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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. I have had to double wick this jar and wax combo. I used two HTP 83
  2. hmm, I havent read anything too bad about the accu-soy. I am testing it now and feel it is pretty simular as the C-3. I havent tested all my fragrances with it yet, but as far as appearence goes, its pretty nice.
  3. hmm not sure if anyone measures the temp of the melt pool. For proper wicking, you should measure the depth of the meltpool. something around 1/4 in per hr. not exactuly possitive on that size though.
  4. SWEET! I love when things turn out the way they are suppos to be. I bet that smells great
  5. you may want to take adrive to Em Monte instead of North Hollywood. The Swans candle supply store is located at the ACCU warehouse. They sell ACCU-Soy, cheaper than C-3. I am testing it out now.
  6. i need some but i cant host a co-op. :undecided just FYI, this thread may get deleted. They dont allow co-op fishing to go on. lolol
  7. I am now testing this wax as well. I use HTPs but what I do is twist the wick all the way up, fasten it to the bottom of the container then place a clip on top to hold and prevent from unwinding, then pour. When you burn it, the wick will slowley unwind and create a centered burn pool. I have been heating to 175 and pouring at 125. I notice a slight dip near the wick after it sets up but not sure if that is what you are reffering to as cracking.
  8. dude, me too. For some reason I always want to color it purple. People would always say something about it too.
  9. i cant get a good throw with this one in my Soy Wax. :undecided I use it in my soaping now. makes a salt bar smell yummy.
  10. actually you need to get some Peppermint Eucalyptus FO from Candlescience.
  11. ha ha this is the same question I have been asking latley. I have searched all my local supermarkets and walmart, etc. I was like WTF, no one sells lard anymore? Then again I could think of anyone who still cooks with it, so maybe there is no more demand.
  12. Beach blanket bingo? I just checked ICS description for this FO and it doesnt sound anything like the name. I would call it passionate peach or sonthing regarding a peach blend.
  13. The Swans location in Elmonte CA, is located at the ACCU manufactoring plant. Therefore they are not carring any of the Calwax's, not you can not pick up any CB3. Only from the Washington Swans.
  14. yep I am about to try out the ACCU-SOY10 Is shipping from Washington more expensive if you have it shipped from ElMonte which may include tax?
  15. I actually just ordered a case of ACCU-Soy10 from Swans in CA and the price to have it shipped to my door was $2.41 less than me picking up a case of c-3 from Genwax. I have a re-seller ID so i dont pay tax for my supplies. If you dont have a reseller ID, you may want to order some from the Washington Swans Looks like in order to keep the cost down I will have to use wax that is blended with other vegetable oils rather than just straight soy.
  16. hahah, i feel ya. Also you can look at getting some from Swans, they have a new location in california also. They dont have c-3 but they have other soy waxes, Accu and CB3 http://www.swans-candle-supplies.com/store/index.html
  17. very cute, i love your staging of the soaps.
  18. ouch carebear. I didnt get that impression from her at all. I think she feels confident on teaching CP, yet is looking for a softer recipe in order for it to be easier to rebatch. jolambert: the recipe you posted above looks nice, give it a try
  19. right now it may be easier and cheaper if you start buy a preblended wax. i find that preblended soy/paraffin waxes are cheaper than the straight soys. I am also contemplating on bying a soy/paraffin blend.
  20. the only way to achieve a white bar is by using oils that are almost clear in color. If you are using green or dark yellow oils, it will make the soap off white. If you must use darker oils, keep the usage to 15-20% or less of your entire recipe.
  21. Rice Bran Oil and Olive Oil. I would do something with 15% PKO, 25% RBO, 25% Olive, 15% Plam, 10% Shea Butter and 10% Castor edit: sorry i just saw the above post. Rice Bran oil has simular properties as Olive, however it makes a harder bar. If you are trying for a mild soap, always use Olive as the base, but also add RBO to harden it up and prevent the slime.
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