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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. is clear Acrylic the same as clear Lacquer? Cause i use a clear Lacquer to seal mine and 2-3 coats seem to work fine edit, You know sometimes I worry that they may actually be fading from the back side of the paper. I think water can still get through the back side and fade behind the picture too when immersed.
  2. i like buying 10 oils at a time (any size) to save 15%
  3. Most recipes are good for both CP and HP, except with CP after you combine all ingredients you pour into a mold and let it sit there till it gets hard and the water slowly evaporates out on its own. With HP you combine all ingredients into your crock pot and keep stirring until you cook the water out.
  4. here is one thread, i think there may be one more with the same type of info in it. mostly people just crumble it up and add it to their normal soap recipe. you may just go ahead and try it out your way. i wouldnt add anything to it when you melt it down, it sounds like when you do, it may turn to goo and not re-harden??? http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27368&highlight=african
  5. i want to see a close up pic of the petals too. please
  6. I love them all. especually the gift of the magi, i just love this scent, but it made mine turn the darkest brown.
  7. agreed, its your web hosting company that is making the pop ups appear. you shouldnt be getting pop ups period, even if your blocker is on, they just shouldnt be happening. I would switch hosts asap. The only reason a web hosting company would have the right to add pop ups is if they are giving you Free hosting. other than that, I love your site, i love the different categories you have the scents broken up in.
  8. i love their green tea, sweet sandalwood, warm vanilla sugar, clementine & Daisy, nutty explosion, juniper breeze, fall woods, cucumber and cantelope, coconut lime, lavender silk, and there are a few more i cant think of. BTW they all throw awesome in candles, i never had one that wouldnt throw in my 100% soy wax
  9. wow, looks like you got the hang of it. you must have read up alot before you took the dive. great job
  10. You are probably not using CP safe colors. Not all soap colorants are made for CP soap. They usually only work in Melt and Pour soaps. Great swirls BTW
  11. There shouldn’t be any reaction. However a lot of babies these days develop eczema very easily. I would usually offer a castile soap for new borns. As close to 100% olive oil as possible.
  12. I usually have to go with an RRD 55 in a 3" container. I am using cargill c-3 which is 100% soy wax. Is EZ Soy 100% soy or a blend? If its a blend you may get away with using the RRD 50.
  13. Cargill is 100% soy wax with no additives. It doesnt require a second pour if you pour at around 180
  14. Some soy waxes require a cool pour, say around 100 degrees, yet others require a hot pour say around 170. I am not sure what the recommended pour temp is for the soy you used. Is this a blend you made yourself or was it pre-blended? What does the manufacturer recommend with this blend? If you cant find one, I would try pouring cooler say around 135.
  15. I also am subject to using this wax since its only 15 miles from me. My first choice would actually be calwax but naturewax is my second. You really need to pour hot with this wax and must wait the 2 weeks before burning for the best scent throw.
  16. wow i didnt know EL was ADM wax either. hmmmm now i want to test some
  17. GREAT labeling. I wouldnt add a spoon though, just leave it the way it is.
  18. Amber Dawn from Oregon Trails. sooo pretty
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