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Posts posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. Candybee, that is my concern as well. Since I'm pretty new to selling, I don't want to take a chance on their being some ingredient that someone has an allergy to. I can't read the ingredient list on my label it's so darn small, so that is why I'm doing the handout. My warning just consists of stating that I use nut oils and shea and to discontinue use if they breakout.

    Glycerin is kind of an odd allergy. One of my friends has the same type of reaction to mineral oil. You just never know.

    Thanks for the info on the warning label and ingredient list. Wasn't 100% sure what the law stated. But like you said, better safe than sorry and have an upset customer.

  2. I haven't actually used the FO, just products made with it, but I think Sweetcakes has the best dupe I've smelled. But, it is uber expensive. I have tried ones from Berts, CS, NG and one other place I can't remember off the top of my head. Of those, I though Berts was the closest but it's a very light scent in product. Does pretty good as just a warmer oil. In another thread someone mentioned that Aroma Haven's Interlude is a pretty close if not an exact dupe. Haven't tried that one yet.

  3. Don't know how many you are looking for but Container and Packaging Supply has good prices on their supplies. Shipping to me isn't too bad because I'm in Georgia and they ship out of their Kentucky warehouse. They do have a $50 minimum order or a $10 small order fee will apply. If you are just needing a few, NG carries them at not too bad a price.

  4. Yes, it is too bad, but at least now we know for sure. I wonder if the new business is still in the Birmingham area or elsewhere. Doesn't say on the new site. Would be nice to be able to pickup wax and glassware and save on shipping. Thanks for giving us the update.

  5. I like the finely ground oatmeal in my oatmeal soap and baby food oatmeal is just the right texture if you want to avoid the grinding step. The first time I tried it, I didn't have either a coffee grinder or blender, and this worked so well I haven't tried it any other way.

    Well that is a thought. Is there any other ingredients in baby oatmeal or is it just plain oatmeal? Been a while since I've look at baby food!

  6. Wow, might have to give this a try. I've only used IPM to cut the greasies in lotion or body butter. But, it does mix well with fragrance. Wonder if it's lighter than DPG. I gave up on Reed Diffusers quite some time ago because I could never get them to work like I wanted. You'll have to let us know how your experiment is going.

  7. What I have been doing in the main part of the ingredients, I'll list Glycerine Base, Ingredient A, Ingredient B, Liquid Castille Soap, etc. Then I have another list of the ingredients in the glycerine base and another for the liquid castille. I've created a little hand-out that I give to people if they want. That way I can also list any allergy warnings. I have the info, in teeny tiny letters, on the label, but who can read that. I'm probably doing way too much but would rather people be informed.

    I saw a liquid Castille from a supplier, can't remember which one, Brambleberry, Chemistry Store... anyway, they have a liquid Castile that only has like 4 ingredients. I'm wanting to get a bottle of that and try. If it works, would be easier to list those ingredients rather than breaking them out.

  8. I use SFIC and really like it. I get a nice hard bar, even with all the additives I put it in. And, I add a little beeswax to make it creamy and it helps with the hardness.

    Stephenson is actually a very moisturizing base but it was too soft for me. Others have no issues. I was only able to buy some small sample sizes of Essentials base. It seemed nice but I didn't have much to work with. Since I'm not buying in bulk, EBC was out for me.

    So, I've been taking advantage of the SFIC co-ops. Or, I get it from Peaks when they have a break on their shipping. If you are on their mailing list, they just sent out an email with 25% off shipping thru the 14th.

  9. Don't know if you seen some of the other threads, but once you know what you like, Camden Grey is a great place to order oils. They have a wide variety, you can buy smaller quantities and shipping isn't too bad. Although I use oil from the grocery store as well, you have no idea how long it may have been in a warehouse. Not sure if it's much different than at the supplier but I guess I get the warm fuzzies knowing for sure that it's designed for cosmetic use. If I remember correctly from other threads, which we can't find right now, the oils from the store are food grade so are a higher quality than the cosmetic grade since it's used for cooking. So, probably just my own phobia! :cheesy2: The best price for bulk sizes is at Soapers Choice. Not sure how shipping is though. I'm not at that point to use that much oil yet.

