choose). Any of the big candle companies that I looked at don't have all thier scents in all thier different types of jars. That has helped me put things in perspective and not get totally overwhelmed.

  2. now that things are actaully starting to fall in place, I actually enjoy testing. I like the candles burning in my house and how nice it makes it smell. I am begining not to take offense the to costant nag of testing since I know it has to be said so any newbie reading will know the importance.

  3. If you choose to cut corners that your choice, but most of the time your product will reflect it

    I don't know about the other posters that have replyed since asking my question. I was just asking to see if there was a way. I start my testing at a certain wick. Then wick up or down accordingly. I'm sure there will be the FO's that you will think by the looks need to be wicked up, but really don't need to be. I am more wondering if there is a way to tell before hand so I can go streight to the next wick up and see if that works first. So far, all my candles that are completed are wicked at the same thing. I poured another one today that needs to be re-tested because it appears that it needs to be wicked down.

    I am not looking for a shortcut on testing... just wondering if there was a way to tell to make an "educated" guess on where to start testing. To me, making an eductated guess on where to start isn't a shortcut since you have not actually started yet.

  4. yeah... your theory makes sense. I have noticed that some are filled more than others. I will test that theory as I'm testing the candles as well. if this theory works, may give me a jump start on those that have to be wicked up :yay:

    I'm not to thrilled about the lilac information. I am making my soy candles dye free and I was hoping that if I can't get this grey to stop with a lower fo amount, then trying a different supplier. Doesn't sound like I will get relief here.:sad2:

  5. Thanks Scented. I will pour a new one at a lower FO amount and test that. Sounds like it is just a lot of trial and error as well. The joys of testing :)

    Thanks for the heads up on the ones that thend to wick up for you. I will keep that in mind when I start pouring/testing those scents.

  6. I have a candle that when I burned it left a brown film that looked like the wick was seeping something. My husband and I was wondering if maybe that this FO is just a heavier oil and that we just need to lower the FO amount. Can you tell if a FO is heavier just by looking or is it trial and error once you get it in the wax.

    The scent we are working with right now is Lilac from Peak.


  7. So would you guess to wick up or down??? One jar had a CD 14 and one a CD 12. The CD 12 danced like crazy and the jar got really hot. The CD 14 did great, but the HT throw was just ok. (12 was much better) However, on a different note. The 14 did not mushroom at all. (That pic didn't turn out so I didn't post it)

    Putting the blue wax and the brown seepage aside, it would appear that 14 would be the wick to go.

  8. I don't have an insite for you, but just letting you know that I LOVE your sig line. I have just been reading up on m&p because i thought about starting that just for myself. Thanks for the post though... very informative.

  9. i would think little soaps and tealights would be sufficiant. I would also maybe have some of your bigger sellers socked in your car that way if somebody does want to make a purchase, you have some on hand. Also, make sure you have some business cards handy.

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