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Posts posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. I got an email back from them this afternoon. She said they had an overwhelming response to the sale which has significantly impacted their processing time. They tried to anticipate that but just have too many orders. They are also short staffed because some of their personnel are out on extended leave. Some orders are also being held because they are running into shortages on popular items. If that continues, they may ship partial orders at their expense. They provided an email addy if I needed the shipment sooner and they would try to accommodate.

    Since I'm not really in any hurry, other than I want to play with the fragrances, I can be patient. But, at least I know they have the order and are working on it. Hopefully I'll get it before too long.

  2. Well, I'm not much help there because I'm not much of a bakery scent person. Another member has been trying to broaden my horizons and have found a few that I like. The closest to that combo I have would be Guinevere's Attraction from Moonworks. But, that is more of a vanilla base, no cinnamon or almond. Still would be nice in soap. I don't have the links here at work, and I know the searches are not working the best right now, but there are one or two threads with recipe blends the mix masters have come up with. I'll try to remember to post them.

  3. For those of you that have ordered from The Scent Works, how long does it normally take for an order to ship? I order some fragrance oils last Friday and the order stated it would take 3-4 days for processing. I know she just had the year-end sale and didn't know if that usually slows down orders. I sent an email this morning but have not had a reply.

    I don't want to be a pest but I just got bit by Snowdrift, so a bit antsy. I have never ordered directly from them, just bought some things off the classies.

    Thanks for any info.

  4. Blanca, I have tried to contact them as well with no luck. I don't have any product nor a refund. Fortunately my order was only about $60. But for me, that is a lot of money since I'm just starting out with the business. At this point I have opened a dispute with my credit card company. Still waiting to hear from that.

  5. Band-aid, Post-it Notes...

    Classic, I'm originally from KCMO and grew up calling it pop as well. Often still do to odd looks. I remember in the KC area they had stores in the area called the Pop Shoppe. Same thing here in Georgia, everything is a Coke and then you get the what kind question.

  6. Jackie, good to know about the book, I hope it will be a good place to start. I'm only interested in CP at the moment, so not mentioning CPOP or HP isn't too much of a concern. But your right, having a section on the processes would have been nice in order to understand the differences.

    I have a mask that I got from one of the suppliers. I'll probably wear that just to be safe. I already have quite a few oils and other ingredients because I do B&B type stuff so have the stuff on hand. My problem will be keeping the dogs out of the basement if I'm down there. If scratching at the door doesn't work they will just go out the doggy door and stare at me thorough the outside basement door. My dogs have mastered the pitiful look.

  7. Just one more tip. Do not make soap wearing fleece, it attracts the lye beads something awful.

    Well darn, I guess the sweats are out. My slaps and socks are probably not a good idea either! :cheesy2:

    I figured I was going to have to wear something more sensible along with gloves and goggles. Although, I probably would have worn a sweatshirt. It's the only thing long-sleeve that I have. Thanks for the info.

  8. Actually, it was. :laugh2:

    Sometimes I realize I have attitudes about certain things for silly reasons and when I think it all the way through, it makes my face red and my eyeballs roll.

    Oh good!! :thumbsup: I have a really warped sense of humor sometimes and some people don't understand. Just didn't want you to think I wasn't taking you seriously.

    You've mentioned some good tips and I'll be sure to write them down. Dryer sheets, huh? Those little suckers are good for quite a few things.

  9. Do you have gasoline in your garage? Lye is simply another hazardous chemical. If stored and used with precaution there is no reason to view it as being more hazardous than something which can explode, burn your house down or leave your skin hanging off your body in sheets. Use common sense and follow precautions, just as you (hopefully) would do when fueling a lawnmower or lighting a barbecue.

    Stella, you made me laugh (I know that was not your intent). It just puts some perspective on the situation. That is so true, gasoline, the bbq, our fireplace. Heck, don't even give me the chain saw. Talk about dangerous.

    Basically, all of them you have to pay attention to what you are doing and use common sense like you said. I think it's just the mystery and lore that surrounds lye that makes people afraid of it. That is why I want to read and learn as much as I can. I think once I fully understand the process it won't seem to intimidating. That seems to be the one common theme I have seen in my reading. Always pay attention, do not get distracted, because it only takes a second.

    Ktn, I probably won't even buy the lye until I think I'm ready to try. I actually just ordered a book from Amazon, Smart Soapmaking by Anne Watson. It had positive reviews from Kathy Miller from Millers and Anne-Marie from Brambleberry, so should have some good information. I already have the Millers Soapmaking boomarked.

    Thank you both for the information.

  10. But, my husband sorta draws the line at hazardous chemicals. I'm not the most graceful of people and we have 3 small dogs who own the house (they just let us live here). We don't have a dedicated workshop, just our basement. I currently do M&P, which I enjoy, but would like to learn this process as well.

    I've been reading the threads about lye being available at Ace Hardware or Lowes. Then I could just buy a small quantity just to test. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad to start.

    So, how do those of you with pets and small children handle this?

    Also, I have been reading some online articles about the CP process but would really like a good book before I try to make anything. Would the Soapmakers Companion be a good one to start with? Is there one that is better for a beginner? I've also been through the sticky in this forum, which has some good tips.

    I would appreciate hearing your experiences and suggestions. :smiley2:


  11. For those of you that placed an order during their closing sale, have you received your shipment or had a refund processed? The last email I got from them said they were unable to produce some butters due to issues with the bank. So, they were shipping the orders that they could and would begin processing refunds on the 27th of December.

    I had ordered some Aloe Butter but had several other things as well. I was hoping they would at least send the remaining items that I ordered but haven't received a shipping notice. And, no refund has posted to my card. I sent an email earlier this week and have not had a reply. Nor do they answer the phone. I don't mind waiting for the items as long as I know it's coming. But, I have no idea one way or another.

    How is it going for anyone else? Thanks for any info.


  12. Has anyone tried the CIS Ink Systems for their inkjets? Looks like you could save quite a bit of money on toner. Of course, having the ink and tubes hanging out don't make the printer look very pretty but I can live with that. Some have good reviews others do not. These are the two I've been looking at.



    The second one is more expensive but it has a case surrounding the ink to keep out the light and is 'supposedly' balanced to keep the air out of the tanks.

    Just curious about any experiences with these or do they just leak and ruin the print heads. Thanks for any info.


  13. Karen, keep an eye on Tradewinds. According to the website they have a target date of January 2012 for fragrances. Maybe they will carry that FO again. I never had the opportunity to use them but people seem to really like their oils. I have been using their Select Shades colors and they are working out well for me.

  14. I agree, realliy like the pics and descriptions. Nice job.

    I know you didn't ask for feedback but I did notice something on the description for the Lilac. Either a word is missing or 'will' is supposed to be 'scent', or something like that.

    Fragrant spring blooms will the air

  15. [Edited to add:] A search of the Fragrance Oil Finder turned up a fo called Windsong Balsam Pine. It's carried by WSP, Lebermuth and Sweet Cakes. I have no idea who it's original to or what the Windsong part means, didn't there used to be a Windsong perfume? Anyway it sounds like it would be worth a try. I hths!

    Yup, there was. I can't seem to forget you, your Wind Song stays on my mind.... :whistle:

    I'm going to have to stop by the store to see what Fresh Balsam smells like. Picked up some of their Apple Wreath hand soap and like that really well.

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