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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. i really like the two colors mixed together.
  2. thank you, you actually motivate me to try something new.
  3. pretty crazy looking huh? I am glad I do the Water discount and OP it. I am sure these will go fast.
  4. I was very surprised when I unmolded this batch this morning. I didn’t think that I blended the swirls enough and it looked like colors were clumping up while I was pouring it into the mold. I just love the way they turned out in the end, really looks like a piece of marble stone. I scented this with Ylang Ylang and Sweet Orange EO's and swirled with black and yellow. This is my first time swirling with black. I still have to work on my cutting straight
  5. :eek: :eek: great job, never seen anything else like it.
  6. You cant make pie crusts out of soy. they always crumble when you try to get them out of the molds. even with blending the pillar and containers types together, it is still too brittle. You have to add paraffin or beeswax to it.
  7. These are actually the Calwax brand that Swans carries, just in case anyone was wondering. I have used the CB3 and CB2 and really like them both. Stick with the soy/paraffin blends, you will really like the colors.
  8. wow, those are so perfect looking. great colors, I love the added seeds.
  9. it just helps gel faster and then evaproates the water quicker. If I make a batch in the early evening, and OP it on warm for 2hrs, I can usually cut it and use it the next morning. It is still a little soft, but after another week it is as hard a a rock. p.d I also do a water discount too
  10. usually i go with 5%, but sometimes 7% if i add in some mango butter at the end.
  11. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
  12. those swirls are going to look great when its cut, i just know it.
  13. very very nice.............i cant WAIT to see them cut. The colors look very rich
  14. The Green one is scented Cucumber Ivy and its the CCCastile recipe from the Millers website that I messed up on. I tried to rebatch only to add too much water and mess it up even more. Well I took some great advise and rebatched it again also adding 1tbs of salt PP and it WORKED woohoo. Well it hardened back up, but i noticed that the salt made the color blotchy. But oh well, I am just happy I saved it. The second one it scented Sweet Pea, I tied to color it pink, but I only had the Brick Red Oxide from MMS, so I thought by only adding a little, I could make pink. Wrong, it still turned out pretty red. Next time I will try adding white to it as well. But I still love the scent and the soap itself. The third one is scented OMH, I did a little yellow swirl and the tan color came naturally from the FO and I am pretty impressed. The tan color really makes it look like oatmeal and the yellow swirl looks like honey.
  15. alright, well after reading a couple of other recent posts about rebatching, I guess it seems i may have added too much water too. I thought I would have been okay with such a large water discount to begin with, but it looks like it probably wont ever harden back up. :cry2:.
  16. Okay I need some guidance here. I made a 3lb batch of the CCC castle soap on Millers site. My recipe is as follows I always do a water discount, 4% superfat, and Oven Process it in the end. 38oz Olive Oil 7 oz Coconut Oil 3oz Castor Oil 12oz water (30%) 6.5 lye (4% superfat) Brought it to a thick trance and poured it into my mold, set the oven to warm and let bake for 1.5 hrs. Turned oven off. Well my little girl came along and turned the oven back on :undecided so it cooked on warm all night. In the morning i removed it and it wasnt soo bad, except it was a little chalky and real soft like clay. I let it stay in the mold till I came home from work and it was still real soft. I chopped it up and stuck it in a large pot on the stove set on warm,added 3oz water and slowly melted it back down. Poured it back into the mold and let it sit on the counter overnight again. The next mroning I woke up and it was softer then the morning before. It is pretty liquid and didnt harden up a bit after the remelt. So whats going on?? It seems to be lathering very well, when i rub some of the liquid in my hands under the water. It seems like i made liquid soap or somthing. How do I get it to harden back up? Do I add more lye? I would just hate to see this expensive Olive Oil go to waste. Please Help
  17. just add it to the recipe you already use. Add it at trace. I usually add a couple ounces at trace for a 4lb batch.
  18. pft now that sounds like BS (not from you Luci but from the candle maker)
  19. love your presentation. great job on the rustics too.
  20. i forget why, but i dont think you should use it cause it has a sweetener in it. Same thing with sweetened coconut milk, use the one that is unsweetened.
  21. did you mix both of them in water? In the same type of container? I noticed that when I mix my lye in milk or tea, it gets hotter. Also if I use a glass container as aposed to a plastic one.
  22. wow thats a lot of soap.........are they cut yet?
  23. very very nice, i like the look of the added lemon peel.
  24. wow, nice and fluffy looking. it doesnt look like soap at all
  25. After just two days of curing, I took a bar in the shower, and this one bubbles like crazy. I miss my soap. I have been using the kiss my face line from the health food store and it doesnt even compair to homemade.
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