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Posts posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. laura,

    Thanks for sharing, will definitely gives this a try. I like to do room sprays but hadn't found a base I was overly fond of. Hadn't tired Elements yet, tho.

    When using this recipe as a room spray, have you noticed any oily or slippery feel on the floor once the spray settles? I'm assuming you don't use the glycerin in the room spray, just the body spray.

    Now I want to stay home from work and play with this!!


  2. I use 464 as well and add a little 4630. Like IwantItGreen, I use it to stabilize the wax. I do color my candles and it has helped tremendously with frosting. Even after the candle has sat on the shelf for a few months. And, I can pour hotter and still get a smooth top.

    Right now I'm struggling with wicking. I get the best HT with the ECO's but they burn a little hot and I do get a small mushroom. The CD's burn the best for me, but I don't think I get as good of a HT.

    But, sometimes I just don't understand soy at all. Made some test candles with a fragrance and different wicks. One looked really good so some made more containers using the same 'recipe' and the keeper wick. Wouldn't you know it, every single one of them tunneled. Only thing I can think of is the environmental differences. I have a board I keep next to me to beat against my head.... :cheesy2:

  3. May I ask a silly question? Is the Glycerin in the recipe as a humectant or just for the glide? If it's purpose is a humectant, maybe you could sub OO or honeyquat. I've been playing with Hydrovance in some of my stuff with good results.

    If it's for the glide I'm still thinking something like cyclo. Haven't played with esters yet, but have some on the way from Lotioncrafters. Can't wait to see what those can do.

    Now, I admit I'm still learning about B&B products and the various ingredients. So, I apologize if I'm on the wrong track. Just basing it on everything I have read and my experimentation.

  4. Thanks so much for all the information and tips! I really appreciate it. Wasn't sure if I was out in left field or what. Just noticed a big difference by letting them sit for a couple of days.

    Scented, I think you've mentioned that you use test tubes. Did you get those from like a science supply store?

    cedar_lea, some very good info and techniques.

    Thanks everyone!!


  5. Sorry if this is a stupid question. But, for those of you that blend fragrances, do you blend and use immediately? Or, let them sit for a day or two before using? Does mxing then waiting help the fragrances meld together?

    I'm thinking of it like a marinade, needs time for the flavors to blend together. Did a couple of blends and put on test strips. Been a couple of days and I really like the fragrance. So, wasn't sure if one method is better than the other to get the fragrance like it smells on the strip.

    Thanks for any tips!


  6. Thanks moonshine for the update! Hopefully, I can get this into some wax this weekend. Broke down and ordered yet more stuff from Lotioncrafters. Really want to try this in an aftershave. Maybe I'll try a lotion bar this weekend, too.

    I'm really liking this oil.

  7. What about reducing the Shea a little and adding some Cocoa or Kokum butter? Not sure how soft you want your bars to be. Or, instead add a little beeswax. Not sure how much drag that might give you though. Only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is using some Babassu. But, I think that melts at skin temp as well, so may not buy you much more than 96 Coconut.

    In the office, so don't have my notes. Will take a look at some of the recipes I've played around with when I get home.

  8. If you like #6, I think you'll like Ancient Incense. I believe Frankincense is the dominant note OOB. It's a complex fragrance that has quite a bit going on. It's very nice. #6 has something in it that's a little more green/sweet. But, Gonesh seems to keep their fragrance blends locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

    I soaked this on wood punk incense and not crazy about it on that. I think the wood smell from the punk interferes with the fragrance. Need to try it on charcoal, will probably be happier. I don't think you will be disappointed.

  9. Now that it's had a little more time to develop, it's not all that bad. Doesn't evoke thoughts of changing diapers anymore. Still think the Baby Powder is still too strong and that surprises me. Would have thought the Oakmoss and Amber would be stronger. So, probably need to cut back a bit on the Baby Powder. Might try a 2:1, see what it does. Not sure if it will be a spa scent or not. What's on the strip now would be good for a baby product, like a shampoo or mild soap.

    You might get what you're looking for with the FO straight if it settles down in the wax. It is very, very nice on the strip. But, even in the warmer oil the Oakmoss seemed to overpower the Amber. Maybe the wax will help mellow it out.

    I'm there with ya, love Musk, or Amber or Patchouli blends.

  10. Well Steve, not sure about the Baby Powder mixed with this. Right now the only thing that comes to mind when I smell the scent is Desitin. Maybe something for a baby's room?

    eta: Btw, I did a 1:1 ratio

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