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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. I would use the Hydrosols. Look at the list MMS offers, i bet she would like some of those. The only other thing I can think of, is she may be using Essential Oils. These are still oil based, but a lighter oil that regular fragrance oils. But I bet in time they will still clog the fountain. Hydrosols are water based fragrances.
  2. My supplier states it differently for the V-1 and P-1 Waxes. If you pour too cool, it will not shrink and release from the mold. i never let mine cool down below 150, i always try to stay around 165-170
  3. You are pouring tooooo cool. Votives and pillars need to be poured around 170 at the least. Heat 175, add color/FO stir for a minute then pour right away before it cools too much.
  4. i doubt they would be safe for the simple fact that they are oils and they would not blend well with the water. They would probably just clog up the fibers in the fountain. She may want to use Hydrosols. Those are basically scented water - flower/fruit water. MMS has some http://www.thesage.com/catalog/Hydrosols.html
  5. great purple you got going on there.
  6. if you kept remelting the same batch, it sounds like you may have tempered your wax. you will probably not get the same results when you try that again, only pouring one time.
  7. it may have something to do with her body oils/acids reacting with something in the soap. try giving her a castile bar to use????
  8. Heres another thread with a little info in it. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58617
  9. I would check to see if they are teaching using the Cold Process method or Melt & Pour. Personally I would pay for a class that teaches CP rather than M&P. Just seems like more topics would be covered with a CP class.
  10. Trust me, you want High Cotton from Millcreek. I too wanted a clean sheet scent without the soapy note, and this one does it.
  11. Honestly I think Peaks is very strong, but it does smell a little soapy. I actually prefer High Cotton from Millcreek, more of a fresh type without the soap note.
  12. i wanted to try a sample of this, but when i went to order a sample pack, this one wasnt listed in the samples drop down menu of fragrances. I emailed them and got no response, so i sumbitted my order without it. Wish they had a phone number listed. Maybe next time.
  13. log molds. they generate the best heat in order for a full gel.
  14. no candle dye chips are not skin safe and cannot be used for soap making.
  15. I agree about the crisco, but I went with using the pure soybean liquid type. I use it at about 15% in my new recipe. I used my new recipe for the OT swap, you have to tell me how you likie.
  16. this is what i have been tempted to do with my recipe too. i can get a gallon of palm oil for $10 so i really dont care about saving money with lard, I am just wondering if I will notice more creaminess or a longer lasting bar. I think I may try it next weekend.
  17. Candlewic has a straight cranberry Peaks has a Cranberry Citrus
  18. its sure was strong though huh, i guess its good to know those Peak scents stick well in CP.
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