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Posts posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. Thanks for the info. I will eventually do a slab mold, but I'm still learning and experimenting. So, these little molds are a nice size. And, I have a consistent batch size while testing.

    Read a tip somewhere to spray the top with 91% alcohol to help prevent ash. If I remember correctly it was for those that are put into a warm oven. Don't see why that wouldn't work if you don't tho....

  2. So, a couple of questions for those of you that make milk soaps. I have read that these soaps should be put in a slab mold instead of a loaf mold due to overheating. Is that really the case?

    Ladysj, I saw that you used your silicone loaf for your buttermilk batch. Any issues?

    Since milk soaps tend to heat up would it not be recommended to put these in the oven to force gel? Either in a loaf or slap mold? Just insulate well?

    Thank for your any insights you have.


  3. oh gawd, I don't want to hear that! I love my old Kitchenaid. Maybe the Cuisinart SmartStick is close?


    Saw this one as well. Looks like a one piece, but it's got that new style top as well, unfortunately.


  4. You will notice in about 2-3 weeks that your skin is healthier and softer if you start using your M&P soap. I tell that to my customers and when they come back for more soap they tell me I was right!

    What she said! :)

    I noticed even quicker than that because even Ivory was a bit harsh to me. A couple of times I used the Ivory (unable to convert DH) and my skin felt dry and scratchy. I don't think I can every go back again.

    The lady that cuts my hair buys my soap and she told me that her husband is happy when she brings some home. He likes how it makes his skin feel.

  5. Sneaky girl, sneaky.lol.gif

    tlc, I agree, very sneaky. Wish I would have thought of it. :laugh2:

    shred up a bar of lever, combine the shreds 50/50 with M&P. After it has hardened, wash it a bunch to make it look like a used bar and stick it in the shower. When that's gone, make the next bar 25/75...hehehehe

    Pam this is a great idea!! :highfive: Now I just have to find the mold that looks like Ivory.

  6. I'm not sure if that is Luis or not, unless he moved. It says they are located in the North Georgia mountains. Luis was actually only a few miles from me and was supposedly building a B&M store in Kennesaw. Although we have some mountains in the area, not sure I would call NW Atlanta area Georgia mountains. I would think more like the Blue Ridge area. Something to keep an eye on though....

    eta: But you're right, the website is very similar

  7. My boys are all over everything I make. And all they care about is do they like the scent, doesn't matter if it's feminine, masculine or unisex. They both wear cologne anyway. But DH really doesn't have a favorite scent. He doesn't wear cologne, after shave or anything. The only fragrance he does like Lilac but only in candles and such. Probably should just make him something unscented cuz I haven't been able to change his mind. *dead horse*

  8. I can't DH to hardly use anything I make. The only thing he does is a tube of lip balm because it works really well. But, soap, lotion, body butter, nope. And, he doesn't get sugar scrub at all, he thinks it will be sticky. He's one of my best salesman though and knows that others really like my stuff. I think he's afraid of losing his 'Man Card'. :)

  9. Periwinkle, I know what you mean. I held off doing it because of my dogs. But, they are easier to lock out of a room than kids. :)

    Faerywren, I read that spices and florals need to be done cool. But, was following the instructions that I had and got impatient. Did a second batch today with a floral and used RTCP. For me, that was MUCH better and more relaxing than constantly checking the temp. Had enough time to do some swirlies. Hopefully they came out.

    Yup, Moonshadow, I have been assimilated.

    Everyone else, thank you so much for your comments!!

  10. Just a word from someone who started soaping 10+ years ago. Never stop using your protective gear.

    I agree, protective gear stays. But, I did like a double-layer of clothing (if one is good, two is better right?!) and got a bit warm. I was gonna make darn sure I didn't get burned by the lye. I'm starting with small batches, so there is not a lot of water, but it only takes a drop.

    Cut the soap and got partial gel. :sad2: Probably removed the insulation too soon. The FO discolors to a light ivory, which I wanted. But, I also used unrefined Shea and I think that made it more muddy, at least with the gel. The left over soap I just mixed together and put in a single mold. Didn't insulate that one and I'm pretty sure it didn't gel. Colors look much better. Dumb me, forgot to release the air pockets, was trying to make the tops look pretty. A more textured top would have looked better rather than trying to smooth it out like brownies. Anyway, it smells good and a little sliver was nice and bubbly.



  11. LOL - See? It really ISN'T like making homemade dynamite!!! Glad you had fun and can hardly wait for cut pics! :-)

    No it's not, although I probably looked like I dressed for a HAZMAT spill. :cheesy2: Now that I made it through the first batch, I can relax and just make soap. Don't mean the safety precautions, just not worrying so much about doing something wrong. Enjoy the process and learn.

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the encouragement. Yup, probably already addicted. I've had so much fun with M&P, playing with the recipes that Candybee and others so kindly provided. And, finally got my base recipe where I wanted. But, after watching all of you either starting CP or the soap porn from the experienced, I've been dying to try it. Although the cure time is going to kill me after the immediate (or almost immediate) gratification from M&P.

    I'll work on getting some cut pics up.

  12. Darn no video! It's gorgeous anyway! I'm hooked on youtube videos for soap now that PC is working properly.

    I know what you mean, I watched her hanger swirl video and she makes it look so easy.

    Barbara, appreciate the videos. Beautiful swirls as always!

  13. After watching everyone else, I finally made my first batch of CP Soap. And, didn't blow anything up! Yay!! :yay:

    Used the silicone loaf mold from the co-op (Thank you Jen) and fragranced with Scentworks Kerala Spice Amber. Soap got thick a lot sooner than I thought. Think I got a little too SB happy. Lye and oils were around 105 degrees when I mixed. Once I added the FO it got thick pretty quick, probably should have gone a little cooler for that. So, swirls didn't quite turn out like I hoped.

    Hopefully, it won't be too fugly when unmolded. Smells wonderful though.

    Here are some pics in the mold.



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