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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. The first item listed in that link are 2" water filled christmas snow globes. item# ZC-WATBA
  2. Pillars are supposed to be poured very hot so they can shrink while cooling. I don’t think cooling too quickly is a problem with pillars since people are known to cool the mold off in a water bath to speed up cooling. Maybe you read her post wrong and thought she was making containers??? Soy wax is known to be very brittle and it gets very difficult to make pillars at times with just straight soy pillar wax. I have had better luck with a veggie/soy pillar blend when making pillars. KY Candle Supply has a great veggie pillar blend that doesn’t seem to crack and Calwax has a soy/veggie pillar blend that does well also.
  3. PEAKS Hot Apple Pie does really well in Soy
  4. I also use about 7.5% which is around 1.2oz of FO per lb of wax. To make it easier I just melt 14oz of wax and add 1oz of FO. Using the max 1.5oz pp will only make it harder for you to wick your candles and they will also mushroom and smoke more. Not worth it for me just to get a little more umf.
  5. Not sure if you can fit anymore unless you dont pad them. 6 sounds like a safe number, that way you can still pad them well so they dont break.
  6. woohoo good luck. I am sure you will sel lots of canes and soaps. they always look great in the gallery.
  7. Eucalyptus essential oil is the one you need for the sinus candle. Some people even add a little Vicks vapor rub to them to also get the camphor scent. Since Vicks is made up of mostly petroleum (like paraffin is) it blends fine with the wax. Do a search for sinus candles in the general candles or vegetable candles area and you will find more info.
  8. I know she had a message on the main page of her website all last week that she had gotten backed up. I just received an order from her this week and it didnt seem to take to long. But then again I live pretty close. I received the lime sugar and wll be soaping with it this weekend. I will be using some for blending too. yummy I notice with a lot of her scents, they really seem to blossom and turn into a more lovely scent after the soaps have cured for a couple weeks. I mean sometimes they are like night and day from what they smell like inside the bottle.
  9. What about strawberry kisses. Ripened strawberries with bottom notes of cotton candy topped with a French vanilla kiss.
  10. Found those soap dishes at The Decor Store. They have 4 stores here in Cali. and one in AZ.
  11. I think I would worry about this too. Maybe line them with something. Any FO droplets on those shelves will remove the varnish. I love your new hutch, that is sure a lot of FOs you got there, whenever you feel its time to clean out part of those shelves, I am sure you would have tons of vultures attack you in the classifieds section. Lol
  12. i think i remember someone else stumbling upon this site, YUCK!!! Not sure who buys this stuff. Its got to be a redneck thing. lol
  13. woohoo, congrats to finding your perfect pouring temp.
  14. I can see crashing waves on the left and middle one, but I cant see any on the right one. I love the colors.
  15. wonderful soap you got there. perfect job ob the red rounds.
  16. I really like it. just looking at it reminds me of a sweet fruity scent. matches perfect.
  17. now that sounds like what I am trying to achive.
  18. No its actually a beigh color. It came in a sealed foil bag with no markings on it, so now I am not sure what it is. I am just going to find some DSM that is already wet.
  19. According to her recipe you should replace all the water with the coconut milk. The exact amount will depend on how big of a batch you are making, which you will calculate through the lye calculator to find exact amounts of oils, water and lye.
  20. Mine is not. I must have gotten some other type. I bought it in the classifed section. oh well, i will try getting some more.
  21. Wonderful shaving bars and very unique lip balms.
  22. Yummy!!! those sound great, i like your tubes.
  23. yes I may just have too. Well by dissolving the DSM in the lye it seemed to dissolve better, BUT the few specks that still showed up are zapping me. eeek no good. The few specks must have really soaked up the Lye and are now lye heavy. Like Homer Simpson says "DOO" I do still like the idea of also using the spice grinder stone bowl and stick to grind the DSM up a little finer, so I will continue to do that, plus use more to try and achieve a darker color. But result back in disolving it in with the hot oils. I noticed on soap I found on the web, they all advertise Black Dead Sea Mud and mine is more of a light tan color, so I am not sure if it’s even the same type of mud. End experiment
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