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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I have a loose "start selling date" of October 1, 2009, so with that only being about 2 1/2 months away, I need to start thinking about a business name then a logo. I have an LLC already set up, but did not put too much thought into it and variations of the name is way to popular, so I want to put a DBA with it for a name on my candles. I do plan to some day add other items to it besides candles, so I want to keep that option open as well.

    One thing that I would like to put in my name is something subtle about my faith. One of the names that I have been toying with "Keziah's Kreations" but my grandma who I highly look up to as a strong Christian did not even know that name was in the Bible. Plus that is my favorite girl name (which I hope to use someday, but so far only been able to produce boys), so do I really want to use it as a business name?

    So any suggestions on to help me out?

    Thank-you in advance

  2. If I remember correctly, you are making colored candles... so the bright colors may clash with them. So either find a color that would match the candle that you are putting it on, or find a subtle color like that green or tan (may get hidden on the lable). Maybe even a brown.

  3. don't take offense ~ you asked for opinions .... I would steer away from the last 2 because at first glance it looks like pot leaves to me LOL.

    I thought the same thing when I glanced at them as well:laugh2:

    I will have to agree with most people I like 4 and 5 the most.

  4. Thanks everybody

    I agree about the perfect wax thing. I have found one that I like and works for me. No, it isn't the closest to me, but I am willing to deal with it and pay shipping. I'm do not like wasting wax, which is one reason why I asked your testing methods for this. I do use my dud wax for firestarters. I mean, I even melt down and reuse the left over wax on the bottom of my test jars. (Must be the dutch in me:laugh2: )

    So far in my testing the CD 12 has been the best wick to use for my FO's, wax, jar combo, but I don't feel confident enough with that to do what Stella does yet. That sounds like something many years down the road when I start seeing a pattern more.

    Since I messed up and ran out of wicks, I will think about how I want to try my next round of testing to see if that works better for me. If anybody else wants to put in thier imput on what works for them, I would appreciate it.

  5. Thanks Stella and Chuck for your replys.

    Chuck... that is what I was doing, but I sometimes felt like I was going in circles. So I decided to stop that way.

    Stella... The information about the CD 12 starting point was for a jar with a 3 inch diamater (which is the jar that I use). Sorry, should have been a little clearer on that. I really like your idea of having 2 ready for sale if testing goes good, but what do you do with the wax if it doesn't go good? Do you remelt it and pour a different wicked jar?

  6. How do you pour for a new scent? I am thinking I am going about this all wrong and wasting a bunch of wax. My wax website suggests to start testing scents with a CD 12, so I pour a 10, 12 and 14 jar. Is that good or am I over doing it and should pour 1 jar with a 12 and then see where to go from there.

    Also, what do you do if you don't need a full lb of wax? I never know what to do with that.

    Thanks in advance and sorry if this was posted somewhere before.

  7. I am also looking for a good cinnamon. I am using Peaks right now and 1 oz pp in eco soya 135. I am getting a good hot throw, but I feel like it smells chemically instead of like cinnamon. Since it seems like people like peaks, maybe I'm doing something wrong with it. Any suggestions??? My jar is a 9 oz hex jar and not using any dye or additives. CD wicks

    Thanks in advance

  8. I don't make tarts yet, but that is one requirment that I will have with my testing. I think it will be safer for you and your customer if they pop out instead of the customer having to melt the wax and then pour the hot wax out of the holder before they can put in a new one. I think somebody mentioned it earlier, but I will say it again just incase i'm thinking of a different post. Since there is no flame, the wax will not "dissapear" like they do with your candles. So it really depends on what you want and what the customers want.

  9. I wasn't going to chime in, but I decided to. She does not need to disclose that she also does a candle business in addition to this business. So what if she happens to put her products in the box as well, she already said that she is changing the way that the company works and also including bath & body, scrap booking, card making and other items. Just spending time on the website I would see that other candles (the product that I make) could possibly be in there as well.

    The only way that this would be a "conflict of interest" is if she does not pay any associated fees with it.

    Sorry, not seeing what the big deal is...

  10. wahoo... 4.95 is still really cheap for shipping compared to what I have been paying for my jars. That just may be the next jars I try. Does anybody know if those heart and star shaped bowls can be used to container candles as well. I have been brainstorming some ideas that I may want to test.

  11. I was a little messy with the pour. Maybe because I had the plastic wick centering tools on before I poured...maybe I should wait till just after I pour to put these on?? So I have excess wax on the outside of my jar, what is the best way to get this wax off whithout diturbing the candle inside?

    When I have wax on the sides, I take my heat gun and lightly go over it (not enough to melt the wax on the inside of the jar, just soften the outside wax) and take a papertowel and wipe it down.

  12. I am sooooo not patient and it has gotten me in trouble many times in this line of work. I wasted 7 months because of it. This month I am really trying to keep focused on what I am doing. I'm sure the candle won't last the week that I want it too, but at least it will be longer than it will be if it stays on the counter:laugh2:

  13. I use Ecosoya wax and I just googled and found the manufacture website. It gave me a bunch of information about the wax and gave me a minimum cure time of 48 hours before starting the test burns. However, I have found during my time of testing that each fo has thier own cure time and you will just have to play around with that.

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