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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. se that to me either means it was the FO or you didnt bring it to full trace and it separated. I had two batches do that to me one time. One i didnt bring it to a thick enough trace casue i was trying to get crazy with the swirl. and the other was because i used a weird FO. Both crumbled real bad.
  2. Nope no difference in the final product what so ever, since all the water (no matter how much you use) evaporates in the end anyways.
  3. you need PEAKS fruit slices. its the BEST!! It smells like a bowl of fresh fruit and kicks butt in soy wax and B&B products. Heres their description: Fruit Slices - A citrus fragrance abundant with fresh oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, ripe melon, peaches and kiwi.....sprinkled with a touch of sugar. http://www.peakcandle.com/products/Fruit-Slices-Fragrance-Oil__F1052.aspx
  4. The best and closest place for you to get them is Genwax. They do not have their entire inventory listed on their website, so you should also call them if you dont see what you need. Their tapers are dipped, but I dont know about hand dipped. Since they make them in volume I dont think they have employees standing there hand dipping them. But they are dipped and not molded. http://www.genwax.com/
  5. great job on the coloring. Looks fantastic
  6. how thick of trace did you bring it?
  7. As long as you dont heat the oven too hot, I dont see why not. Glass gets much hotter than wood does, and you dont want to burn the soap or anything. keep the temp on warm.
  8. I really like that idea. what does the bee pollen do for you in soap?
  9. WOW impressive. Great idea with the candy jars and such. Simple packaging, yet very professional looking.
  10. the best thing to do, if you cant find one, is to have one of those girls on ebay custome make one for you. The only one I found, is a candy mold check it out. http://cgi.ebay.com/DIVA-GIRL-POWER-SUCKERS-CANDY-CHOCOLATE-SOAP-MOLD-MOLDS_W0QQitemZ330118704204QQihZ014QQcategoryZ13926QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem Van Yulay has tart ones, but can make custome molds. check it out http://cgi.ebay.com/Silicone-Soap-Tart-Mold-Diva-Tarts-5-Cavity_W0QQitemZ120009314203QQihZ002QQcategoryZ41207QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
  11. Each soap recipe needs an exact amount of Lye in order for it to turn into soap. The suggested water amount is used to dissolve your lye in, and to help incorporate the lye evenly into the oils. When your soap is fully cured, the lye water fully evaporates and is no longer and active ingredient. People usually discount water so it will speed up cure time, and allows your batch to set up quicker so you can cut it easier and use it sooner. I usually do a 30% lye solution (when using the soap calc), I believe the soap calc defaults to a 26% lye solution, but you can change it. This percentage is telling you how strong your lye water is, 26% lye to 74% water. The less water you use, the higher the lye percentage goes. But your actual lye amount never increases, only the water decreases. If going by the MMS lye calculator, I usually use the middle range of water they suggest. Some people have done a 33% solution or use even less water, but with my recipe, it traces too fast and doesn’t give me enough play time to mix colors and FOs.
  12. Do a double swirl with orange and purple. or make the base orange with a purple swirl.
  13. Red Devil wasn’t flake form; it was more of small crystals/rocks. Roebic is similar consistency and it is 100% lye. Why do you ask? Do you want to order another type? Other manufactures who sell in larger quantities usually sell in bead format. Go with the beads.
  14. IMO Candlewic has the best, its called Sweet Sandalwood and it has always thrown great in soy
  15. you should really go with this recipe as the soap base, then add some clay and some EOs that are meant for oily skin, I think the EOs and clay are what really help the oily skin the most, and the soap is just meant to be as gentle as possible.
  16. I am trying a new facial recipe for oil/acne skin. I made it as gentle as possible using 40% olive, 40% rice bran, 15% palm and 5% castor. Then added 1tbl pp of French Green Clay as well as some of A Garden Eastward's EO blend for Acne/oily skin. I love how the green clay turned the base a natural green tint, then I swirled in some brick red oxide. Its still a bit soft, but I cant wait to test it out. In da mold Cut
  17. Oh my goodness, I love your layering.
  18. those raspberries are too cute.
  19. Yes you can pour MP into log molds. If you are using plactic, go ahead and pour directly into the mold, pop it in the freezer for a few min. if it doesnt come loos right away. If pouring into a cardboard box or wood box, you will need to line with freezer paper.
  20. great job for your first. next time just leave it in the mold for a couple more days so it wont smoosh.
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