    Btw, Candybee's and Prarie Annie's recipes are great. I made her Herbal Bamboo soap. I only had Asian Amber and no Bamboo, so I used Peaks Mountain Honey instead. Turned out wonderful and the tea leaves give a nice, light exfoliation. You are going to have a blast.

  10. Yup, I use that, too. DH brought home some honey from Wisconsin that is made by friends of his sister, they keep bees. Absolutely a wonderful tasting honey. Worked great in my soap as well.

  11. Yup, those oils will work. I used to get both the Castor and Olive Oils at Walmart. In some stores with specialty oil sections you can find the Sunflower, Safflower, Sesame, Avocado oils etc. I bought mine from there so I could test and see what oils I liked best then ordered from one of the suppliers.

    For the liquid soap, Dr. Bronners is what seems to be recommended. I get the baby version because there is no fragrance. But any non-fragranced liquid soap would probably work.

  12. My second shipping notice was USPS on the 20th. I didn't receive the package until the 31st and I'm closer than you are. Plus there was not any activity on the tracking number until the day it was delivered. I looked at it one more time before sending another email to Rhonda. According to the tracking, it wasn't mailed until the 27th or 28th.

    I haven't used the Elements version but I really like this oil. Used it in lotion and body butter so far. The testers are loving it, they think it's a fresh and relaxing fragrance. I would be intersted to know how it has worked in wax for people.

  13. Ingredients to Die For is in Austin (I think) http://www.ingredientstodiefor.com/ They are a little more expensive on some of their oils, but it might work out depending on shipping. Waiting on my first order from them.

    Another place in Austin is Texas Natural Supply http://www.texasnaturalsupply.com/default.aspx?categoryid=0 Also, more expensive but it might be worth checking out to see if shipping is better. I've never used this supplier.

    Some of the best prices I've found for smaller amounts of oils is Camden Grey (they also have bulk prices) http://www.camdengrey.com/ They have an on-going special of $8.95 for a shipment of 4lbs or less. Shipping isn't too bad if over that amount. They are in Miami and have been a great supplier for me.

    Soapers Choice is definitely the best place to get oils at a good price. But, you have to buy in the larger containers. Every so often, someone will do a co-op from there and will bottle the oils in smaller containers.

    hth - J

  14. I used to work for a trucking company and I work for Financial Services at my current company (code monkey both places). Yes, there are fuel surcharges which often change daily. However, at both companies, once the physical quote is given, the shipping cost is honored regardless of what fuel costs are doing. Quotes were generally good for 30 days unless otherwise stated. Once it's invoiced, that is considered even more binding and the shipping costs would not change. Now, there may have been exceptions, such as the Customer wanted to add additional services such as Lift Gate or Residential Delivery. But, the additional costs are made very clear to the Customer. Or, in the case of the trucking company, what the Customer stated was being picked up and what was actually picked up, were two different things. Again, the Customer was notified and any issues resolved.

    I know a couple of places, like The Herbarie and Bayousome do not quote shipping because they try to get the best price. But those sites are clearly marked. I've ordered from BCN several times and I don't remember anything saying that all prices are just estimates. If that is the case, it should state that on the invoice. I would be pretty upset if the invoice I got and the price charged to my credit card were different. An invoice is supposed to be an itemized bill not a guess.

    I love your remarks Scented. Kinda like the Chef at a restaurant coming out and saying he is going to have to charge more for that steak because it was difficult to cook or used more ingredients. :cheesy2:

  15. I'm not the best with this. I used the unimaginative Mountain Pine for mine. But maybe,

    Pine Forest

    Berries and Pine

    Country Pine

    Evergreen and Berries

    Walk in the Woods or Hike in the Woods

    I've been trying to think of something to that doesn't always relate to Christmas or Winter

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