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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. Okay here is a pic of the DSM dissolved in the Lye water. The only thing that didn’t dissolve are a few pieces of floating plant like debris and a few pieces of white stone looking debris, could be some type of mineral. What I also did was take one of those spice/herb masher with the stone bowl and masher, and grind the DSM into a finer powder. I do a 33% water/lye solution and for a 2lb batch I only use about 9oz of water, so I was only able to fully dissolve 2tbl of DSM without it turning to paste. If this doesn’t give me the desired darkness, I may have to use full water so I can dissolve more DSM.
  2. hehehe actually I just tried it right after I posted the previous post. lol It worked like a charm, I first dissolved my lye into the water, then added the DSM and it dissolved so much better with no crazy reaction. Woohoo I am going to soap later tonight and post a pic tomorrow of the 2nd batch. We'll see. I only used about 2tbl for 2lbs of oils. I am trying to get something similar to this color.
  3. did you say you use 1/2 oz of FO for only 4.7oz of wax? It sounds like you are using too much FO. I think 1/2 oz FO with 5oz of wax is over 10% FO load. Most Soys can only hold a 9% FO load in order to burn correctly. I believe 9% FO load is about 1oz of FO for 12oz of wax. Try backing off the FO and allow your candle to cure longer before you test for scent throw. Also I believe vanilla FOs will be harder to wick just in general.
  4. My guess would have been the HTP 126 as well, but if it started smoking then it may be too big. Go down to the HTP 105 and test burn for 4 hrs at a time. It may take longer to reach a full melt pool with the smaller wick, but allow it to burn for at least 4hrs.
  5. add some black to your burgundy and it will make a darker shade
  6. I think it would disolve better in water, wonder if I could add it to the lye water instead??? I am going to try that next time.
  7. i order from them all the time since they are within driving distance from me. however, I only use the Soy wax they sell, not sure about the housebelnd. But they are a legit company.
  8. I think this happens when other people reply and try to make the original poster feel stupid and they would rather delete their original post before anymore flamers jump aboard. :undecided just a guess
  9. probably not since the water will evaporate out slower.
  10. i have had the best luck with using square braided, but others may like the LX better.
  11. very nice, that must have taken a long time to make. :highfive:
  12. I use the one from Moonglow candles. I use it for smoother tops and to minimize frosting. I am not sure of the exact percentage but I use about 1-2 tbl per pound of wax. I do not attempt to eliminate frosting otherwise I would have to use much more. You will have to do your own testing since I know you use a different wax than i do. You only need a small amount of it trust me, otherwise it probably will cause cracks and wet spots.
  13. hmmm not really happy with the look of it, i thought that the mud would have disolved a bit more. Its more of a sand texture. However when I used it, it didnt seem to scratch or anything. I disolved the mud in warm oils before I added lye, maybe I should have gotten it a little warmer.
  14. congrats on your new sop. The antique furniture sounds great!!!! Go with it.
  15. they look great. are these soy? i love the red you achieved
  16. Have you ordered from Oregon Trails? All of her FO's hold beautifully in CP soap. Soap Crafters seems way too expensive on their FO's $5 an OZ eek
  17. I blended this one with Balsam Sandalwood and some Litsea Cubeba then threw in some calendula petals. Smells amazing!! Blended alot of Lime with just a little coconut. Very energizing Then blended some cucumber with cantelope.
  18. Yep, my cost is about the same for an 8oz jar candle. :undecided and to be reasonable, you can really only charge your sellers 3 x that amount. Thats why people take advantage of as many craft shows as they can.
  19. This is one of my faves too. I get mine from Peaks.
  20. damn that first one is real pretty, too bad you had to toss it. I really do love the Mac Apple as well.
  21. i think the color looks fine, but looks like you got a few large air bubbles. no worries as long as they arent lye pockets.
  22. alright well i guess i will take the chance and just use it.
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