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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I have had major frosting with colors. I now switched to colorless candles and that is better for me, but still see the frosting occasionally. I also pour cooler and that does seem to help. Its a playing game, try something... write down what you did and see what happens. I now mostly get the frosting after I start burning the candle where it shows up in the recooled wax. I just tend to ignore that, but that is just me.

    Like the other poster said, keep giving advanced a try. You may be able to get it to workout and get the throw you want. Don't give up after the first candle. I poured and tested many before deciding that I didn't like the advance.

  2. Let me get this streight... did you start burning your candle 15 hours after you poured it or did you burn it for 15 hours streight the first time? The minimum cure time after pouring a candle for this wax is 48 hours before you light it for the first time. I wait a week before lighting my candles the first time. If it was buring for 15 hours, you burned it too long... you should be burning the candle 1 hour for every inch in diamater. Sounds like to me you jumped the gun a little and don't give up on it just yet. Pour a new one, let it cure and try again. It could just be your scent too. Some scents just are not good in soy all together, others are good in one kind but not another.

    I don't use Ecosoya advanced, but I did test it. Ecosoya Advanced is more used for appearance than HT. I was never impressed with the HT, but that doesn't mean that you will be. Go to Ecosoya's website and you will find a lot of information about suggestions and what to do with thier wax. http://www.ngiwax.com/cb-instructions

    Keep on trucking... candle making at times is very frustering and stressful. HOwever, once you get a good candle, the frusterations are soooo rewarding.

  3. You could put something about the candles in your tag line. quote]

    So if I do something like my name being Amarah Eve and put my tag line something like "Homemade Candles and more" since I don't know what I am all going to add besides candles, I am still working on getting my candles perfected.

  4. I'm trying to think of a business name to do as a DBA since my LLC name already has way to many variations out there. I want to have some subtle thing about my faith in it. So I did some research on some names and was wondering what you thought of this name

    Amarah Eve Candles and Creations

    Amarah Eve Candles and Gifts

    Amarah Eve means Eternal Life. Let me know what you think and/or suggestions


  5. What is something that you have discovered (either by trial and error or on purpose) that made you really excited about.

    Mine was that permanent marker comes off glass with hot soapy water!!! I used to use a dry erase maker or write on a piece of paper what I poured the candle is (scent, FO load, wick, date poured), but paper can be lost and dry erase rubs off if you are not careful. Found that by accident when I graped the permanent one instead of the dry erase one :yay:

  6. different waxes have different recommedations for heating/pouring. The wax I use (ecosoya 135) recommends heating to 175, adding the fo and dye and then cooling to around 125 before pouring. I pour usually around 115 so I can stir everything back up before pouring. I just like the looks of my candles when I pour at 115, but that is different for everybody.

  7. I used to be like that until I read a post from Stella. It made me really think and re-evaluate my candles and how I test them. I now follow her testing standards (modified it a little to fit some things that I am also looking for) and do that. I will copy and paste what she wrote from that post for your referance about the power burn.

    Once the candle passes the careful testing, then I do an abusive powerburn (burn from beginning to end without extinguishing, trimming, recentering the wick, etc.) to be sure the container doesn't heat up too much, the flame stays at a reasonable height, the candle produces little or no soot, or the sustainer base fails to self-extinguish at the height of the base (indicating the glue has failed allowing the wick to continue sucking liquid wax from below the top of the sustainer base opening) or becomes unstuck and wanders. I set the candle on a varnished wood surface to see if it damages it (violating the "place candle on a fire-resistant surface. Never place directly on furniture" rule.) I feel the container and make sure it doesn't burn my hand. Once the candle is completely liquid, I deliberately move it around (as in "never carry a lighted candle or move one with liquid wax") to see if the sustainer base comes loose and allows the wick to wander. In short, the powerburn is the abuse test to reassure me that even in the hands of the village idiot, the candle will perform reasonably safely (although I can't assure that the idiot won't set it under the drapes, where the cat will catch on fire, let their kids throw matches in it and light their hair on fire, etc.). If the container becomes too hot during the powerburn, I retest, wicking down one size. If the wick doesn't self-extinguish, or comes unstuck and wanders, I change the stuff I am using to stick it to the container (I don't worry about this one any more 'cause I learned my lesson and now use high-temp silicon gasket maker to stick on the sustainer bases).

