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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. off topic but: that is a great wax blend you created there. i have done that 50/50 blend before and loved it. just wish i could get the KY votive wax locally like i can the V-1. so now i just play with the V-1. :undecided and it always cracks
  2. How long have you been making candles and what type do you do?(container, pittar, etc) 3 years - continaer, pillar, votive, tarts/melts Why did you choose soy over parafin? A soy candle making kit was the first candle making kit i came across and just stuck with it. How long was your testing process? still testing. i change jars and fragrances often and need to continue to test test test which size wick will give the best burn. i have also changed the brand of wick i use about three times, so i have to start testing all over again when i do that. What was your first experience selling? to a co-worker at my job. she saw some ones i had sitting on my desk and was amazed at how strong the cold throw was and requested if i could fill up some old candle jars she had saved. i learned my lesson not to fill up old jars. What was your biggest "nightmare" with candle making? Choosing supplys and supply companies What is your best advice for those of us who want to be just like you??? Choose the wax and jar supply company closest to you and make the wax work for you with lots of testing. you will make it work eventually and save lots of money buying these items closest to home.
  3. My favorite all time sandalwood fragrance has to be Candlewic's Sweet Sandalwood. Its a blend of sandalwood and vanilla. Better than any other sandalwood vanilla I have tried, not too sweet. Everyone who has smelled it loves it and keeps coming back for more.
  4. Yum, I bet they smell great. Hey how do you make the background of the photo white like that?
  5. casaba mist and wildberry musk are must haves everyone will get customers who are the cucumber melon fanatics and this one is a new spin off from those types. But much better wildberry musk is a great berry scent but with a touch of musk to make it kind of soothing. another new twist for the berry lovers.
  6. i notice this too when my candle starts to burn closer to the bottom of the jar. i think what the real reason is, that the jar gets hotter and the candle burns hotter, because the flame is burning all the way inside now, thus giving off a better throw.
  7. I think Bruce posted one like this he made. let me find the link edit: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41285 maybe try contacting him and ask
  8. sometimes internet shopping carts do not calculate the proper shipping charges, but that does not mean they will actually charge you that much. its sometimes better to call your order in and have the representative give you a real quote.
  9. yes they are, here is one in particular http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25595
  10. heres a place that sell Oriental Spice. http://www.discountcandleshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/1254 This place has one called Oriental Rush and it smells really good http://www.genwax.com/candle_scent/___0___oriental_rush.htm
  11. there are a lot of beginners soap recipes in the recipes section of these boards. Also if you go into the basic instructions section, you will find step by step instructions on how to make your CP soap. welcome
  12. oh i love Dragons Blood, may I ask which company yo get your Dragons Blood FO from? I use C-3 and wanted to tell you I get great results heating to 175, add color and FO and pour right away. Smooth tops and minimal frosting. I do cure for 2 weeks before I test burn for fragrance throw.
  13. okay now i totally want to make liquid soap. my sister wont use my bar soap because she is hooked on liquid soap. where can i find the best directions on how to make it? millers site??
  14. You are just as bad as the women you speak of. Bouncing around to different boards bashing others and starting fights. he said she said crap. WHO CARES!!!! Dont get involved with people over the internet. Dont let these woman make you become something you are not. Sell your stuff in your own community, face to face where people know your name and know how your business truly runs. Only use the boards for sharing ideas and maybe participate in co-ops or buying supplies (even that is very risky) but dont expect to establish your business by posting on boards.
  15. actually a really good raspberry fragrance is Rustic Essential's Raspberry Lilac.
  16. I get my C-3 from a distributor about 20min away. Many people find that all brands of soy waxes will have good and bad points to them, so most people just go with the brand that is closets to them in order to avoid shipping costs and keep their cost down. Everyone just learns to test test and test until they can get their wax brand to behave.
  17. They all look great. Loving the deep coloring you achieved on the Mediterranean Fig
  18. Two RRD 34's work perfect with this exact jar and wax. I have also used two HTP 73's Also you need to be sure you test burn in 4hr increments. Dont try to reach a full MP in only 1 or 2hrs. Also sometimes a full MP wont happen until the second test burn. Just be patient.
  19. totally cute, love the colors you achieved. are these M&P soap?
  20. i want to order some from the first link, but I am not sure what type of tube style and closure to choose. can some one help me out on the best one for CP. edit* nevermind got it figured out. ;-)
  21. Oh yeaaaaah. that looks so wonderful. i wish i could achieve a green like that.
  22. Had a batch of Amber Dawn that of course turned brown on me. It smelled so good I wasn’t about to throw it out. Then attempted to make a batch for Valentines Day scented Sandalwood Vanilla that I colored pink. Poured into heart shaped baking cups and forced gel in the oven, the cups got too hot and they ended up looking like pink blobs. Chopped both batches up into cubes with my crinkle cutter and mixed in with a new unscented batch at trace. Turned out lovely. I really like the blend of pink and brown colors. I think I can still unload these for Valentines Day. The scent is very soothing and romantic.
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