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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. In one of my other discussion threads somebody mentioned that they use CD 1 or 2's for their tealights. My sample pack did not come with any 1's but it did come with 2's. The wicks are very long like they are for jars and not for tealights. Can I purchase any tabs to retab the wicks after I trim them or do they have to be special ones for CD wicks.

    Also, did I understand the post correctly that these 2's could be used for tealights or does CD's make special 1 and 2's for tealights.

    I am hoping to pour my next round of jars for testing and I don't need a full pound, so i want to pour the rest in tealights.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. I have melted it on a warmer before to change a wick out. Yes, it does not give you a true test but it does help you get wicking narrowed down some.

    One tip I learned on the forum that has helped me out is pouring the first testers as wickless (i've been doing half a jar since you wick for the bottom of the jar). Once it is hardened, poke a hole and cut a portion of a wick (i normally do 3 to 4 inches) and put it in the hole. I use a heat gun to set it in place. It allows for a couple of burn tests for each portion. Once I find one that appears to be good I pour a full jar on do a complete burn test for that wick. If I'm still happy I will pour some more jars and see if I get consistant results.

    I don't know who sugguested doing that, but it has been saving me a lot of time in wondering if a wick will survive to the end of the jar.

  3. I have been looking into the CD wicks, but have not found a supplier that does a sample pack. (maybe you can help). I do like how there is many more options then all the other series that I looked into. Right now with the RRD's 1 will be to weak so I go to the next size and they are too strong. Its almost like they need 1 in the middle.

  4. Thank-you for the reply and for your help.

    I am using the 9 oz hex jars, 1 oz of fo per 16 oz of wax. The one I'm working on right now is Amish Harvest in the dye free. My last burn test I tried the RRD 29 and I got a lot of hang up on the sides, but did not get my ucky grey. I have been contiplating trying the RRD 34 again to confirm my greyish wax or if a wick clipping dropped in there that I missed. Any help would be appreciated though.

    As for my dyed ones. I read a bunch of people say to pour at a slushy state and never figured out what a slushy state is. I've been pouring for a while now and I just started having frosting issues a couple of months ago. I know the things that I changed (besides the weather getting warmer) was that I lowered my fo amount. I was not getting any frosting with the higher amount which seems oposite than what should have happened.

    Thanks again for taking your time to help me with my questions. :yay:

  5. I have not purchased any aroma beads yet (plan too very soon) and saw that Peaks have them. I have not compared prices yet with other suppliers, but they may be a possiblity. (I thought I saw you lived in Utah).

    Good luck

  6. I've been doing some research on coconut oil and USA. Trying to figure out what one to use to help me with my frosting in my ecosoya 135. I just cannot decide which one to use. Coconut oil seems easier as I can just go down to my local store and buy some where I would have to order and wait for the USA to be shipped.

    Everybody that I see using the 135 does not use additives, but they are also using dye free and my dye free gets ucky grey as I'm burning them :angry2: Plus, the smallest wick that I have in RRD's appear to strong for the dye free, so I'm researching a different wick brand for those.

    Any suggestions on which additive I should just break down and buy?

  7. In my spare time between pouring and testing (if that is possible to have spare time) I'm thinking about my display. I am hoping to start reselling again with the Christmas holiday season. Before stopping to retest my stuff, only candles were on my stand, but I'm trying to diversify a little more. If you don't mind sharing, what other things do you have on your stand that is for sale.

    So far I have only come up with selling candle warmers for my wickless, but beyond that I am completly stumped.

    Thank-you for your time.

  8. in a jelly jar with a daisy lid. stick them in the cup holder. then if they melt or ooze nothing gets damaged.

    I like that idea. Do you know about how many oz fit in the 4 oz jelly jar? I'm trying to think of pricing at the same time.

  9. Summer will be upon me soon and I want to start testing aroma beads to see if they will withstand the heat of summer. Am I thinking of everything that I should be testing with them. I was going to put them in a bag and throw them in my car. Some in direct heat/sun, some in "shady" areas and some under my car seat. I was going to see how long the scent lasts and if they melt.

    Also, if anybody has any suggestions on what to put them in for cars I would appreciate it. Organza bags alright or should it be something different.

    Thanks everybody for your help.

  10. I just spent some time on the candlewealth website since i never heard of them before today. that site scares me. The thing I don't get is how they can say immidantly... do they not tell thier customers to test thier products???

    To the new people of this group... please take your time and test your products. Remember that no question is a stupid question. I have asked my stupid ones and have gotten ridiculed about it, but learned a lot from the comments. I even pulled all my products and are retesting them because of this group. (found this group around 6 months after I started making them) I have not restarted selling after finding this forum and retesting my prudoct. I hope to by christmas, but it is just a goal that I have set, don't know yet if it will be kept or not yet. This forum is great and has a butt load of information on it.

  11. Yes, I am testing the scent throw in wickless. I've tested and still testing the container for my first scent with the 8 oz, but I did not know if using the the 2 oz would just let me test new scents with it quicker. I have now gotten 2 different answers and still don't know what to do :sad2:

  12. I have little 2 oz tins that I am trying to wick for samples (either to give away or to sell if people want to try a scent before purchasing a big jar). I'm thinking that those would work for wickless too. I am making the 8 oz ones for wickless, but was wondering if I could expidite the testing process by testing the throw of the 2 oz ones and not the 8 oz ones. I'm just thinking that this will save some time, but don't know if this is possilbe. I know there isn't a way to cut corners on wicked candles, but did not know if you can on wickless.

    Thanks for reading and sorry about the stupid question.

  13. thats information is good to know about the restrictions. I will have to look into that as well.

    I'm trying to firgure out how long to test one before I can put it on the market as well. I know they last 3 to 4 months and do they really need to be tested until they are gone like candles do. It just seems like a long time to test 1 scent before putting on the market.

    Also, is there a way to determin if the reeds are plugged or would you just not smell the scent. I'll probably order my stuff in May since I leave to bring home my son next week.

  14. So if I understand you correctly, I can mix any fo with the reed diffuser base. I have been looking at the bases that Peak and Candle Science has, but have not narrowed it down to which one I want to try or to see what other places supply them.

    I thought my laundry room would be the best place to start testing them because if you can cover up that dirty diaper smell... they have to be good :laugh2:

  15. I want to make an odor eliminator reed diffuser for my laundry room since that is were we keep my son's diapers (I use cloth). Can any FO be used for reed diffusers or do you need to find specialty ones made for reed diffusers.


  16. no kidding. When I started months ago I was thinking, how hard can this be, just put in a wick, wax and fo and your good to go. (I was one of my idiots who thougth that, I'll admit it :laugh2: )Poured 3 candles (all different fo and dye color) and lit them all. Only 1 of the 3 acutally had a correct wick. It took me 6 months, but I finally got 6 candles that I felt good to sell. (i'm hoping there is a learning curve in there and that it won't take me a month for each new scent)

    Now, that I found this group, I have pulled everything and started over. There was just some things that I wasn't testing for in my burn tests that I wish I was. I was hoping to have things ready for a craft show near Mother's day, but now my goal is by the Holiday season (and that still may be pushing it). I may have some wickless stuff ready, but maybe not wicked yet.

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