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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. DITTO that!! You have a pretty luxurious sounding bar there. Start with something simple like one of the easy recipes in the recipes section on this board. Also you have way too many soft oils. You need to balance out the soft oils with more hard oils, not just steric. Try adding Palm Oil. Your bar will be too soft and unstable and probably form DOS.
  2. it really depends on your recipe, how much water you use and if you use a stick blender. If you use full water, and 50% hard oils to 50% soft oils and use a stick blender, I would say 10min max. Here is a pic of what it looks like when it traces: before trace: as it starts to trace:
  3. oh my goodness how incredibly cute those are.
  4. Rebatching only works good for me if I add 1oz pp of glycerin soap.
  5. http://www.soapcalc.com/calc/SoapCalc.asp
  6. if you read the posts on the previous page, 1/2 teaspoon is probably not enough to have a good enough efect, try 1/2 tablespoon.
  7. there is a yummy one from A Garden Eastward called Citrus Rosemary. YUMMY
  8. okay now you guys got me really curious, i am going to go pour some candles with 1 lb c-3 and 1/2 tbl coconut oil.
  9. yes, i agree, either you love it or hate it. i think i would love your soap though. very nice
  10. I am wondering this too? Why was this customer out money and product and why cant Gelglow respond with how the issue is being resolved????
  11. I think most people use OT FO's for CP soap, since thats what they are desinged for. I have yet to try them in wax, but I just may give it a shot.
  12. AK, I did the same thing a couple weeks back, did a nice double pink and purple swirl and the entire thing is brown
  13. i am not sure if Avocado will be the same. but I choose Rice Bran since its suppose to have almost the exact same qualities as Olive Oil and its very gentle, I think Robin uses RBO as her base in her regular soap and doesnt use OO at all.
  14. nope not mine, I have great sucess with the stuff I got from MMS, I figured out how much to use and how much not to exceed in order to prevent bleeding.
  15. I heard that!! I think it was Brenda who kept posting her whipped soaps for a while there in the gallery. they were so dreamy looking.
  16. HAHA thats a good one. Well at least you know it bubbles.
  17. For my facial bars, I use 40% Olive 40% Rice Bran 15% Palm Oil and 5% Castor. Its sooo creamy and gentle, yet no slime.
  18. AIR Ivory Soap incorporates air into their soap bars.
  19. add it around the same time you do the FO. just add it directly without mixing it with anything first.
  20. do you only do M&P? The facial soap recipe I gave you is only for CP.
  21. I went with the acne skin one but next time I may try the oily one. They both have simular belnded oils in them, except the oily skin one has sweet orange which will make is smell less bitter. If I were you I would get the one for oily skin and also add a touch of tea tree oil in it for anticeptic purposes. I also did a water dicount with this recipe since it has very liitle hard oils. I went with a 30% lye solution.
  22. I just posted a recipe for this along with a photo. Here check out this link. I used a different EO, but you can add Tea Tree instead. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52562
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