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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. A Garden Eastward has real Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil. http://www.addy.com/brinkley/417.html
  2. GREAT JOB, I have never seen anyone use ABS used that way, great idea.
  3. oooh that sounds yummy, never thought of using those colors before for that scent.
  4. Are you looking to make a 4lb batch because you have a 4lb soap mold? If that is the case, then your total oils will need to weigh less than 4lbs because you need to save room for the lye and water that also takes up space in the mold. If you think soapcalc.com is too difficult, then use the MMS (www.thesage.com) lye calculator; its much easier and it will insure your lye amount is correct. You should really always get into the habit of using a lye calculator for each recipe you make and any changes you make to the recipe, since each oil requires a different lye amount. If the case is that you are trying to fill up a mold that holds 4lbs, here is a recipe for you that includes some of the oils you listed: Castor Oil: 3oz (6.25%) Coconut Oil: 14oz (29.17%) Olive Oil: 19oz (39.58%) Shea Butter: 5oz (10.42%) Soybean Oil: 7oz (14.58%) I would'nt suggest using both canola and soybean with the addition of olive and castor. Your bar may be to soft with all four liquid oil types, especually without adding palm. So I suggest to omit the canola. When you plug these amounts into the MMS lye calculator, it will give you a range of water to add: 12-18oz. I always go with right around the middle: 16oz (30% lye solution). The lye calculator will also give you a lye amount range to use: 6.41oz-7.12oz. I always like to go with the 3%-4% excess fat range, which will be around 6.90oz of lye. This should fill your 4lb mold right up to the brim with fragrance added as well.
  5. Great job for sure...... mmmm rosemary
  6. looks pretty creamy, hope it turns out nice.
  7. oh man, I almost missed these pics. Loving that chocolate rose
  8. I really really love your photography. That layered one is also my fave.
  9. I am so glad you finally took the plung, you will have so much fun making CP, you'll see.
  10. I like the Mason jar too, but I would swap out the ties. I like the one with the star on it
  11. looks pretty creamy to me, not like a butter at all.
  12. A week??? What the heck happend? Too much water? or new recipe. There is no way I could wait a week to de-mold
  13. That Mardi Gras is looken pretty sweet. Love the cedarwood & sweet orange too
  14. totally cute, they look pretty real to me, great coloring
  15. those are the best grubbied jars ever. :-)
  16. My recipe for a pringles can is 18oz oils with a 30% lye solution. If you only make a 1lb oil batch (16oz) you could probably fit more water.
  17. thank you, I'm glad you noticed
  18. I just wanted to let eveyone know that this girl makes some kick butt Emu Oil Lotion. I ordered a couple of her soap molds off ebay and she was nice enough to send me a sample of this lotion and its devine. I received it scented with Heaven Scent and it smells sooo good. It also has Rosemary Oil in it, which compliments the fragrance so well. I got a huge sun burn over the weekend and I had the sample sitting at my desk, I have applied this lotion to my sun burn a couple times today and its helping. The rosemary give it a little cooling sensation and it feels sooooo good. Just wanted to give her a compliment since I see her post on here too. :yay: :)
  19. I see cherry kernel listed in Soap Calc, its right after castor its a great oil, but not as hard as avocado, if you use cherry to sub for avocado, you better not use as much, otherwise your bar will be way too soft. Just up the olive to make up for the less cherry.
  20. be careful if Whole Foods sells the Virgin Coconut Oil, since this is far different from other types and may not soap the same. Anyone else out there know if virgin Coconut Oil soaps the same????
  21. I believe this is what they call "Popping Oil" Its used for popping corn. Yes it is 100% coconut oil, but it does have the yellow dye in it. Works well, but you just have to deal with yellow soap.
  22. A Garden Eastward's version - YUM YUM, a true fresh linen scent that isnt soapy smelling.
  23. that does sound like too much water. 3tbl of water for only 1 cup of soap??
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