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Everything posted by heirloomoriginals

  1. Very nice, indeed! I agree, I love the different fonts with the different scents. Very classy and definitely catches your eye! Steph
  2. THat does look great. Can't wait until I have the time and money to try this! I bought a similar one from BBW and it felt great on my skin, probably great on a sunburn as well! STeph
  3. THat looks great and I bet it smells great too. Steph
  4. I just bought some pringles at the store today (ds was good), so I will save it and try it when my oils get here! Steph
  5. That looks lovely, bet it smells great too! Steph
  6. I bought some Coconut milk to try with Pina Coloda as soon as my oils get here! Steph
  7. I found them in Walmart in the craft section, where the incense stuff is. It wasn't too bad of a price either. HTH, Steph
  8. Hey, at least you tried and found out it didn't work. Live and Learn!! Steph
  9. That is awesome!! I hope your story encourages others who are in the same situation. Steph
  10. That looks great! I bought some HI candles (tealights) last fall, but they didn't smell when I burnt them, but that soap has to smell yummy! STeph
  11. I order from a place in PA (where I am) and they have unrefined cocoa for $3.00/lb, deodorized for $3.50, unrefined shea for$5.00 and Mango and $6 something. Shipping isn't too bad either. They also carry a few EO at a great price! www.6harmony.com HTH, Stephanie
  12. DId you get your brushes from BCN? I would love to try these some day. Steph
  13. Cool, lovin' those waves on the top! SEriously, I will try some of this for you. Sounds awesome. STeph
  14. I just ordered a sample set of her soaps and I can't wait to try them! They all sound so yummy smelling and they look even better. I have one batch of soap curing, so I need some to use in the meantime. I refuse to use store bought soap ever again!! Steph
  15. Those do look nice. Sounds like it would be so good for dry winter skin!! Steph
  16. Those look great! Nice and smooth and creamy. Steph
  17. I sure could use some of this right now, as I am trying to shake a cold!! Steph
  18. I took out a few that weren't bath and body safe, but I will use them for tarts! Steph
  19. Great job and congrats on trying CP (it is addicting). I can't wait to see some cut pics. Stephanie
  20. That is awesome!!! I can't wait to try a swirl (waiting for Co-op oils). Steph
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