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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. it may be simular to a clean cotton type, try the clean cotton FO from Candlewic located in PA.
  2. wow, thats crazy. it doesnt make scense at all.
  3. I heard their expectiong Ivory and Beige to be restocked towards the end of this month. Maybe we can try them out for the next co-op. I am sure they will give large quantity discounts.
  4. oooh that Lovely is simple lovely. What do you cut your soaps with???
  5. aaah cool, thanks for trying it out.
  6. If you do not include coconut or some other type of hard oil, your batch will be too soft and melt fast in the shower. Most irritations caused from coconut are from using it over 25% in your recipe. If you are scared to go that high, at least go with 15% so you can have some stable lather. The addition of Castor oil will make some soft bubbles as well. Out of the other oils you listed, I would just go with Olive, you can do without sunflower and canola since they will make your recipe too soft without the addition of more hard oils. A little bit of neem won’t hurt, but leave out the jojoba. I find jojoba works best when applied directly on the skin, like in lotions or creams, and looses most of its properties when added to CP soap. For oily skin, try adding some French Green Clay to your batch, about 1T per lb of oils, it will also help to give you a harder bar. Also Essential oils work well with healing, such as Lavender, Spearmint, Lemon, and Tea Tree. Keep in mind that soaps can only help heal acne and prevent some of the oiliness and clogging of the pores on the outside. Most acne is caused by hormones and dysfunctional pores. Problems arising on the inside of your body, that soaps and washes can not help. Here is a suggestion: Castor 10% Coconut 15% Olive 65% Neem 10% and add 1T of clay per lb of oils.
  7. Looks like a nice recipe. Great combo of oils. Sounds like it may be for problem type skin or acne. The addition of Pepermint EO and Green Clay are usually added for healing. Too much Clay can be somewhat drying.
  8. I have used this in the past and I heat to about 190, remove from heat, immediatley add FO/color and stir, then pour right away. I have never heated to above 200 and I always try to pour as quick as I can after adding FO and color cause I dont want the temp to fall too much otherwise it wont shrink enough to get out of the mold or it could cause cracking in the votives. I would say I ususally pour around 180-185.
  9. You need to try out Oregon Trails. All of their fragrance oils are designed especially for CP. Their Lilac is the best, they always sell out of it. Juans Top Banana Blend is yummy. Its under the "Exclusive Friends Blends" Section They have a delish Green Crisp Apple I havent seen a straight maple but their Wood Violet and Maple is soooo divine. Trust me you need to try them out, they have so many great blends that behave well in CP. I have not had a batch seize up on me yet, even with the 33% lye solution I always use. Here is a pic of some soap Susan at OT made using the Banana, as you see it just turns a slight yellow, not a dark brown.
  10. This is not the norm from my experience. I know when I first ordered, my order went out a day late due to bad weather. Thats the only thing I can think of.
  11. That FO is very complex blend, it has a number of fragrances notes in it that could cause the ricing. Sounds like you stired through it though and it may set up nicely.
  12. is it the Neroli type dupe??? Oregon Trails has a dupe of it, but i just cant stand the smell of Orange Blossom :undecided
  13. I am not sure how strong the Lily from JBN is, but the one from peaks is very strong. When I first mixed it with Strawberry at 50/50 and sniffed it out of the bottle, it smelled balanced. however when I made a candle with it, the Lily overpowered the strawberry. next time I will go 1.5 to 1 with more strawberry. So i suggest going 1.5 to 1 or 2 to 1 depending how strong your lily is. I havent really captured my market yet, but everyone right now loves the fruity scents.
  14. I just posted something a little while ago about a scent I mexed called Strawberry Lily. I am going through a fruity floral stage and have been mixing things like Raspberry and Lilac, Strawberry and Lily, Blueberry and Violet. etc...
  15. OMG, now I want to sniff some of that Amour de Cacao. Your Pomegranate looks superb.
  16. i just recieved my sample today and I have to agree with you. I think this would smell lovely in B&B products. i am going to try making some salt scrubs in a couple days and will be using this for sure.
  17. With the help of Peaks and some Strawberry Shortcake characters, I came up with a new blend that I am currently crazy about. My daughter and I were shopping at toys r us and she ran up to some strawberry shortcake characters and started sniffing. So I joined in, being the FOHO that I am. :laugh2: I am such a FOHO that I immediately started imagining myself creating the same blends for my soap and candles. I went home and put in an order with Peaks. Today I blended Strawberry and Stargazer Lily. It smells divine!!!!! Another one on my list to try and blend is Lemon Daffodil. (But Peaks doesn’t carry Daffodil)
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