    This is taken from the following post http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79424&highlight=abusive+burn

  8. I know that I shouldn't leave a candle burning unattended and I will have that on my warning lable when I do start selling. I just cannot test that knowing that there are people out there that will burn their candles unattended and while they are sleeping. As a candle maker we are supposed to make our candles safe for even those "stupid" candle burners. No, I'm not going to stick mine under my curtans to make sure my candles don't start them on fire, but I am going to make sure they are safe if they are burned from begginging to end without "blowing them out." Its a risk I'm willing to take to ensure the safty of my consumers. (even those that may accidently forget to blow theirs out before going to bed or leaving the house)

    Just my opinion

  9. When I make my container candles there is some wax left on the bottom of the jar. I just figured this was normal because all the warning lables that I see say to discontinue use when 1/2 inch remains.

    However, when I was reading some information on here and brousing some competitor websites (or will be competitor websites when I get selling) they have their cantainer candles fully consume all the wax so they can reuse the jar for things. (They mention candy dishes or even showed small christmas ornimate bulbs in them).

    What am I doing wrong that I cannot have a fully consuming container candle??? Or better yet, how do you get a container candle like that?

    Thanks in advance

  10. I do keep them burning. When I plan my power burn, I make sure that I don't have to go anywhere. I never really thought about going to sleep. I just do. I have them burning on my stove and make sure there is nothing around it. The only reason that I do that is I know of somebody who does keep hers burning all day and all night. I do make sure that the end is while I'm awake so I can make sure it self exstinguishes.

  11. I'm sorry if this is posted somewhere else. I have been searching for a few days and have not found what I'm all looking for.

    I was wondering what else you can all put in the wax for firestarters. I normally use our christmas tree from the year before, but that is now gone. (husband got rid of it :sad2: )

    I saw posts about saw dust and egg cartons, but I don't have access to saw dust and our egg cartons here are made from styrofoam. I don't want to use those.

    I do plan on selling these, but not for very much (basiclly 25 cents a piece)... so they don't have to be fancy. Anything else that I can use???

  12. I don't use zinc wicks, so I am not sure if you still want to or not. I use CD wicks and according to my supplier, they say they are almost self trimming (whatever that means :shocked2: )

    When I power burn, I trim the wick to where it is supposed to be before I light (I plan on having the wick to 1/4 inch when I sell them so I don't risk not having the customer do that). I light and burn to the very end, never blowing it out, trimming the wick or removing the mushroom. I want to create the worst case customer and make sure my product is still safe.

  13. I am hoping to pour my first round of testers this week to send to some people. It is a 9 oz hex jar (so 7.5 oz of wax). How long do you think is ample time for them to test the jar and give the results back to me? I'm thinking 3 weeks, but I don't want to be too quick to get good results from them or turn them off to testing other scents in the future, but I don't want it to be too long so they forget about it.

    Do you think 3 weeks is fine or should it be longer/shorter?:confused:

    Thanks in advance

  14. Thanks everybody for your help so far.

    Candlelady- That is the reason why that I really like the name Keziah. Shows that we will be treat our daughter with the same equality as our sons. It will fit as a business name beautifully as being a women trying to make it, but like I said, if the Lord ever blesses me with a daughter, it is the name my husband and I have picked out for her. I don't know if I want to use it as a business name as well.

    Tangerine- Thanks for the suggestion to not change up letters in common words. As I think about it more, it would be hard for customers to find it.

    After lots of thinking this weekend, here is a suggestion that I thought of. Let me know what you think or if you can play off from it to come up with something even better.

    "Eternal Lights Candles and Creations"

    Its long, but it I think it can easly be called Eternal Lights and the candles and creations are on there to show what I make. I don't know, just an idea that I am also throwing around.

    Shoot... just did an internet search and there is an "Eternal Lights" that sells candles for cemetaries. :-(

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