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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. I am actually going to be making a few more up and selling them at an upcoming craft show. I re-did the fabric in the middle and added a few more pieces. I really like making these.
  2. Perfect bars. No ash either. woohooo
  3. I bet you it wasnt 100% pure OO. A lot of companies are selling OO blends. Usually Canola and Olive. read the back for ingrediants. Therefore it will completley mess up your recipe because the LYE amount will be wrong.
  4. totally agree with you on both of those. And good thng is they both stick great in CP and smell even better while curing.
  5. I notice people in my area do not like fragrances that are too sweet.
  6. Okay, then how about giving us a starting point. PWEASE
  7. Started with a Tahoe Wreath with cones, then incorporated some Pip Berry garland with rusty stars. Added some Primitive fabric, homespun balls and then a few rusty bells. One thing I am going to change around is using a more variety of fabric in the middle ring.
  8. that may incorporate too much air into the soap.
  9. I have been getting great results with Millcreek's version in CP as well.
  10. I was actually able to pick some of these up at Staples.
  11. I wasnt aware that FOs had petroleum in them. But if you are looking for something different. Some FO makers use soybean oil and their cutting oil. Here is one I know of Northstar http://www.soycandlewax.com/ccp/index.php
  12. Honestly with high amounts of castor and shea, you can get away with 25/30% coconut. You should really up the coconut to 25. dont up the castor too high, otherwise you will get DOS for sure. Try this one. Lard 30% Coconut 25% Shea 5% Castor 10% Olive 30%
  13. Cargill actually use to have it posted on their website years ago. I printed it out once, but it got all marked up and I think I ended up throwing it away.
  14. I let my lye cool down to room temp and my oils cool down to a luke warm.
  15. Since you added too much honey, it made it over heat. Honey heats up a lot when added to CP soap. Oil on top and bad odor usually mean it over heated. Also, did you let your lye water cool down before you added it to the oils? If not, then it added to the over heating. You can still use it since its not lye heavy, its just not going to look so great. The oil will probably not absorb, so just wipe it off.
  16. they look lovely. Your swirl looks so nice. All pink sugar types and anything with vanilla in them will darken. Also types with a lot of amber or musk.
  17. Agreed, you can not fit 2lbs of oils plus water and lye in a 2lb mold. Here is a great one to try. It totals 23oz of oils, plus has room for 7oz of water to mix with 3.20oz of lye for around a 5% superfat. This will total right around 2lbs. Castor Oil 2oz = 8.70% Coconut Oil 6oz = 26.09% Olive Oil 7oz = 30.43% Shea Butter 2oz = 8.70% Lard 6oz = 26.09% You should be good with using 26% of coconut since you are using high amounts of shea and castor.
  18. HTPs are good too. So are RRDs. I use to use the 8oz JJ and I belive I used an RRD 40 or 47. For the HTPs try the 104 or 105
  19. I had the same thing happen to me too. I had to find a nice strong young man to finally open it.
  20. I would keep the same amounts Elizabeth is listing and just sub out the Avocado for Almond, the Palm for Lard, and the Palm Kernel for Babassu. You should be fine with keeping the same amounts. Dont bother adding the beeswax. Almond 4oz Cocoa Butter 2oz Coconut 10oz Olive 12oz Lard 6oz Babassu 4oz Rice Bran 6oz Shea 4oz
  21. Agreed, also you have no idea how long they will keep thier candle. Some people some wont burn it all up during the winter and may actually burn it during the summer. And if I wick up during the winter, then they burn it in the summer, it will have too large of a flame. I just keep the same formula throught the year and ususlly do all my testing in the summer.
  22. Cranberry Marmalade from Candle sciense is getting a lot of great reviews. http://candlescience.com/fragrance/cranberry-marmalade-fragrance-oil
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