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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. great swirls there, its so hard to get them in M&P. I really like the roll log.
  2. I think the best place for you to start is by actually using the search button on the top of this message board. There are a lot of threads to read and different opinions regarding best dyes to use and how good EOs work in soy.
  3. Oh I am very happy how Frankinsence & Myrr turned out for you too. :cool2:
  4. If you dont have high Oleic like Carebear suggested, then sub the Safflower with Soybean Oil or Olive.
  5. After hearing evey other distributor has raised their prices, I am sure it wont be long before candlewic raises theirs too. If I were you, I would be driving there right now.
  6. Is it the bayside? Just FYI, this container wil not hold 7oz of weighed wax. It will hold about 5.5 oz. Also it will be tricky because the top of the jar is wider and will require a hotter wick to acheive a full melt pool at the top, but once the candle burns down and is able to heat up the entire jar, the wick may be too hot. This jar will need to allow catch up. meaning you will not be able to acheive a full meltpool until at least three full test burns. But once the candle gets 1/3 the way down, it should catch up and the left over wax on the sides should melt. Be patient, I would use an HTP 104 or 105 with this jar and make sure to test burn the entire container before you pull the wick and go larger.
  7. oh man, how i pray those colors stay true, that is the greatest idea. totally cute
  8. freaken rad. that soap stamp is awesome
  9. Here is a great chance for other soy wax companies to come in and take away some of cargill's business.
  10. Start with an HTP 1212. However, by the looks of her candles, she has them double wicked and probably for a reason.
  11. Either add some c-3 to soften the wax up a bit or try cargills new P-2.
  12. I'd like to start off with this recipe but I want to do it as HP in my crock pot, so can you please advise me....will it be ok to do this? YES You should be fine using this recipe doing HP I can't get hold of PKO & I'm not sure I want to use palm oil at all in my soaps so what can I sub for it? This is my delema as well. I dont have any Rice Bran Oil or PKO and regular Palm is not the same, it doesnt give you the cleansing bubbles as PKO does, so what I am going to to is up the coconut just a bit, now if I do that, it may be a little more drying then the PKO, so here is my new recipe to adjust. This will still have the same Iodine level/Hardness as the original recipe, but be a little more conditioning since I am also subbing Olive for the RBO. Crisco 40% Coconut Oil 25% Castor Oil 7% Olive Oil 20% Shea Butter 8% RUN THIS THROUGH THE LYE CALCULATOR TO FIND YOUR NEW LYE AMOUNT FOR THE NEW RECIPE I don't have GM so I'll use water, if I HP this recipe do I need to add more water to make up for any evaporation in the cooking? NO, just use the same amount of water as you would with milk. I am just going to use water too. I want to scent it with E.O's, are there any to absolutely avoid? I'm thinking of using lavender & petitgrain or patchouli to start off with. I'm not bothered if the e.o causes ash. Those EOs are safe to use. I usually dont use more than 1oz of EO or FO per pound of soaping oils used.
  13. Kennedys Country has them. Price break if you order 12 is $8 each
  14. even though its a wash off scrub, unless you are adding a foaming agent or emulsifyer, I always notice my skin feels like there is some oil left on it. In that case, I always use light oils that are known not to clogg the skin. example: jojoba, almond, apricot kernel etc.
  15. I love the third photo of the sage one. And the last photo of the blue one. Geez there pretty
  16. for some reason the link you posted to the container isnt working. can you post a picture?
  17. Just use SoapCalc and towards the upper right-hand corner, you can change the superfat in any recipe to what you like. No need to add oils later, this will superfat your entire recipe.
  18. Trust me it was such a pain in the butt to paint. I have another accent wall that is painted a brownish red.
  19. yep Genwax in North Hollywood, CA has increased their prices too. They have some in stock though.
  20. Richards packaging has them http://www.richardspackaging.com/home.htm not sure if they are on their website but I usually just call them and order.
  21. I think so too. I think they would appeal to different customers. Remove the homespun fabric and change the label and they could also be sold to contemporary customers.
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