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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. Is that with water? If so, then I guess you can make a 1lb (of oils) batch.
  2. I wouldnt be able to pass that booth up if i were at that fair. Lovely display and packaging of all of your products.
  3. I dont think those will make small bars. Actually they would make perfect bars. If the dimensions are what I think they are. 16" long x 3" wide x 2" tall? You can cut 8 bars out on one of those slabs. Just use it like a slab mold, only fill up to about 1". Then you can cut 8 bars that are 2"wide each. So your bars will be 3" long x 2" wide x 1" thick.
  4. I am telling ya, the secret to this recipe is the EMU oil, it really gives it its luxury quality.
  5. I think you may need to wait longer than 24hrs before you cut or start doing a small water discount. I am not sure what recipe you are using, but man those sure look extra soft. If you try doing one of those things, you will have much better results when cutting. Aside form the cuts, you definitely have the coloring and fragrance down pact. great job
  6. Blended some sandalwood with Yuzu and it turned out really well. After seeing others do a stamp with some mica brushed on top, I decided to find something that would make a nice impression. I found a flower charm my daughter had and hammered it on top of the soap. Worked like a charm Took some copper mica and brushed it on top.
  7. Oh man I love Oakmoss. Its blends soooo well. Great idea with the Sandalwood. I made some Yuzu and Sandalwood last night, I will post my pic as soon as the battery in my camera charges. Earthy fragrances are my favorite.
  8. thank you......this one seriously smells unbeliveable.
  9. Yes very. And i almost threw mine away. I had bought a couple cans cause they were on sale for 99 centes ea and my daughter and I had just finished them off. After reading a couple recent threads on here, I grabbed the one out of her hand, and fished out the other one I had just thrown away. I already had a batch of soap in the one mold that I own, and was all happy that I could make another batch in the same night. weeeee :laugh2::laugh2:
  10. Wanted to make a 75% castile soap bar but didnt have any Olive pomace left so I resorted to the virgin olive oil i had in my cupboard. I think it would have turned out real green if it wasnt for the cocoa butter, coconut and castor that i also added. No FO added, but the high olive masked the scent of the cocoa, and it just smells and looks like a chunk of butter. This is also my first attempt using the pringles can. I will be buying pringles chips every week now ;-)
  11. YUM YUM YUM, this smells exactly like a box of chocolate covered cherries, you know the kind with the sweet syrup and cherry inside. I wanted to use a high amount of raw cocoa butter and went to my cupboard to see what FO I had that would blend well with the natural chocolate smell. Low and behold I had some of "Peaks Wild Cherry FO". It says that its soap safe, but wasn’t sure it if would work well in CP. ooooh yes, it worked really well. I also added some mint leaves and spearmint EO, but I mostly just smell the chocolate and cherries. I wish all of you could smell this. I didnt have any olive pomace oil left, so resorted to the virgin oilive oil i had, which ruined my record of white soaps i had going on lately.
  12. ouch, i am very sorry to hear ths. Thank god the lye was already mixed in with the oils and it was diluted a bit. Jus timagine if it was the pure solution. YIKES!!
  13. Big congrats on your first batch, love that dancing baby post. weee its back
  14. okay, i will take some when i get home today and post them.
  15. lovely colors you got there, purple looks real pretty
  16. very very awesome, i have never seen anythng like that before.
  17. sounds like a great idea. Not sure how the push up sticks would hold up to the hot temps of lye in CP, but maybe if you put them in the frig right away so they dont heat up too much, that may just work
  18. oh man, those look sooo yummy. just like real cake and frosting, great job!!!
  19. I had alot of sunflower, emu and kokum butter laying around and wanted to use them up to make room, so I played with the calculator and came up with this: Coconut 16%, Sunflower 30%, Kokum Butter 24%, Emu 30% Hardness: 39 Cleansing: 11 Condition: 53 Bubbly lath: 11 Creamy lath: 28 Iodine:53 INS: 149 Most creamy bars I have seen are very soft, so I was very pleased to see how hard this one was. I did my normal 33% lye concentration and boy did it trace within 2sec. I think it must have been from the high butter ratio, so I do not recommend a large water discount for this recipe, unless you want to work very quickly and pour pudding. However it did come out fantastic and super white. I also added some Chai tea leaves at thick trace.
  20. Those sound like they would be fine, if in fact they were made with essential oils.....but the fragrances they have listed there do not sound like essential oils to me....... I do agree with the fact that people may start to get confused and think all soy candles are skin safe and not realize that the FOs arent.....
  21. 100% soy wax is skin safe and can be used for lotions, soaps and cosmetics. I have actually used it when making lotion sticks, lip balms and soaps. I really think the only hazard when using it from a candle, is getting burned by the hot wax/flame or getting a reaction from FOs or Colors.
  22. I have switched back and forth so many times. I tend to always want to go back to the uncolored. Just to stay with the natural white look of soy. Its so milky and creamy looking. I am currently coloring, and will probably soon go back to uncolored. I really dont find that people care too much either way. They mostly care about the fragrance.
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