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Posts posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. I'm not sure about a heated wire, but I use a cheese slicer. I still don't get uniform bars but at least they are neatly cut. This is what I have.


    I think the tank and some of the other soap cutters actually use something like guitar wires. So, your heated wire might work just fine. Have you tried it without heating? CP is pretty soft and fairly easy to cut early on.

  2. Kitn, I started off using the full fat Greek Yogurt. But, I think I got a creamier bar with the regular full fat yogurts. YMMV. I would be interested in your results.

    Quiet, what you are wanting are the milk fats that are in the full fat yogurts. You can find these at Walmart generally, Great Value Plain Yogurt (Walmart's brand), Dannon All Natural Plain Yogurt, Stoneyfield Organic Plain Yogurt (a bit pricey) and Oikos Plain Greek Yogurt. None of the containers will have the words low-fat or no-fat on them. You might have to do a little digging to find them.

    Like Janet said, the low-fat yogurts may have other ingredients in them that you might not want in your soap. Or, cause it to misbehave.

    Janet, I wish I could find a local dairy to get some of the good stuff like that. I know there is a large Farmers Market a bit south the city but I don't know what they have. I'm sure there is something in the area, just need to find them!

  3. Quiet, yogurt is wonderful in CP. One of my favorite additives along with beer. I was very surprised how nice beer, or even tea, can make the bar feel on your skin. Carrot puree is also nice. But, I use the baby food version of that so keeps on the shelf just fine.

    Janet, good point on the sealer. Probably not a good thing to use the vac with that. I've never seen one in action so don't know how strong the suction is. Do you think the vacuum is worth it on a sealer. Been looking at the FoodSavers and none of them have glowing reviews. People either like them or they don't so the ratings are right in the middle.

  4. I may have to break down and get a Kitchen Saver Sealer. I think the food will keep nicer than just in a ziploc bag. I do soap more often but sometimes don't get a batch in before the yogurt or what have you expires. Think I would save more money if I portion it out first then just pull what I need.

    I don't have any other tips. But, thank you for sharing yours.

  5. I guess I wasn't necessarily looking to use soy, more some of the Silk flavors that sound interesting. I didn't realize they had Coconut Milk. I really like the soaps I have made with that. Yogurt is my other favorite. Saw the Almond Milk, wondered how that might do. I don't even remember what the Chocolate Mint was, just liked the flavor.

    I'm with you, I prefer the divided liquid method and add the dairy to my oils. I did make a Buttermilk and Honey soap with the liquid as full buttermilk. That was a bugger to keep from curdling while the lye melted. Very nice soap, not sure if it's worth the trouble. I can make a bar that feels just as nice by using a 40% lye solution and using milks, beer, tea, what have you as the liquid mixed in the oils to bring it down to a 33-35% lye solution (if that makes sense).

    Thanks for the info! If you try the Almond, let me know how it goes.

  6. She said you can just put the flaked chips in any container, stick a wick in and light!!! Voila for the perfect candle!

    Is that all it takes?? Gee, maybe I shouldn't have given up on making candles. :)

    I have to admit when I first started I didn't fully realize the amount of work that it takes to make a good, safe, consistent candle. I have a deep appreciation and admiration for those of you who have conquered the wax, wick, FO conundrum. I'll just stick with melts, soap and B&B, I like the hair on my head.

    She obviously thought she knew your craft better than you. Can't cure stupid.

  7. Candybee, I know several months back you were going to try some of the Silk Soy Milk as the liquid in your soap. Did you every try any? How did it work out for you? Notice any difference between the Silk and just cream, goat milk or yogurt?

    I saw a carton of Silk Chocolate Mint at the store the other day and thought that might make an interesting soap.


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