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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. Joann Fabric and Walmart get my vote.
  2. The only Japanese Cherry Blossom I have seen is at http://www.chemistrystore.com/soapscents.htm
  3. I just placed and order with them for my first time as well. These are the FOs that I got sample sizes of: Cinnamon Stick Citrus & Sage Ylang Ylang Ginger Vanilla Hazelnut Mocha Twigs & Berries French Vanilla Spanish Melon Eucalyptus Mist Plum Crazy Mountain Lake Lilac Breeze Litsea & Basil Dream Catcher Raspberry Guava I am thinking of blending some of the Lilac Breeze with some of the Raspberry Guava. YUM
  4. It depends on what type of oils you use. Some have a stronger scent than others, plus shea butter can be stinky too.
  5. I think I am going to get him to make me one too. My recipe size is pretty different than the size of standard molds out there, so I think a custom one is in order. After too many trial and errors of trying to make my own, I throw in the towel.
  6. I think that is a great idea. I am sure they will love them.
  7. I made some uncolored candles with peaks French Vanilla and they are still pretty white.
  8. LMAO that would be funny as an "Over the Hill" birthday gag.
  9. wholey cow!! those look totally real. I bet they smell sweet and yummy.
  10. The coloring for black raspberry vanilla is a dead on match to the scent, great job. so sorry about the Egyptian Flesh (Musk). :undecided
  11. ooh that Black raspberry vanilla look suberb.
  12. I think if i ever do sell my candles in a retail store, I wont color them. Since there is no way to control the temps over the weekend.
  13. great looking HP soaps, I really like the Mac Apple
  14. hahaha, um when I was in high school Muff referred to something else. :embarasse
  15. WOW, love the way you layered the colors on the rounds
  16. PEAKS hands down, its a dead on dupe and super strong.
  17. yep, these are new born diapers and are suppose to be used.
  18. even though you had them stored in your living room, it is still subject to tempurature changes. I know my living room gets real cold at night especually through the winter. The expreme tempurature changes is what causes frosting. The same thing happens if it gets too hot.
  19. looks awesome for CPHP I think I have the same mold as you used for the Chocolate Mint. Is it sorta like a PVP drain pipe, rectangular shape with waves on the sides?
  20. I decided to make one large one for the center piece of the gift table, and then decided to do a few more for center pieces on the other tables. My friend is doing the baby nursery in red and blue with a vintage baseball theme. So when I saw this fabric, I got so excited and bought a couple yards of each, even at $7.99 a yard. Ouch. I also found these vintage glass baby milk bottles that I snatched up a few months ago, and realized they would be perfect to fill with soy wax and place them on top of the cakes. Scented vanilla.
  21. i usually do well with most fragrances at 7%. If you are not getting a good throw with at least 7%, you need to switch fragrance suppliers. The ones I use most are Peaks located in CO and Candlewic located in PA. to calculate FO percentage, multiply 16oz (1lb) of wax by 7% which gives you 1.12oz of FO. You need to make sure you have an accurate electronic scale to weigh your wax and FO properly. For me, its easier if I just start with only 14oz of wax and add 1oz of FO to it (which is about 7%). Keeps things easier rather than having to weigh smaller amounts of FO.
  22. C-3 wax needs curing time before you burn the candle. Let the candle sit for a week then light. Day and Night difference in scent throw when you let it cure.
  23. So do I when making fresh soap, but she is rebatching, which is pretty much like M&P. So i belive she would use a lot less since it wont be diluted or burned off during the soaping process. It would stay much more potent. does this sound right?
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