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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. you need to teach them that with hand made sopas, they are paying for better quality ingrediants and better quality fragrances that can both be custom designed for their wants and needs.
  2. it would depend on where you live. Don't go by their website shipping calculator, its always way off. I usually call in to get a proper quote.
  3. Usually I see most people price them at $1.25-$1.50 per ounce. So If you make your bars to weigh 4oz then they usually go for $5-$6.
  4. WOW, you have been gone for a long time. Welcome back. Still working wonders with the decal paper I see. Very nice.
  5. OMG that is totally cute, no improvement needed.
  6. No you dont need to dilute it, but I would definatley add much less then you would in an original batch.
  7. aaah that is cute.... It gives me some ideas of what to attach I also just started on some for a friend shower coming up in May. She is doing the babies room in blue and red colors and a vintage baseball theme. So this is the base, now the fun part of shopping for items to attach. The larger one is for the center piece on the gift table and the smaller ones are for the other tables.
  8. aaah too bad about the red, but I can see what you were going for and it still looks cool with the poppy seeds.
  9. No they didnt give me any range, they just said too much. I use Palm at 15% and I swear some of my scents just dont last through the curing stage. I thought I read some where on here that too much Shea Butter can cause fragrance loss as well.
  10. Melt and Pour Soap bases are easy to use. You can do a lot of things with them for kids, like you said about making the fish bags, you can also add other things to them like plastic or rubber toys.
  11. hahaha, (mad scientist laugh) i think i just came up with another 7oil recipe using no palm.
  12. lol, my recipe also containes 7 oils and shea. But I am still using Palm, I wonder if I can do some more tweeking and elimintate the palm. I love Soapcalc.com
  13. its the FO, just because it says it B&B safe, doesnt mean its CP safe. It doesnt react well with the CP process. I still run into these finiky FOs from time to time.
  14. I agree, I soaped it this weekend and I always do a 33% lye concentration and it went super fast, even though i only used the SB for 45sec. Next time I will make sure to use more water. I didnt add any color and used some dark oils, so it is a sligh yellow beigh color and it matches the scent perfectly. no browning though. I will post a pic tonight But man on man this smells so divine in soap. This is such a soap scent. This will be a keeper for me for sure.
  15. I really dont see their prices as any cheaper. There are co-ops going on all the time and members on this board are easily able to reach the large quantity discount from Agbanga. Bamboula also offers the Yellow stuff which is even lower than Agbanga pricing. I do agree though, the yellow is much better than unrefined shea.
  16. are you keeping the soap mold covered as is sets up?
  17. if she is using it in the shower i would put the preservative in it, cause it will eventually come in contact with water
  18. I am not having any grain problems with the yellow shea from Bamboula. I have melted it down (not too hot) and made lotion sticks with it.
  19. you can create an emulsifying sugar scrub. do a search for emulsifying scrub and a few recipes will come up.
  20. hmm really, so what do you use in its place? Lard or some other type of butter?
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